Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Ninja Writer's Library- They Have Unique Powers

Happy Tuesday book friends,
In this edition of the library we'll be covering books that have people with unique powers.

The Book Jumper by Mechthild Gläser

This book was apparently translated I assume from German. It's also Germany where we start the tale where Amy and her Mother are heading to Scotland to get away from issues they are facing. Once there Amy learns some impressive things about her family, and herself.

I loved the setting, granted I'm biased cause Scotland is on my list of places to visit. I also loved reading the description of Lady Mairead's book themed home, where even the murals have books.

This was a beautiful view into the world of books, filled with familiar characters. I think it's cool the idea of a book world and that there's people who can go there and befriend characters. It was like a book form of the Fiction Fixers games. I almost wish I had Amy's power... almost.

The book did hold some bitter sweet moments more on the bitter side, but it was still a good read. If you love books about books you should defiantly check it out.

A Map of Days by Ransom Riggs

I finally got to read the fourth book in the Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children series. In this book we see peculiardom on this side of the pond. It's a bit of the wild west over here in the States. Jacob is trying to blend his normal and peculiar life, and trying to live up to his grandfather's legacy.

I'm glad to see another book in this series. Although it does mean the happy ending of the third book did kinda get undone, but it wasn't too bad. Emma and Jacob are both dealing with issues related to Jacob's grandfather Abe, Emma is for the first time really dealing with the loss of the man she loved, and Jacob wanting to do more for peculiardom is trying to take up Abe's mantel.

I've noticed I love books or movies with a road trip in it, like the first Percy Jackson movie I love friends traveling on an adventure on the open road.

I'm impressed how Riggs can take a picture and create a story or characters from it. I do wonder what would happen if someone read's the books and recognizes it as an old family picture.
So if you love this series check out it's latest offering, and with the ending I'm sure there will be another one.

It Takes a Coven by Carol J Perry

Here we have another Witch City Mystery, the first 3 books I believe I read about this time last year. We once again join Lee Barrett as she tries to help solve another mystery in Salem while being the new investigative reporter for WICH-TV and the Maid of Honor at a wedding. We also have witches dying or almost dying, crows in mass everywhere, and the same O'Ryan  being the unusually brilliant orange cat he always has been.

This was another good read of the series, it felt like a visit with old friends. It was nice to go back to the home on Winter Street and visit with the wise Aunt Ibby again. But for some reason whether it was a slow beginning, or I just found myself easily distracted. I actually read some of this while at Wal-mart with my Granny. If you love a story set in Salem with a bit of the mystical you should defiantly check it out.

What have you guys been reading let me know in the comments. I hope you all have a good week, read lots of books, and may God bless you.
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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