Monday, February 5, 2018

Musical Moment: Taylor Swift's... Well Taylor Swift

Hello My Fellow Audiophile Friends,
Today we begin looking into the music of Taylor Swift. For the next five weeks, five cause I don't have Reputation yet, we will be looking into each of her albums the art and music. So Swifties strap in and join along and let's get this Taylor Train going. Up first naturally the one that started it all:

Artist: Taylor Swift
Album: Taylor Swift
Released: 2006

Cover: We have a close up of Taylor maybe at a river? There's a imprinted
(is that the right word?) design of butterflies and flowers in green fading into blue fading into white on the left side. The Artist Name/Album title is in white written with the artist actual signature.

Booklet: It's set up like a kind of scrapbook with song titles and some other labels "written" on pieces of tape, I'm not sure if it's a handwritten looking font or the artist's actual writing. Some of the photos are on mattes like you'd find in really well designed scrapbooks. On the thank you's page is a picture of her writing away on a piece of paper, I'm wondering if it's the thank you's she's writing there. Through out is also little hand drawn and written scribblings, I'm thinking by Taylor herself. The back page has her on a tractor with a barn, greenery and blue skies. Continuing with the butterfly theme from the cover she's in a butterfly dress. There's a Taylor quote written in blue, again don't know by the artist or a font, talking about complications and being her friend.

What I love about the booklet is within each song lyric Taylor has left a secret message for you to decipher, she's done it for all her albums at least through 1989. I won't tell you what they say, but it is fun to do and sometimes informative, sometimes though it is very cryptic and you really wanna know what the message means.

Back Cover:  Inside has Taylor in a white dress, at the river, holding a purple clover. I'm loving that charm bracelet she's got. There's some of the same imprint design like on the front cover. On the back the artist is in same outfit wading the river. Reminds me of rivers we'd go to in summer, except bluer. Taylor Swift is written in green in her own handwriting once again. The song titles and info are in sky blue, websites in black (wow the days of MySpace), in the same script as the inside song titles.

The Disk: We have a light blue photo of Taylor's feet there's a full colored one in the booklet. Actually it kinda puts me in mind of the disk art for the Dixie Chick's Fly CD. All the words are in black, save the Big Machine Records™   logo that's black an white. The album title/artist's name is of course her signature.

The Music:

Tim McGraw- This was the first single she put out if memory serves. What caught my eye was the title. You know a star's hit it big when they make it into another artist's song. I enjoy a lot of Tim McGraw's music, this song didn't make me a Swifty though, I for some reason didn't get too excited over though right now it's an ear wig since I've been listen to it, and I can't keep from singing it. If you somehow missed this tune wrote by Swift and Liz Rose, the pair also wrote the next two together, it's about how someone hopes an old love will think on them from time to time.

Picture To Burn- A ye olde breaking up song and the jaded feelings that follow, and in this case revenge plots. Every time I see the title I can't help think of the title of a book or album my sister was considering once upon a time she was gonna call the project Burning Daisies of something like that. I also remember watching the making of to this song's video I think on CMT. I know Taylor had issues with the video opening basically where she was having to look through binoculars. I think her friend Abigail is starring along with her, isn't awesome when you can drag friends along for you're stardom ride.

Teardrops On My Guitar- A girl pining after her I assume guy friend, but he's in love with another. Ehh the memories of teen love angst. I had my share of guys I crushed on, and  tended to be horribly tongue tied or awkward around them. But I don't think I ever crushed on the very few guy friends I had. I wonder how these peeps feel when she uses their names in songs? I don't have the guts to do that, except in the case of past celebrity crushes.

A Place In This Word- This is a finding your path song (written by Swift, Robert Ellis Orrall and someone known simply as Angelo). As I've mentioned in a previous post I have a special list of songs that really tell my lifes story, yes all our tunes is the sound track of our life, but only certain songs really tell our story or hold memories, and this one is one of them. I added this particular song to that list back in 2009. Mostly cause at the time and even now almost 10 years later am still trying to figure out where I belong, and who I am. Plus the description in the 2nd verse of listening to music and rocking jeans fits me.

