Monday, August 12, 2019

Max Patch Trip

Welcome to another Monday my friends,

Saturday my family and I went to Max Patch. We rode over in our new to us truck, the radio was playing good hits, and we had meatloaf in the cooler. It started out beautiful, the sun light shining down.

I was surprised how crowded it was at Max Patch I never seen so many cars on the side of the road. We went down to Max Patch Pond where there was a family fishing, so we decided to ride around till later when hopeful they'd be gone. We road over to where my Grandpa grew up, I think one of the barns is still standing. We passed a squirrel and I did my best Doug impression.

We had lunch which consisted of Mom's meatloaf, some potato wedges we bought at this general store called Ferguson's Supply, and Mom's homemade biscuits. Nom Nom.

As we road back toward the pond it came a rain and there was a major exodus of vehicles. The rain subsided by the time we got back and the sun was out. The water was so beautiful.

When I walked to the other side of the pond I saw a frog jump into the pond, didn't hear any of the bullfrogs this time we usually hear.

On the way home Mom spotted this mushroom so I had to get out and get a picture.

If you ever in Madison County NC check out Max Patch and it's nearby pond, their beautiful. Click here for more pics of the patch and it's pond.

I hope you all have a good week, go adventuring, and may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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