Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Top Sheets and Toilet Paper

Happy Wednesday my friends,

It is National Poetry Poetry Month! Every Wednesday this month I'm gonna share a poem I  wrote with you. So for today's sharing I'll share a poem that was inspired originally by this silly top sheet debate I heard about. I think I first heard about it when I saw this posted by my friend Nerd Momma on Facebook. I found a USA Today article on the subject. Apparently a study or something has been done over this, and at first I was annoyed that because of what some people of this gen did they've made the generalization we all do it, I can't stand when people do that for a group of people. Later on as I thought about it I started to think about the fact if this is like some official study that there has been time and maybe money wasted on this! Plus the time and energy people have wasted in arguing over this thing. This got me thinking of the silly things we humans get our cackles up over, yes I'm including me in this, and it culminated in this poem:

Top Sheets and Toilet Paper

As humans we make silly debates
When there are better
More important things to worry about

Your worried over how a few people of generation make their bed
Be more concerned whether or not people of that, or any generation, have beds to sleep on

Your clashing over which is the best franchise
Just be glad they exist for your enjoyment

Your debating on how that roll of toilet paper goes
I'd be more worried whether there's a roll to wipe with

We are all different minds
Even within the same race, fandom, generation
So stop making assumptions for a whole group
Quit the bickering
Focus on the things that can make this world better
And just make your bed how you want

Well my friends hop you can push through the rest of the week. Remember to always do you peoples, and may God bless you.

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Vampire >vv< Kitty

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