Cold As You- Another Swift and Rose song where someone tries to love a person with too many walls up. I just suddenly had an image of Elsa flash before my face.

The Outside- This is written by just Swift. I'm trying to figure out if it's a song about wanting to be part of the in, or any, crowd, being on the outside of a relationship she wishes she can be a part of, or dealing with being an outsider for the first time...

Tied Together With a Smile- Tis Swift and Rose again. This song kind fits how I feel right now. To me it sounds like it's about a person who's held it all together, hid their pain, but now they can't keep it together.

Stay Beautiful- Our just mentioned writing duo with a song that makes me think of something someone may write in that senior year yearbook. You say what you need, wish them well, hope you come across them again, and... well the title says it.

Should've Said No- And this is why you don't cheat on your partners peeps they will find out! This a solo Swift written one about an ex of course, and what he should have done. I remember when she performed this song I wanna say on the CMA's, I think they used it for a music video, and that waterfall fell from the ceiling with the no's projected in it. I mean even King George Strait gave her a standing ovation for that!

Mary's Song (Oh My My My)- Swift, Rose, and Brian Maher giving us the story of a couple as their relationship progresses from childhood to marriage and how they hope the future will be. Reminds me of Bryan White's Tree of Hearts.

Our Song- I think I heard this song for the first time on the radio as I lay in bed after the New Year arrived. This is the song, just written by Swift, that go me on the Taylor Train. I still love it after all these years. I mean hey if what's already out there can't speak how you feel why not write it yourself. I loved the video too. It was so colorful and that sparkly guitar! Actually when VH1 did this video for their reboot of Pop Up Videos I think they said the jewels or what every they used kept coming off.

Extra Bits: Stick the CD in your computer and you 'll end up at a screen that has the image from the inside of the back cover and her signature in white, there's a white butterfly hangout on the corner of the video screen. There are two videos you can choose to watch. The first one is the Tim McGraw video, I actually think a lot of the album photos were taken when they shot the video. The second is a little video about her Grand Ole Opry debut. Seeing her walking the circumference of that great circle just reminded me that even though I've outgrown the dream of being a music artist I still get a longing to at least stand in that circle.

So Swifties, did we enjoy a romp down memory lane? Do you have memories or thoughts related to Taylor's first release? If ya do comment below. I hope you have a good week my friends may God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Moon, Groundhogs, and the Fight Against Gravity

Hello My Friends,
Well it's cold... again. We got hit with a smidgen of snow, and I hear more is coming. Whoop. *she says sarcastically* Well at least we got a warm fire and a roof over our heads, Thank You Lord! *Looks at Pencil and snorts* It has the words BE SHARP on it... LOL. Yes I'm being very random, I think it's my messed up sleep schedule.

Moon's Triple Fold Show
So Wednesday was the "Super Blue Blood Moon". I happened to still be up that and even though it wasn't a full eclipse for me I had to see it, cause who knows if I'll be around the next time this happens, I mean God willing, but you never know. It was cold as heck with snow still around, and the fact the sun had yet to rise, but I took in this beautiful event despite these facts. Luckily it's setting point on Wednesday above the most western mountains so it didn't set before the partial eclipse started.
The sky was in it's usual light blues and pinks of pre dawn, a few stars were hanging on to the sky.The moon looked like it had a yellow tone to it. Soon it began to be over shadowed, at one point it looked as though the tree branches was trying to keep it aloft. Then after it was partially darkened it just faded away. I never see the moon fade mid eclipse like that, it was amazing. I was a mecicle by the time I got back in, but it was worth it.

Sadly due to a deleting screw up I only have one of the pictures, granted they weren't the best pics, but still ERRRRR... But here's my only crappy pic of the "Super Blue Blood Moon" for you guys.

Why Phil Why!
Well the 2nd was groundhog day. I woke up early and found my Mom watching Groundhog Day. Then on The Weather Channel we watched the famous Phil's prediction, 6 more weeks of weather. *Cue Dramatic NOOOOOO!* I picked up our cat Mousey and asked what his prediction was, probably put me down or I predict much pain in your future. I feel like I should know this, but does anyone know how this whole groundhog thing got started?

