Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Snowy Post of Christmas Past

 Hello this Snowy Night,

My friends it appears we have had a nice helping of snow dumped on us, and glitter but that's a whole other matter. At last measure, earlier in the day we had 7 inches and it's still snowing. I'm enjoying it, it makes every thing feel Christmassy. Unfortunately for grocery stores it also means bread and milk is in limited supply. So since this snow has added to getting us into a Christmas mood I figure I'd talk a little Christmas in tonight's post.

Charting Christmas Past

You may recall in a past post that I had mentioned that I'd made a list of past costumes, well I did some minor Christmas mapping. You know certain years that had special memories attached or special titles given to certain years, like the Harry Potter Christmas of 2001 or last year's Time Traveling Christmas.

The above mentioned listing exercise could prove helpful in a new tradition I want to do. I mentioned I want to start doing a Halloween Charm Bracelet, well to also do a Christmas one as well. Along with the mapping of past Christmases I've made notes on the page of memories and things that are very special to me that pertain to this time of year.

One charm memory I'm going to attempt to create myself is with a button. Why a button you may ask. When I went to the Art Room during Pumpkinfest, I found myself reliving a minor yes permanently seared moment from the fragments of Christmastide memories. They had a decorative storage box that was filled with buttons. I couldn't help myself I had my hand sifting through the buttons, travel on a past Christmas road. When I was younger when my Dad and Uncle would go hunting Mom and I, maybe even my sister if she hadn't gone with the hunters, would go out Christmas shopping. I recall one time we'd stopped in a fabric shop right near where my Grandmother use to work. It was filled with fabric rolls, lace samples on the wall, and buckets or barrels of buttons. I remember sifting through them looing for pretty ones to purchase, actually the Art Room box contained I believe similar buttons. But I that little speck of memory opens the door to the feelings and other pieces of memories I have from those trips, hence why a button shall be gracing this bracelet I hope.

A Gift For Jesus
I shall be continuing my newer tradition of creating a gift for my savior Jesus. Every year for the last few years as a way to focus on what this season is about for me and to ensure my Savior gets a gift on His birthday, I make Him a gift. I've written poems, done drawings, and made various other gifts for my Lord's enjoyment. As with the old blog I'll post what I've done, or a step by step of the building. I may take a post to show some past gifts for you all.

Well friends that about does it for this snowy night rambling. I hope your weekend is good and the holiday season is good to you. God Bless You!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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