Monday, July 8, 2019

Summer Reads

Happy Monday my friends,

I recently did a write up of my summer playlist, well in this post I'll be covering my favorite  summer themed reads from over my life. It's not a big list, I may add to it as I find more. So for now enjoy this short list.

The Ghost at Dawn's House (Baby-Sitter's Club #9) by Ann M. Martin
This first book on this list is my favorite book of all in the Baby-Sitter's Club series, I mentioned this in my 9C list post. This book is a summer adventure involving secret passages, a possible haunting, and it got me interested in hollow books if I'm not mistaken. It contained everything a good ghost hunting story a kid needed, even though it probably was not the smartest idea for my over active imagination. I read this in elementary school so it should be safe for your kids, it's not too scary.

Baby-sitters on Board! (The Baby-Sittter's Club Special #1) by Ann M. Martin
Yes another BSC book, but this one is puts me in a summer mood more than the first one. I mean it's set on a cruise ship and at Disney World, that's a Summer vacation dream there. This book inspired some of my summer hi jinx when I was younger. One of the characters Mallory had just read Harriet the Spy so she plays spy the whole trip, which inspired me to play spy on a camping trip. I had a notebook and would document the people and things I saw at the campground.

Disney Adventures July 1st 1995
My sister and I were subscribed to the magazine as kids. I still have a lot of the old issues in one of my book shelves, but this and a few others that were my favorites went missing over the years. The main article was about Batman Forever and since this was during the POGS craze I think they had like the origin story of them, a topic I plan on talking about later. Anyway the big thing that I poured over was the "101 Ideas for Sizzling Summer Fun". This had so many great ideas for summer vacation, I think I'd take this out when I'd got for a walk just to inspire my imagination, I don't know if I did any of them, except maybe the one that said count you mosquito bites. Those bloodsuckers love me. *scratches bites*

Ghost Cat by Beverly Butler
This is another ghost related book. Even though I'd forgotten most of the book the one thing that I remember was the scene the main character has with her elder relation as he's showing her how to use a compass. This is a good summer ghost story. I read this in middle school so it might be better for your preteen maybe older child, cause there is some scary parts in this.

Horse Crazy Series by Virginia Vail
First I gotta thank the Unicorner for helping me remember the name of the series. I went through a stage were I was into horses so this book about a summer horse camp, was perfect for me, even though I'm too scared to ride one. There's only six books in the series. Each book follows a week at the six week camp. If you have a horse lover in need of a summer read this is a good series if you can find it, I read it in middle school I think, but I think it may be ok for kids.

YM June/July 1995
This come out around the same time as the Disney Adventure previously mention so it had Chris O'Donnell from Batman Forever. This also had an article with Summer ideas for teens called "Real Life Summer Sizzle", what was with using the word sizzle that year? It basically gives 95 ideas for the summer of '95. I have the article in a summer scrapbook. I actually didn't get this magazine for maybe a few years after it come out, cause I was only like 10. It was in some hand-me-downs from some family members. I don't know if I kept this on me during the summer like I did the first magazine, I probably did. Looking back over this article it really takes you back to days of phone cards and early online computer accounts.

Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen
I did a write up about this book not to long ago. But I thought it was a perfect adult book for the list, I finally have a good adult book to add to the summer list. Allen casts that magic realism spell on a lake in Georgia, is that the right term magic realism? There is a sadness to the book, but the descriptions of summer just put you in a summer mood.

What books are your favorites to read during the summer? What was a favorite summer read of yours as a child? Let me know in the comments.
Hope you guys have a good week, read lots, and God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Friday, July 5, 2019

The Ninja Writer's Library- Mystic Women

Hello you awesome bookworms,

In this installation of the library the theme is mystical women. We travel to the treets of New Oreleans to a story book inspired world. So follow me as we dive back into the pages.

Spirits, Hurricanes, and the Krewe of Ghoul
by Deanna Chase

I was intrigued by the description of this story when I was trying desperately to find something new to read from the library. A tale set at Halloween with vampires, count me in. This was a short story set in the world of Pyper Rayne, which is set in New Orleans. She gets invited to a Vampire themed float and gets more than she bargained for.
This was a quick read given it was a few chapter long short story. I loved it was set in New Orleans, it's on my list of places I want to visit. I also enjoyed the antics of the ghost Ida May, who is lively for a dead chick.
There is a bit of adult content, but it's a parade on Bourbon Street what do you expect. I've watched live cams there during Mardi Gras so I know what I'm talking about. As I usually do I just breezed past these parts.
It was a nice intro to this character and her world, and a nice little read to pass the time.