Once upon a time we had a groundhog that's den was on the hill above the second curb after you turn on the road. My grandpa noticed the critter first I think, afterwards it was either him, my sister, or me who dubbed it Groundhog Curb. Sadly I don't think there's any there anymore.

Fun fact in old day I don't know if this is just in area they use to refer to groundhogs as Whistle Pigs.

Losing the Fight With Gravity ...Again

Well I faced off with my old frenemy gravity once more... and lost... again. I was putting wood on the porch and caught my foot on a piece of wood and crashed. The left index finger and knee got skinned up. But all is well I got bandaged up, and finished getting wood, I even had time to chat with a passing deer... What? *cue that hippy guy from Animaniacs* It's called communing with nature man!
I hope you all have a good rest of the weekend my friends. Take time to enough nature! God Bless You!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer
 Vampire >vv< Kitty
and Mousey~C>

Monday, January 29, 2018

Musical Moment: Lari White's Don't Fence Me In

Hello My Music Loving Friends,

I've been toying with the idea of doing Musical Moment write ups about the music in my music collection. So Mondays, maybe not every Monday, I'm gonna to take a CD and have a Musical Moment Monday where I talk about the music, the cover, the disc design, and what ever odds and ends I can include with the particular album. Cause in this electronic age we miss some of this awesome stuff. I was going to go and do like one artist at a time and cover all their CDs in my collection, but that could be a very long post. So I'll do it a CD, maybe even cassette, at a time.

I originally was gonna start with a series of posts featuring Taylor Swift, but in lieu of the passing of Lari White I thought it appropriate the first one be dedicated to her. I was saddened to read of her passing on Bryan White's Facebook page. She was a beautiful woman, she made some great songs that I enjoyed through my middle and early high school years. This will be e the only album I cover of hers for now, cause it's the only one I own.

Artist: Lari White

Album: Don't Fence Me In
Cover: The cover features Lari White in a white dress looking to me like she's enjoying being blown about by the wind. She's in a field looking set up with a blue hued storm clouds appearing back drop, I guess the image of a untamed field and untamed storm point back to the albums title. The artist name is in white, fitting given her name, I wanna say it was done in a hand written looking font, but I don't think it's the artist's own signature. The album title is printed in a green.

Booklet: Most of the photos within the booklet feature color and black and white photos of Lari in the field looking like she's enjoying the state of being free and unfenced. There is a set of three photos that are close ups on her face. She's adorned in black in front of a brown background. The first of the trio I'd have to title as "Thoughtful", the second "Joy", the third "Profile". Below the photos is this quote from Shakespeare's Othello, given the amazing "Super Blue Blood Moon" event coming up I think the quote is kinda fitting. She actually mentions the poet in her thank you, I just wonder now how he inspired her.

Back Cover: The inside photo is a blue toned image of the artist standing in front of a floral print wallpapered wall like something out of an elegant parlor. The outside photo is the same scenery as the front cover minus the artist and an addition of an image of the full moon, once again fitting for the lunar event, that seems to have a burlap texture to it. The song titles and info is in white.

The Disk: It's off white with looks like silhouettes of the grass from the cover, the album title is in a muddy brown color, and the artist's name in Simply Nailogical's favorite color: Holo.

The Music:

Don't Fence Me- According to the song's Wikipedia entry, this song was written by Cole Porter and a poet named Robert Fletcher, and has been used in a couple of Roy Roger's flicks. On this album we get a 33 second live recording in which Lari sings in a style reminiscent of the old western songs along with singers Shelby Lynn and Trisha Yearwood (who was one of my first favorite singers and first "grown up" cassette I owned). The song sounds like it's being played on a record, graininess and all, or maybe one of those old fashioned radios. To add to the record effect the tune ends abruptly with a scratch as though you've taken the needle off leading straight way to the next more song an back into a modern sound.

Wild At Heart- This is a song that was written by Lari herself and Al Anderson. Basically it's a woman trying to get a guy to loosen up a bit. It's a song that I think would be a perfect fast dance number for the honky tonk, complete with fiddle and steel guitar.

