Hello Ghostbusting Friends,
Okay, been sitting on this post idea since this past November. It's way overdue to discuss Ghostbusters: Afterlife. So sit back, today is gonna be all bout the boys. Now you know how we do here, do a bit of my personal history then we get to the actual review. So let's get cracking.
A slimming is going to go down
Origin Story: Ghostbusters and Mine
So I arrived in early June of 1984 then a few days later that same week this epic movie would arrive. I of course was a five day old baby, so this all was lost on me; my only concerns were if my belly was full and my diaper was changed. Well fast forward five years and they were releasing Ghostbusters II. I was oblivious to this still cause I'd just turned five two weeks earlier. Since my family didn't get a chance to go to the theaters often I
wouldn't see the second movie, which was the first of the live action
movies I believe I ever saw, until a couple years later. I was into Ghostbusters already thanks to the cartoon series The Real Ghostbusters. In my imagination I was busting ghosts with the guys. We had Slimer stickers on the fish tank and I so wanted the different Kenner equipment toys they put out. You can see the commercials I drooled over for these toys thanks to 910dohead's Kenner Compilation video. You can also check out Ghostbuster News' review of the trap, it also has links to the other Kenner toys he reviewed, he's site is an amazing bed of Ghostbusters activity, so check him out.
I'd finally see my first movie, 2, when one of the local channels was airing the second movie. I wouldn't see the original movie till I think after we got our satellite in middle school. Well it started an hour before my sister and mine's bedtime, which meant my sister missed the second half, but not me cause I was sick and wasn't going to be going to school, so I didn't have to go to bed! This meant I got to see that epic scene where the guys made the Statue of Liberty walk with positively charged slime, Howard Huntsberry, and that giant NES controller, we had one of those, which we probably used to play the two GB games.
Of course times have change, but I'm still a big fan. While I'm not scouring places for those old Kenner toys, I have been wanting this RP Minis of the P.K.E. meter, since I don't have a lot of space for big busting tools (I also would like the trap and proton pack their links are in the "Frequently Bought Together" section). I like that they look like the movies version of the tools. I also want this Tobin's Spirit Guide for my bookshelves and of course the ultimate collection, cause I don't have any of the movies yet. What I'm a poor geek!
In 2016 Answer the Call came out, and I know a lot of fans were upset cause it wasn't the third movie they hoped for, some ridiculously so, but I still enjoyed it. I mean Patty smacking the ghost out of Penny, and Holtzman ripping those ghost a new one was awesome! Those two have a place on my dream Ghostbusting team. I mean was it as good as the originals, no not by a long shot, but I loved the idea of an all girl team. That being said no frelling flames in comments for difference in opinion please.
When Ghostbusters: Afterlife in the original franchise was announce I was excited we were finally getting that third movie. Filming began a month after my 35th birthday. For those keeping score at home that's another five age for me and the main movies, hope I don't have to wait till I'm 45 for another. Of course we all know Covid delayed it. It was worth the wait though.
Okay, now that we're caught up let's get into this new movie. I'll do this in two sections: my movie theater experience then the review. Sound good? Cool.
Ghostbusters:Afterlife: The Movie Experience
I was so excited to see this movie and had been waiting since 2019 to see it. I of course had to go in style. Which since I have no GB themed shirts was up to my nails. The slimer-like green from My Beauty Spot® gave my nails that just slimmed look:
We decided to go to our local theater, which I had only been to one other time since it's reopening. This movie would mark my first movie, in a theater, since Covid began.
Our local theater was geared with special cup and popcorn buckets for the movie. Fangirl treated me to a Slimer topped cup. Squees!
He was actually willing to share
It's been a while since I've went in to a movie so excited, and came out even more excited. The night even got in the spooky mood with a full moon:
Crappy Moon Photo
I used my cup a long while after, don't worry I washed it. The Slimer topper, which pops off, decided to reunite with my Venkman Funko Pop:
Aww |
He slimmed me!
It was a great experience, and the movie was good too, it was nice after three years on fandoms ripping us to shreds to be happy with something a fandom put out: Infinity War 2018, Endgame 2019, Supernatural 2020. Actually this premiered a year to the day of the SPN series finale, so it was like a soothing fandom balm to my fragile geeky soul.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife: The Review
WARNING! THERE WILL BE SPOILERS! So if you don't wish to be spoiled proceed to the next section, I usually try not to do spoilers, but I just feel so much time has passed, and I just gotta talk about some parts!
Okay, let's start with the opening. I loved they had the actor in shadow, so we could have the illusion it was Harold Ramis. Which is probably why Egon's demise didn't hurt as much as it did, because I'd already went through Harold's passing in 2014:
Then we meet Egon's daughter and kids. It sucked having Egon being cast in such a dark light by his daughter, and eventually Ray, I've always had a soft spot for Egon since the cartoon. Paul Rudd as Phoebe's teacher/GB fanatic was perfect, he was the right guy to lead Phoebe into the ghostbusting world. I can't believe the world forgot the Ghostbusters though, you figure a walking Statue of Liberty would have some historical significance, but of course with each passing decade even big events get washed away.
It's fun seeing Phoebe unlock her Granddad's legacy. It's also great seeing Trevor, being the typical teen dude who's happy to have a set of wheels for cheap, bringing our beloved and neglected Ecto back to life. Podcast is an amazing addition to the team. He really is the Ray to Phoebe's Egon in a sense, I think Ghostbusters News mention he was their Ray and I'm inclined to believe it. He has an interest in the paranormal and rocks the visors. Then Lucky is kind of the Winston, that streetwise soul who kind fell in with this new busting crew. I wish I'd had a movie like this as a kid. Where I say kids and teens busting, I mean I was already busting ghosts in my head, but this would have been amazing.
The throw backs to the previous movies were great. All the little nods to the past that us fans would recognize, or try to remember if it was a previous movie reference. This is a great way to bring new fans to the world, and hold on to the old ones. Love the return of the old foes like Gozer and the Terror Dogs. Thought that scene in Walmart with the dog was hilarious, and reminiscent of Tully's terror dog attack. We even get to see a character only previously mentioned in the first movie Ivo Shandor, the Gozer worshipping builder, who's making all these end of the world inducing buildings.
While I enjoyed the old I also loved the new, especially the new ghosties. Muncher has got that Slimer charm that made us all love the spud to begin with. Then there's the mini Stay Puff Marshmallow Men! These little sources of destruction are so cute!!!! My Mom has only seen them in commercials and she loves them already.
Now I heard they'd included Egon in some way. I was thinking "what he gonna be one of the ghosts"? Heh, yeah. It was so creative how they had Egon and Phoebe interact, that chess game between them was heartwarming, you know before Egon was a sore loser. And him guiding her in his work area with the lamp, was genius. But the best part was at the end, cause I'm here thinking ghost Egon would be something Star Wars like, but no it was far superior. That detail to the ghost, I'd swear they'd summoned up Harold's ghost just to play the part. Then that ending where the original team, in addition to the new team up for that final fight. When the other three showed up I got tingles, which thankful still happened thanks to that spoiler of a moment they put in the last trailer, seriously trailer makers don't do that please! Seeing all them together on screen in some form or fashion, I was getting misty eyed, and for once not cause I was sad. Hollywood needs to take notes, things can get emotional without being sad, seriously over these sad endings. But yes just epic!
This movie exceeded my expectations. I hope this will result in more movies, cause I wanna see where their story goes. It was a great blend of old and new, and it was amazing. The future is in good hands.
The End Section After The Spoiler Filled Review
So that concludes this long awaited, at least on my part, review. I hope you enjoyed our little trip down nostalgia, as we celebrated the now and contemplated the future. Hope you have a good week, don't be afraid of the Ghosts, and God bless.
*Thrifty Geek* and Vampire >vv< Kitty