Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Meeting An Ocean

Happy Wednesday Friends,
Here comes another poem at you. I wrote this about my first time seeing the ocean which unbelievably was just a few years ago...

Meeting An Ocean

Passing marshes and broom sage
Amber says she can smell it
Can I?
Would I even know it if I did?

The Atlantic reveals a piece of herself
Through road side trees
I'm in awe
I step out from the car
She greets me in winds
I step onto her sands
Slightly shifting beneath my feet
Sun lowering himself
Making a pale yellow pink sky way
Along the shore
Buildings become lost in pink haze
2 seagulls walking by
In a comedic conversation
"Hurry" says one
The other bracing against cold
Complaining about the weather

I looked to the horizon
Knowing beyond somewhere
Lay the shores of Ireland and Africa
Staring into the waves
With the eyes of my mind
I see the old ships
Her sails puffed out
But only fantasy's memory

Keep rockin' the poetry my friends and may God Bless You!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Vampire >vv< Kitty

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