Thursday, December 28, 2017

Birthday Gifts for Jesus

A freezing hello friends,

Well we have survived Christmas again. I know it's awful to say that about the day chosen to celebrate the birth of Christ, but with my fragile mind state (I suffer from Anxiety, Depression, and OCD) and holiday stress most often I feel like I'm held together by a thread and Christmas day turns into some emotional/mental finish line to the world of normality.

But this post is not to lament about Christmas woes, but about Christmas Traditions. I mentioned in a previous post recently about how I like to make a gift for Jesus every year and that I'd elaborate on it. It's a tradition that started accidentally when I found myself creating Christ inspired work at Christmas, over time I officially decided every year as a way to remind me why I celebrate and allow Christ to have a birthday gift especially for Him.

I think one of the first gifts I made was during a Christmas Eve when due to snows our power had been off for a day or so. I was listening to a Christian station's Christmas Music and I did this drawing:

One thing that I did on this was use this special invisible ink pen that reveals what you write with a special light. Great idea, but because it was a restaurant kids meal toy pen, think it was for the last Indiana Jones Movie when it came out.
I've written a couple poems as well. I wrote the poem He the Christmas after my cousin's youngest child was born, she inspired a line. I think the next year I created a little video with me reading it, I haven't a clue what it's saved on.
Last year I wrote In Your Honor, it was a struggle trying to create that year, but I'm pleased what I managed to create.
My most ambitious gift was a little house scene featuring a little baby Jesus as a Christmas present:
It was the first time I used these little bag of Wilton babies I bought, and you'll find I have used them multiple times for my gifts.

I've made many other decoration gifts there's the ornament I made to replace my favorite one that broke:

I've even created a bottled/jarred display using a craft store jar, one of the babies, a fabric white poinsettia, and a 50 cent machine king necklace charm that I felt was too bling for me (yes I will rock 50 cent machine jewelry if it suits my style).
This year I channeled my lacking origami skills and created another little scene:
Sorry for the crappy webcam shot. I made 2 origami boxes, the red on for the scene and the green one to lay the baby that I wrapped in scrap fabric. I made a origami star and stitch wrote Jesus in a golden yellow. Then using that old school cootie catching making skill I made the small red poinsettia and glutted it to some green leave shapes I cut out. The image of Marry comes from one of these fabric rose bunches we found so I cut a petal off and glued it inside.
I hope maybe my friends next Christmas season we can all remember Him in our celebrations and all make gifts. Or maybe if you already have a like tradition share in the comments. May all be well with you the rest of the year friends and God Bless You!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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