Spirits, Stilettos, and a Silver Bustier (Pyper Rayne #1)
by Deanna Chase

Reading the short story above made me interested in reading the first book, which luckily the library had. In this book we have Pyper trying to find a murderer without becoming a victim herself.
A very interesting cast of characters. Pyper a medium, who owns a coffee shop and does body painting, Jade a witch who works at the coffee shop and is high up in her coven, Ida May the shop's ghost who causes mischief and flirts with the cute guys, well as much as you can when your a ghost who can't be seen by normal people.

I found this book to be the right amount of strange and amusing , especially where Ida May was involved. I may go back and read the Jade books that came before.

Magic Lost, Trouble Found by Lisa Shearin

This is the first book in the Raine Benares Series. This might be my first fantasy novel in a while, as in the old school medieval setting. *Checks book journal* Yeah if you count Howl's Moving Castle and Stardust it's been since last year. I use to eat fantasy novels up, luckily Captain was my enabler.
I have to say I like the main character. Raine is one spunky chick. She can take care of herself, she's loyal to those she loves, and has a cat that likes her neighbor more. Sadly it's her caring for her friends that gets her into the trouble she finds... see what I did there. *points to the title of book*
This I think is the first time I've seen goblins be sexy. They are described as an alluring race. I never thought I would see this. All this time thier the annoying blame things you start out fighting in a game, now their hot, gotta love fantasy...

Spelled (The Storymakers)
by Betsy Schow

Continuing on the path of mystical females and first books in a series we come to Dorthea a princess of Emerald who in wanting her circumstances to change breaks her world. Defiantly a be careful what you wish for moment.

Dorthea lives in a fairytale world that puts me in the mind of the Shrek and Ella Enchanted movies. All the famous fairytales and stories coexist here where they apparently believe in the great Storymakers who write the rules and happily ever afters of this world. Dorthea like her mother and female ancestors before are forced to forever remain inside the castle away from flame for fear of some curse put on them by a witch. I'd go crazy. I mean I can be a homebody, but forever trapped inside. I mean at least there are credit cards in this realm so she could order things if she wished.
This was a nice reworking of the fairy tales we know, I loved language this world had very fairytale themed. This is another series I may if I get the chance continue to read.

I hope you enjoyed that romp through literature. I hope you find something fun to read this weekend, and may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

AARC 2019

Hello my geeky friends,

Saturday my peeps and I attended the Asheville Anime Regional Convention (AARC), it was a world of anime, video games, and just plain geekiness. But before we get to the fun of the day let's look at our players:

Fangirl is rocking her own design of Steven Universe's Rose Quartz, a dark Rose Quartz. She painted the shield herself.

Econut and we'll call this friend Audette went as Bowser and a Evil Peach.

Econut is proud of the Chomp she painted on her vest and the shoes she painted:

Yours truly went as the Doctor. Geronimo! I went with a bow tie Fangirl found for me. I'm gonna use the homemade one for Pumpkinfest this year. Despite it being warm I surprisingly didn't get too hot in my layers.

Ok now you know your characters, lets get on with the tale of our day.  Fangirl and I both left things at our houses my sonic and her shield, luckily we were not far from my house when we had to turn back, but Fangirl's place was halfway across the county. After gathering all our forgotten goods we finally met up with the other two members of our party halfway back the other side of the county, only to be separated again cause their car was unable to move as fast as Fangirl's. It all finally come together when we all met up in the parking lot, and late our Marshmallow Rainbow Maids Cafe reservation, never fear we managed to get another slot.

There was a good crowd at the con...

...and lots of costumes. I saw Deodorant Man at one point (see last years post).

After making a reservation we watched a little of the lip synch battle which Audette had wanted to see. After our brief respite we did a walk through of the Artist Alley. We ran into Amanda Churi the indie Author we've ran into the last few cons we've been to. I purchased the third and final book in her book series The Twisted Trilogy: In Eden's Shadow. Check out her work the trilogy has made for an interesting read.

