Friday, September 13, 2019

Halloween Goodness

Happy Friday my friends,

Sorry for the blog silence. Between an abscessed tooth, the mental health hydra, and worrying over getting the tooth pulled, I've not been in the best of states. Well the offending tooth has been removed, by a great dentist that made the process practically painless, which was not the case with my last tooth I had pulled in middle school I recall feeling needle pain, unless that was for the tooth fillings... Any who I'm good.  So today I'm going back to this past Saturday. With it being September the world is erupting with Halloweeness, well actually that probably started in July, but Fangirl and I just now started looking at the stores for Halloween goodness. I though I'd share some of my favorites.

First is the return of Ashland's® Meditating Yoga Skeleton at Michael's. I want this so much, but it is a little big for my current space. That is why I'm happy to see Halloween Makers Namaste Yoga Skeleton that is smaller in size at Jo-Ann's.

I saw also at Michael's Ashland's® Typewriter. I love typewriters. This one had the ominus message: help typed out. Strange thing is Maker's Halloween has a type writer with the same message at Jo-Ann's. So who copied who?

I also loved Maker's Halloween animated radio with a glowing skeleton head. I like you turn knob and get different music numbers.

The next two are both favorites of Fangirl's and mine. First from Jo-Ann's The Boneyard's Mini mermaid skeleton. You can totally use it for your year round bathroom decor.
Michael's wowed us with another Ashland® piece with this winged skeleton on a tombstone. It's all morbidly beautiful.

We also made the stop at the orange Halloween Express tent. As usual it was hot even more so on this warm September day. We didn't stay long, just long enough for me to oggle over the John Lennon style glasses for their hippie costumes. I so want those style glasses.
The one thing I noticed at Halloween Express this year was the disturbing clown pieces by Morris Costumes especially this Tug of War Clowns one.

That is some of my favorite things I have seen this year. Do you have any favorite things you've seen in the stores this year? Let me know in the comments.

I hope you guys have a good weekend, stay weird, and God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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