Ready, Willing, and Able- I have such memories of this song, written by Jess Leary and Judy Alan Sweet. This was being played on radio when I was in Middle School. I loved this song. Probably even imagined myself on stage singing it, which was the case with many songs by female artists.

Ghost of a Chance- Another penned by White with Chuck Jones about a woman trying to compete with her love's past relationship, makes me think of Trisha Yearwood's The Woman Before Me. The song opens with blowing wind and a creaky door followed by whispers, perhaps the whispers of this man's past love that won't let him be.

The Test- Written by Don Schlitz and Billy Livsey about someone who is putting their relationship to the test with basically a pros and cons list and how love can be a stronger than any trouble they may experience.

Ain't Gonna Worry About Love No More- I really enjoy this upbeat number written by Michael Noble, which I really hope isn't like a continuation of the previous song's tale. Here we find a woman, that assume has just gotten out of a relationship, and is putting matters of the heart on hold.

Next to Love- Lari White and Chuck Cannon writes about hanging onto each other and love. That's all I got for this one.

Something Blue- Another song written by White and Cannon using the old wedding belief that you need something old, new, borrowed, and blue and using it to describe a failed marriage. This another song with a prominent steel guitar.

Do It Again- A third song with the just mentioned twice songwriting pair along with previously mention Chuck Jones. It's basically about someone who believes the old saying if they could live their life over they'd do it the same way.

I've Been Waiting For Love- A sweet love song by Stephuny Smith, never seen that name spelt that way, and Terry Burns where a woman has finally found that love she's been holding out hope for. Yeah still in the waiting stage for me.

Soul Searchin' Blues- Lari solo wrote this great blues number, only 42 seconds in length, maybe this song is the answer to life and everything (Hitchhiker' Guide to the Galaxy peeps know what I'm talkin' about). It sounds like a group of friends and herself got together and did a little acoustic jam somewhere.

Woman of the World- Once again we find White and Jones writing of two different women one who has been all over the country, especially towns that share names with famous foreign (to the US) cities, and one who's a hard working Mom who's never left her home county, but each woman has strength to overcome the hardships in their lives.

Don't Fence Me In (Reprise)- She "ends" her album with the rest of the opening song once again a live recording, but done in a more fast passed I guess you call it modern honky tonk style.

Soul Searchin' Blues- Apparently as a more or less hidden track , well it's not labeled in the book, but is numbered on the CD player, Lari included the entire version of the song. She gives a mention to the devil, which isn't he sometimes involved in stories of blues singers ( read this tale about Robert Johnson). Amazing the stuff I learn about music lore from the Travel Channel.

Extra Bits: I read that country singer Vince Gill did some background vocals, I'm not sure which song, will require a closer listening I guess. If any of you know let me know in the comments. *I gave a closer listen even though Vince Gill has a signature I'm not sure which one there's a few possible ones, if I was a betting person I'd say Something Blue is at least one of them*

And that's a wrap! Lari ended the album by saying "mighty cool" and I have to say her music was "mighty cool", and I'm sure she was too. I was giving her music another listen as I was on her official site and it just seemed like her photo had me hypnotized for a moment and you just wanted to wish her a peaceful rest and thank her for the music.

On a final note I have to say I really enjoyed doing this. It really gave me a chance to sit and not only give the entire album a good listen, but also really study the cover and CD art, and just learn things I didn't know before, example being the nods she gave Shakespeare. But stay tuned cause I got a lot more where that came from. I hope you have a good week my friends, and may God Bless You!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Saturday Morning Sharings

Hello my friends,

I hope this post finds you all well. I have been in winter's grip, not as bad as the peeps in the north have had this year, but enough to turn me into a zombie* I think more so than usual, add in some other rough patches health wise and it's been a rather less than warm welcome to the new year. But we are thawed out, for now, and I'm trying shock life back into me. So for this post I'm kinda gonna channel Julie Wunder's Running in a Skirt blog where she does these posts occasionally called Currently and Things I'm Loving Lately, in which she discusses things she's doing, or into at the moment. Also probably homing in on Austin Kleon's Email Newsletters. I'm just gonna talk some things I'm enjoying or getting into right now.