The best line heard at the con was a girl in a corset who'd said "Goodbye organs, Hello beauty." I got three "Fezzes are cool", and 2 people saying Eccleston was an underrated Doctor, very true.

We went to the Plus Size Cosplay panel were the host we'll call her Velma told us of her struggles of being a plus size cosplayer. I applaud her for telling her story and trying to make plus sized cosplayers the social norm. As a plus size cosplayer myself I'd like to see this. 
After this panel we headed to the Marshmallow Rainbow Maids Cafe room. As we waited we saw the profiles of each maid on the wall. Econut said it'd be funny if we got Maid Gaki, the Sukeban (Gangsta Type). Guess who we got?

When we went in we were given sticks with streamers and bells on them, cat toys as one maid called them, so we could cheer on the maids performance. Which we happily did. after the performance the maids took our order and served us all while we engaged in a game with Maid Gaki called What Do You Meme? We shared a table with a woman dressed as a cat and a  red Power Ranger, who told me David Tennant was going to be at a nearby con, and I'm like put a knife in my heart why don't ya!

Trinkets from the Rainbow Maids

After we got a pic with our maid and returned the cat toys,  we went back to the stage area to watch some of the Asheville Kendo Club demonstrations. After watching some audience members whacking club members with sticks we cruised the dealers area. I got me some more dice and a couple Yugioh cards to add to my collection.

Worn out from our wanderings we sat and watched a bit of A Taste of Asia Dance Fitness while waiting for the Cosplay Contest, only at a con will you see a fitness group with a Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service, and Link, Bob Ross, and Dinosaur dancing to the side, did I mention Bob Ross was doing the floss? Again only at a con.

Fangirl bid us adieu as she went to get ready for the contest, then Econut and Audette went to find a place Econut could smoke. So I was the lone picture taker for the group. Fangirl was in the beginners section and I think she did her poses perfectly:

Sadly she didn't place, but she did get a nice applause. I didn't enter cause I figured my Doctor costume would place. The big story was during the journeyman level. A Spiderman Noir had just gone up and he was followed by a Spider Gwen, this also happened in the beginners. As this Spider Gwen was doing her poses Noir gets back on stage and proposes to her:

And if you couldn't tell she said yes. Like I've said only at a con.

We did one more spin through Artist Alley and then we parted ways with Econut and Audette. I have to say a con is more fun when you're in a group of peeps.

Fangirl and I decided to go to this Japanese eatery called Waku Waku, they were offering a discount for AARC cosplayers, and we weren't the only ones. It was like a mini AARC after party. Unfortunately the sudden flux of customers had the small staff swamped trying to keep up orders, so there was a wait for food. We ordered some Takoyaki: Japanese Octopus balls, for our appetizer, not only were these my first octopus balls this was also my first time tasting their Waku Waku sauce. They were good. If I go back may have to get some more. Fangirl and I got the Katsu-Don, she got the pork , I got chicken. It was okay just didn't realize it'd be smothered with onions. I just scrapped it off and added some Waku Waku sauce to the rice so it wasn't just plain rice.

So it was a fun time at the con, looking forward to next year's. I hope you guys have a good week, for those who celebrate Happy Independence Day, and may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Friday, June 28, 2019

Artsy Fartsy Time- Narwhals, a Bow Tie, and a Fez

TGIF my friends,

In this segment of Artsy Fartsy Time I'll be sharing some of crafts my Mom and I have been doing for birthdays and cons.


Fangirl recently had a birthday. I was racking my brain what to get her. I found her some anime stickers, and dragons, but I wanted to get her more. I came across Craft Passions instructions for a Sock Unicorn Whale, basically a narwhal. This was perfect, cause Fangirl finally discovered the awesomeness of Star Vs. The Forces of Evil. Now every time we go somewhere and she sees a stuffed Narwhal she pelts me with it going "Narwhal blast!"

I used the aforementioned instructions as a guide of sorts. The only colorful socks I could find were shorter than what the instructions called for so I had to go by the seat of my pants on this project. The result is not the best narwhals, but they get the job done Fangirl has done pelted me with them.

