Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Cemetery Decoration Tales

Hello Friends,

So this past Sunday was Homecoming at my church, which means the Saturday before was Decoration Day. We decorated family and friends'. graves. Our little cemetery is so peaceful and it has an amazing view:

I think this cemetery has been here since the first church existed. I think they built a new one right before my Dad was born or when he was young. Just a few years ago they added a new section.
I love that you can learn the community history and the people. I was doing some research one time about my small community and learned that some of the old postmasters (mistresses) are buried here. I found an old postmaster listing then got curious and looked them up on Findagrave.com under this cemetery. Love this website it's helped me out on family research.

Speaking of Family this site is a trove of personal family history. I got four generations of one side of my family buried here, plus two gens on the other side of my family. Three sadly only have a simple square marker that just says Hannah. So we don't know which in my great Grandmother and her second husband and his brother.

A Decoration Story

I actually have a funny story that started with this cemetery. One decoration we were talking to a church member who I think is over the cemetery. The church had been thinking of making the new section at this time. Well they wanted to see who of their members was going to be buried there to get an estimate how much more space they had. Well since my folks, sister, and I are embers we asked for four. We didn't know if my sister wanted one so I said I'd message her when we got home. Now my sister and me have a sense of humor. I could have been normal and just asked if she wanted to have a plot, but no that wouldn't do for me. I think I said something like "Do you know where your remains are gonna lie for eternity." I figured I get a ha ha or a eye roll in reply. What I got was my sister freaking out. I very confused did explain.
I'd find out later on why. My sister and her family where driving out to do a family walk and play Pokemon Go. She'd just parked and her lights were shining on the headstones of a graveyard when my creepy message came through hence why she freaked out. I should feel bad, but it's kinda funny.

I hope you all are having a good week, pray for the victims in the latest shooting, and may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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