Latest Movie Purchase
I don't buy movies often, but I saw Enchanted in the store and it's defiantly a top favorite of mine, so I had to get it. When this was out in theaters in 2007 I think, cause the DVD says the DVD released in 2008, I saw this twice, once with Fangirl, and then the two of us went to see it with my sister**, both times I came out of the theater feeling so happy. This is a feel good movie for me. It also is the reason I really think people need to just break into a good song and dance number a least once a day, any more than that and we're treading into Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Once More With Feeling territory in which singing and dancing not so great.

I was really happy to find the music video for Carrie Underwood's Ever After on the disc, I think I only kept catching snippets of it when it was on the TV, but now I finally got to see it all, and like the movie it makes me smile. It's one of my top two favorite songs from the soundtrack, That's How You Know is the other, and yes I purchased the soundtrack not long after I saw it the first time.

Another extra I love from this DVD is when they took three of the scenes and showed how they put it all together. Some people don't like having the secrets of scenes revealed, cause they feel the magic is ruined, it's never really ruined it for me, I find it all fascinating.

Attempting to Reread
I was hankering for some Jane Austen so I decided to reread Emma, but the mood has passed I believe I only seem to read a few sentences and I put it back down. Errr.

What's On My Youtube
I don't know how I came across this YouTube Channel but I'm enjoying it. It's called Book Roast brought to us by avid reader Gintare, I think I got that name right. She talks books, does critiques, but not in a ripping it to bits way. She also does a few subscription box openings, if I wasn't so broke I know at least one I'd subscribe to if I had extra cash to spend. She's a big Potterhead, a couple of her poxes are Potter themed. One of her bookcase shelves is dedicated to the series (I've wanted to do that too with not only the Potter series, but a few others as well).

Games I'm Zombieing Over
I've been playing Con Man: The Game a lot lately. It's based off the show Con Man with Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion. You basically get to fulfill your geeky fantasies and build your own convention. It's got everything in this game alien battles , geek culture references, and an elderly woman who has listened to Ray Steven's The Streak one to many times. There's even appearances by not only the main stars of the show, but some other members of the geek fame: Kevin Smith, Felicia Day, and Joss Whedon to name a few. If your a fan of the show, or want to run your own con I totally recommend this game if your looking to pass some time.

I've also been getting back into Dungeons and Dragons Online. I've been playing my blue haired elf trying to relearn everything. She got knocked over by a horde of trolls, one never wants to be adventuring alone and see a gang of trolls running at you.

In Memory
I sadly learned a singer who's music I enjoyed passed away. Her name was Lari White. Some of my favorite tunes included That's My Baby, Ready, Willing, And Able, and Take Me I thank her for the great music and hope she's at peace now.

I shall end my transmission here. I hope you all enjoy your weekend. God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

*PS- When I refer to myself as a Zombie or in zombie mode, it's that mind set where your just sitting there numbly going through your day. You don't feel quite all there.

**PSS- My sister was dying to get out of the house and asked Fangirl and me if we all could go out, despite the fact Fangirl and I had just came in from a out of state trip. Enchanted was still playing and they only thing I think good to see that night. I'll never for get the look on my sister's face when the opening musical number came on. One could read her thoughts "WHAT THE CRAP HAVE THEY BROUGHT ME TO?!"

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Daily Treasures: Sisterly Humor

Hello friends and greetings to your siblings,

I was given one flesh and blood sister in my life, but blessed with two soul sisters. Sadly two of them I don't get to see often, but when we get together you can be assured there is much laughter. This is a great daily treasure to have, that distance can't completely destroy the laughter your have with your sisters, if you are on good terms with them that is.

A recent example of sisterly humor being my sister's holiday visit at Christmas. Despite it being stressful with my anxiety, I am blessed to have some hilarious moments from the visit. It all started with my gifts from her and the family a sequined cat Christmas sweater which is purrfect Christmas attire for the future crazy cat lady. Next was a Jigglypuff hat/scarf thing from ThinkGeek that had me talking like it does in N64's Smash Bros game, it's one of my favorite Pokémon. Finally she gave me a collectors box set of the latest TMNT Movie line that had turtle figures and masks. So what do you with all this wearable stuff, you through it on making a lovely geeky ensemble. My sister deciding to joining in on the fun she throws on the mask of her favorite turtle Mickey, mine is Leonardo, and we had to pose for a picture:

It's the Ninja Yeti Fan and Crazy Cat Lady Ninja Jigglypuff

Yes this photo I'm sure will bring us smiles, or groans, for years to come. I'm glad despite whatever troubles we had, have, will have, and the miles between us we can still create sisterly humor, that also goes for all my distanced soul sisters.

Always cherish your siblings my friends be they your blood, soul, or whatever. Remember to always make some laughs. God bless you all.

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Thursday, January 18, 2018

My Strange Finds: Holiday Left Overs

Hello My Friends,

As I go out in the world be it to the doctor's office, grocery stores, or a thrift shop, I will some times come across strange and/or interesting finds that just needs sharing with my peeps. There's actually a theme with this strange finds Holiday Lefts Overs. These are either things I saw during the holidays I hadn't got to share, or they are things found from Christmas past.

First up is a decorated door I came across in my doctor's office during the holidays. They'd recently moved to this big space and the ladies that work there each got to decorate a door and then it'd be decided who was the winner. I don't know who one, but I found this door hilarious:


After the New Year Fangirl and I decided to have a localized outing. We hit up this Italian restaurant that took over an empty space that I know at one point was a pizza place my sister worked at with a good portion of our family. We then hit up the thrift stores. It was in a Goodwill I found these cute cork trees:



This one was all ready for Christmas.


This one was probably made by the same person, but I don't know if it wasn't finished or left as is to show of the cork designs. I thought it was cool the corks come from wine that was made by the Biltmore Estate Winery.

Then there was this carousel that might be home made, it looks like someone used a wooden embroidery hoop for the top there. If it is homemade it's a lovely piece of work.


Well we took care of those holiday left overs. I hope you've recovered from your holiday shenanigans and are enjoying the new year. God bless you guys!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Ninja Writer's Library: Brian Froud and Alan Lee's Faeries

Hello my book nerd friends,

For the New Year I'm introducing a new segment to the blog The Ninja Writer's Library. In these posts I'll be talking about books: old ones, new ones, used, whatever I end up reading and finding in my shelves I feel like yammering to ya'll about.

Today's offering has been around in some form since according to the book's original copyright 1978, it is the Brian Froud and Alan Lee classic Faeries. This is the 25th edition that came out in 2002, the year I graduated high school. I received this as a Christmas present from my aunt this year, which goes great with one of the gifts I got from my sister The Labyrinth DVD, Brian Froud worked on the film, actually wasn't his son the baby?

This was an informative read. I mean I didn't know a lot of these legends and folklore surrounding different beings in the faery realm. Among these legends and tales you'll also find some faerie realm inspired poetry. There's even a section about flora and their ties to the faeries.

Of course there is the pairs' beautiful art. I actually wonder if they didn't also do work on The Spiderwick Chronicles movie, cause some of the drawings put me in the mind of the beings in the movie. Some of the pages were designed like illustrated journal entries with handwritten notes, which made it fill like you'd come across some old research text, though I found it difficult to decipher words/letters at times, not sure if it was the writing or the fact I wasn't wearing my reading glasses.

I will say some of the tales and descriptions left me a bit chilled. There was mention in this version that a woman had a copy signed for her future children, I'm hoping she meant for when their older, because while it's defiantly something to be shared with future generations I'd hesitate to read some of these stories to too young of children, if they're anything like I was the tales might induce panic and nightmares. Keep in mind I'm the kid who's over active imagination forced my Mom to have to call the school to get our librarian to lay off the weekly ghost stories. *hangs head in shame* so yes keep in mind these are not all happy faerie stories.

If your a fan of faerie art and folklore I really suggest this book. Maybe get one of the special editions that have come out since the original cause I know my edition included more art and writings I think than the original. I know it's going to be a keeper in my library.

I hope the new year finds you in many paged adventures my friends and God bless you all.

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer