Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Ninja Writer's Library: Brian Froud and Alan Lee's Faeries

Hello my book nerd friends,

For the New Year I'm introducing a new segment to the blog The Ninja Writer's Library. In these posts I'll be talking about books: old ones, new ones, used, whatever I end up reading and finding in my shelves I feel like yammering to ya'll about.

Today's offering has been around in some form since according to the book's original copyright 1978, it is the Brian Froud and Alan Lee classic Faeries. This is the 25th edition that came out in 2002, the year I graduated high school. I received this as a Christmas present from my aunt this year, which goes great with one of the gifts I got from my sister The Labyrinth DVD, Brian Froud worked on the film, actually wasn't his son the baby?

This was an informative read. I mean I didn't know a lot of these legends and folklore surrounding different beings in the faery realm. Among these legends and tales you'll also find some faerie realm inspired poetry. There's even a section about flora and their ties to the faeries.

Of course there is the pairs' beautiful art. I actually wonder if they didn't also do work on The Spiderwick Chronicles movie, cause some of the drawings put me in the mind of the beings in the movie. Some of the pages were designed like illustrated journal entries with handwritten notes, which made it fill like you'd come across some old research text, though I found it difficult to decipher words/letters at times, not sure if it was the writing or the fact I wasn't wearing my reading glasses.

I will say some of the tales and descriptions left me a bit chilled. There was mention in this version that a woman had a copy signed for her future children, I'm hoping she meant for when their older, because while it's defiantly something to be shared with future generations I'd hesitate to read some of these stories to too young of children, if they're anything like I was the tales might induce panic and nightmares. Keep in mind I'm the kid who's over active imagination forced my Mom to have to call the school to get our librarian to lay off the weekly ghost stories. *hangs head in shame* so yes keep in mind these are not all happy faerie stories.

If your a fan of faerie art and folklore I really suggest this book. Maybe get one of the special editions that have come out since the original cause I know my edition included more art and writings I think than the original. I know it's going to be a keeper in my library.

I hope the new year finds you in many paged adventures my friends and God bless you all.

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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