Monday, December 18, 2017

Sister VS Christmas Tree

Hello My Friends,
We are still trying to get melted from our nice little 7+ Inches of snow.
Snow in the Backwoods
So yeah we've been holed up in the holler keeping warm by the fire. But cold and snow is not what this post is about. Today's post is about our Christmas tree.
In our household we prefer the stately Faux Ever Green. We have nothing against real trees, it's just not a practical choice for us. A. We don't have the dough foe a new tree every year, and B. We're the type of family that puts our tree up around Thanksgiving (American) and it doesn't come down till sometime in January, yeah living tree wouldn't last.
Now when my sister still lived here, she seemed to be in an unintentional battle with the tree. I mean she had it out for it.
I think the earliest attack was actually my fault. Our tree is set up near the doorway into the kitchen. Now one night when I was angry with my sister over something. We tried passing through the door at the same time and I brushed into her hard enough to send her into the tree, knocking it over, and causing her to land on our little cousin's gift, a tricycle. Angry, understandably, Pop sent us to our room, then a few minutes later we heard him laughing his head off.
She's nicked an ornament with a dart, did result in a new tradition where we search for the ornament she hit. She ran into it with her skateboard, I think she hit it with a tape ball.
Her most horrific attack was the morning of her birthday, which fell on the day after Thanksgiving, and apparently Thanksgiving meal did not agree with her. So she was hauling butt to get to the sick. She made it to the front of the tree... And she didn't just get it on the floor. Yes my sister has created many great memories for us to laugh over for many Christmases to come.

I hope you have a great pre Christmas week, remember not to get to burned out and remember the true meaning of the season, for me it's Christ, for you whatever it be. God Bless You my Friends!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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