To Become the 11th Doctor:

I wanted to be the Doctor from Doctor Who last Halloween, but I wasn't able to put a costume together in time, so I went as a mermaid out of water. Well I started early putting the costume together for Halloween, I decided to get it done by the time the Asheville Anime Regional Convention came, so I could wear it there and get 5 dollars off my ticket, either way awesome.

Most of my costume I done owned or acquired at a thrift store or online, that was for my sonic. Two pieces I enlisted the help of my Mom to make the bow tie and the fez.

Even when I searched for one during prom season, I could not find one in a thrift store. So instead I bought a thrift tie and my mom turned it into a fancy looking bow tie. We just need to attach it all.
Now my fez required the aid of a colonel, Colonel Sanders that is. I first tried using old drink boxes, but that failed, but luckily my adopted nephew works at KFC so he got me some chicken buckets, unused of course. Then with some red felt I purchased at Jo-Ann's, Mom glued it to the bucket and added a black tassel made with yarn.

I'm Doctor ready!
 So are any of you guys crafting anything awesome? Let me know it the comments. I hope you have a good weekend, let your geek flag fly, and God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Monday, June 24, 2019

Musical Moment- My Summer Playlist

Happy Monday my friends,

Summer is here and that can only mean one thing... Sunburns! Kidding, just kidding it's time for those summer jams to come out. So I thought I'd share some of the tunes I listen to when the heat is on.

Fishin' in the Dark- The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
This song actually takes place I think in the spring, but it still conjures up images of summer for me. I've never been fishing in the dark, but I have found myself on hiking trails after the sun's gone down.

The Cheap Seats- Alabama
One thing that spells summer is baseball and this song speaks of the game. My Dad and sister love keeping up with the Braves their on the TV almost every night here at the house.

...To the Music- A*Teens
This is a song about following in love to the music in the summertime. I think this song would be a great closing number in a summer musical.

I think I'm in Love With You- Jessica Simpson
This was a song I loved to jam to in high school. It was a fun song and the video with its sunny skies and amusement park made me think of summer.

I'd Rather Ride Around With You- Reba McEntire
This one came out in the summer during my middle school years. A pretty good song to jam going down the road in the summertime.

Love Me Like You Mean It
- Bryan White
When I hear this song I envision a music video with convertibles and girls on roller blades.

Six Days on the Road- Sawyer Brown
This is another good song for the road. I remember my sister and me doing some of the moves from the music video or making up our own in the back of the car going to Transylvania County for one of our many summer trips there.

Playing With the Boys
- Kenny Loggins
At my house it's not summer without the Top Gun soundtrack. My Mom only plays Top Gun in the summer. This was one of the tapes she'd play going to Transylvania County. This is my favorite song off the album.

Soda Pop- Britney Spears
This is fun little song that I love listening to during the summer, I don't really know why it puts me in a summer mood.  I usually play the Sabrina, the Teenage Witch version of the song.

Rollercoaster- B*Witched
The video to this song makes me think of summer, with the beach setting, and upbeat song. It's also my favorite B*Witched song ever.

Soak Up the Sun- Sheryl Crow
A song that invites us to get out in the sun. Add in the tropical location and surfing in the music video how could this not be a summer song.

Sounds So Good- Ashton Shepherd
This images this song produces reminds me of summers as a kid. Like when she describes the slushing of a cooler. I so remember sounds like that when we went fishing. The video even has a summertime get together.

You Go First- Jessica Andrews
This video played a lot during the summer vacation, before I went to 10th grade.

Summer Nights- Rascal Flatts
This is a summer song to dance to. I liked they left the video to the fans.

When the Sun Goes Down- Kenny Chesney and Uncle Kracker
Another ode to the summer nights on the beach. Click the video's link for Hula Girls.

Surfin' U.S.A - The Beach Boys
It's not a summer playlist if you don't have The Beach Boys, and this is one of my favorites.

(I've Had) The Time of My Life- Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes
Another album my Mom jams in the summer the Dirty Dancing Soundtrack which is only write given the movie took place during the summer, filmed in North Carolina if I'm not mistaken.

Watermelon Crawl- Tracy Byrd
I have been to Georgia in July. It is hot for a Carolina girl.

Summer's Comin'
- Clint Black
This should be at the top of the summer list, a great way to usher in the summer. The video to this is hilarious with a lot of cameos.

If you wanna see the complete Summer playlist head over to the Spotify List! What's on your summer playlists? What makes you think of the summertime?

I hope you guys have a good summer, stay cool, and may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Friday, June 14, 2019

Ninja Writer's Library- A Classic, Some Magic and the Failed Readathon

Hello Fellow Readers,

This post of the Library was suppose to be of my readings from the O.W.L's readathon, but I ran into complications. One book gave me trouble, and I didn't have one of the books I needed to fulfill the Writer's Career reading requirements, and I wouldn't get any of those from the library till after the readathon was over. It was a mess, oh well there's always next year... Lord willing. 
So let's get to our reads. This month we have another read in my Jane Austen reading journey, a trip to a magical land, and I believe the final books in my Sarah Addison Allen reads.

Mansfield Park- by Jane Austen

This was my first read for the readathon and the only one of my reading list I actually managed to complete. I had a little trouble getting into it at the beginning, but once I did I couldn't put it down, though I did loose focus frequently and found myself rereading parts.

Reading this made me think of how blessed we are to have our music anytime we want, back then you had to hope that someone not only knew how to play it, but could play it good.
This may be my 3rd or 4th favorite Austen work I'd have to reread Emma to make it a sure decision.

The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There by Catherynne M. Valente

This was my second read for the readathon and this is the one that killed me. This one was a tough one to get through, though I don't really know why for sure. It was intriguing enough that I wanted to see where the story went, but I kept putting it down and loosing interest. I actually took a break from it to read Lost Lake.

One thing I did love about the book was this necklace that September gets that allows her to remember all her memories of her life to that point, I could use that!
I probably won't keep this in my permanent book collection, I don't look to be giving it a reread since it was so hard to get through the first time.

Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen

 I had this one I think in my holds and I'd hoped it would be ready to read for the readathon for my contemporary, but no. It did come in May and provided a respite from the previously mentioned book I struggled through.

This was a beautiful, but haunting book. Allen really wove a magical tale, as she usually does. This I believe was her first book after her battle with cancer, it's also the first book of hers set outside of North Carolina.

I say the book's haunting, because they speak a lot of passed people, the main character is actually been dealing with grieving the last year.
The book takes place in the summer and her descriptions of the summer time, make you ready for the season, so I'd totally add this to a summer reading list.

First Frost by Sarah Addison Allen

This was the latest book Allen had written and the final one I needed to have read all her books. This is another tale with Allen's first characters from Garden Spells the Waverlys. We had a couple of them make a cameo in her book The Peach Keeper. We find that 10 years has passed for the characters since the first book and all dealing with growing pains be it being a teen, a successfully business woman, or a woman wanting a second chance at motherhood.

This was a bittersweet read, which is what I usually say with books were we see a dramatic time shift. Seeing established characters age always makes me a bit sad, but it's an anxiety trigger for me. so it's just me.

Another thing in this book, as happens with many of Allen's is the food she mentions makes you hungry.  I'm actually quite curious to try that Fig and Pepper bread.

Well that's another visit to the Library. I hope you guys have a good weekend, get lost in a book, and God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Monday, June 10, 2019

All About Aladdin

It's another Monday friends,

Sorry this post was delayed, I wasn't well Friday my old foe the mental health hydra drug me down again. But were not here to talk about my health, this post is about Aladdin!

For my birthday I decided to see Aladdin. I know as with any remake there was a stink, especially about Will Smith as Genie. I understand, I mean I was raised on the original Aladdin, and the cartoon series. That tape was one of the frequent ones my sister and me watched when the folks played cards with the neighbors in the kitchen, included in this list was Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey and Beauty and the Beast.

I've enjoyed a lot of the live action remakes Disney has been making and after seeing all the trailers for it I got more excited to see Will Smith's take on Genie. I found myself quoting it before I saw it.

So what did I think of it? Amazing. It was beautiful, funny, with a dose of female empowerment. Jasmine was always a feisty and tough princess, but they added to that in some ways.
I'm glad they kept the musical numbers the same, though some words were changed. I'm glad some of the things from the cartoon translated to the movie. There was a new song not in the original that I thought was a beautiful addition.

My favorite scene/song was also my favorite one from the original cartoon the A Whole New World carpet ride scene. I had goosebumps and had to keep myself from singing along.

I hope you guys have a good week,  behave yourselves, may God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer