Saturday, September 15, 2018

My Strange Finds Summer Edition

Good Evening My Friends,

I hope those of you in Florence's path are ok. Tonight I'll be showing off some of My Strange Finds from the last maybe few months.

 My first strange find is this watch I found hanging in a tree outside Walmart back sometime in the Summer. It was something that was puzzling and probably made me smile:

Time flying... er hanging.
I spent a lot of time outside this Summer and apparently nature loved it:
Nature's Heart
I was out doing laundry the other night and I noticed the "P" and "S" stickers of the push sign were gone, leaving behind a message that many probably feel when it's laundry day:
This is how I feel about my day sometimes...
Wednesday Fangirl and I were at the Outlet Mall in Asheville where I first noticed this fire and water fountain:
I looked at Fangirl and was like "If you had a long enough stick with a marshmallow on it... Yeah this isn't a strange find I guess, but it is cool.

I ended up coming across a few strange finds Wednesday as well:

1. ZomBee Bloody Bites: I saw these creepy cute things at the Dollar Tree in the same Outlet Mall. Each candy comes with glow in the dark fangs and watermelon flavored blood. I know it's probably gross and messy, but I thought it was awesome!

2. Bullfog SNOT: We stopped by this store we hadn't seen before called Hobbytown, and I saw this bottle of green stuff I think if used on model's tires.

3. Another Bullsh*t Night in Suck City: A Memoir- I saw this book by Nick Flynn on a bookshelf at a Goodwill. At first I'm like that's some name for your memoir, then I'm like wait no I've probably had days like that.

I hope you guys have a good weekend, those in Florence's path stay safe, and may God bless you all!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Ninja Writer's Library- A Crap Load of Books

Happy Almost Friday my friends,

I'm trying to get back in the swing of blogging again, the outdoors and my mind has been calling. I also realized my book write ups have been piling up which is why this Ninja Writer's Library is gonna be long. So grab some tea and sit back and enjoy the booky ramble.

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
This one is probably my second favorite of all Austen's work I've read thus far, which is 3 books. You know if I lived in this world I wouldn't be hurting in finding a husband, every busybody would be doing it for me. With in these pages I found a character that was the equivalent to nails on a chalkboard John Dashwood, the sisters' half brother. I cringed reading his parts. Everything was about money with him, uh he drove me bonkers. I will say before I read this book I did read Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters by Jane Austen and Ben H. Winters. Now that I've read the original I can tell the different styles of writing from what's mostly a Jane written part and a Winters heavily written one.

Mr Penumbra's 24 Hour Book Store by Robin Sloan
In Mr Penumbra's we delve into a world of coding, books, and an old mystery. It was an good read, I can't give the best review due to the pure fact I was physically sick, and having a depression spell, so some topics in the book, like the one character's obsession with the briefness of life gave me a weird feeling, but it was interesting enough to keep me going.

Howl's Moving Castle and Castle in the Air by Diana Wynne Jones
If you love the anime of the same name, then you should enjoy these books. The first book kinda follows the anime, but we get more info about the characters than we get from the movie, such as learning Howl's country of origin, and a few things about Sophie that we didn't know either. The second book in the series focus's on a carpet seller in what would be an Arabian land type setting, but I assure you it is the same realm. There is a third book called House of Many Ways that sadly the library does not have, so I can't read yet. *pouts* But yes this is one of those times I suggest reading the book even if you've already seen the movie, it'll provide add ons to the story, and of course continue the series if you want new untold adventures from this fun world.

The M Train by Patti Smith
I discovered this book through the Daedalus Books catalogue. I was very intrigued by it. Well I learned my library had it so I of course checked it out. This is a great read into a unique mind. It's like some Alice in Wonderland trip. Smith defiantly has a poetic air about her. She talks about the dreams she has, actually opens the book I think with a dream, about coffee, crime dramas, whatever comes to her pertaining to the events going on in her life at the time. Y'all she even talks briefly Doctor Who. The over all feel I got from it was poetic and gritty if that makes sense? I defiantly wanna add this to my physical library.

The Aunt Dimity series- by Nancy Atherton
I've seen books for this series in various book catalogues. My library has many of them, I've managed to read the first 6 books in the series. This series is very enjoyable, one problem with my speed reading skills, that are only worse when it's a good read, I breeze through them too quick. It has romance, but nothing smutty, mystery, a bit of paranormal, and a lovely main setting in the Cotswolds. So far the first book in the series Aunt Dimity's Death is my favorite we are introduced to Lori Shepherd, Aunt Dimity, Reginald the pink bunny, the Willis family, and all the other characters that you'll be revisiting frequently as you journey forth with the books. You'll find yummy sounding treats in the books, a recipe is usually added in the back, but you can get it from them from the website too. It's just a cute series, if you like some quick mystery reading try it out.

Rules of Magic and Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman
I love the Practical Magic movie, so I was excited to read the book and prequel. Now I had read Practical Magic back in high school, the Captain let me borrow it, but I don't recall anything except the death beetle being mentioned. Which is odd given I usually recall books I've read, if not I remember once I get started reading it, but for this it was like reading it for the first time.

With Practical Magic I will say I did like that we got to see the powers Sally's daughters have, and good things coming Gillian's way. With Rules of Magic I liked learning of the sisters past and about their brother, Sally and Gillian's grandfather. I liked Franny was a bit of a scientist and as a child decided to do experiments on her baby sibling, I mean yeah it was mean, but just humorous in her mind this was a serious study.

My cons with both books is the depressing vibe I got from them. See I'm the type of reader that takes on the emotions or feelings from what I read and already having anxiety and depression makes these rough to read, I mean don't get me wrong intriguing reads and I wanted to keep doing so, but unlike the movie which yes had a lot of sadness and darkness, but had humor to lighten it, I didn't get that in the books.

Ok my dears I hope you have a good rest of the week. Read a good book and may God always bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Friday, August 17, 2018

AARC 2018

Happy Friday My Friends,

Ok this post is coming out later than I planned for the pure reason I accidentally left my camera in Fangirl's car and didn't see her again for a week or so. But I am now ready to tell ya about the Asheville Anime Regional Convention (AARC). This year it was up to a two day con, Fangirl and I only attended Saturday July the 28th. We headed out early to get good parking and make our reservation. Fun Fact the building this con is held in was where I attended my first concert and met my first celebrity, Bryan White.

We took a spin around Artist Alley. I purchased my con pin for this year, I went with a Tardis, I know I'm predictable. We also ran into an author friend of ours, Amanda Churi, that we met three years ago at our final GeekOut! Last year at ARRC I purchased book one of her Trilogy The Twisted Trilogy : A Lapse in Time. This year I bought book two: The Dark Materials. She was happy to learn I had actually read the first one. Her fiance Kevin was there again this year, dressed as the character I'm pretty sure he inspired.

We headed to the Dealer's floor where we did a quick preliminary walk through before heading to make our reservation.

Here's where the nerds are at

Fangirl had discovered there was going to be a Marshmallow Rainbows Maid Cafe at the con this year and really wanted to have our lunch there. Once the schedule came out she made our reservations. As we stood waiting for the Cafe to open we watched a maid yelling at the con floor below trying to get more customers, Fangirl warned her to be careful or they'd all see up her dress, the maid looked at her and said she was a burlesque dancer so it wasn't nothing knew. I'm sure in my head at that point I was like Jim Carrey going "Alrighty then."

Bubbles mark the entrance to the maids lair

The maids soon let us into the cafe, where a DJ was busting out possibly J-Pop tunes.  We were joined by a dude named TJ, who we'd befriended as we waited in line, and learned was a vet, thanks for your service.

Fangirl and our Lunch Mate TJ

At each space we found with the menu gifts of paper flowers with chocolate in them, and a vial of bubbles.

The Master's Banquet and a couple gifts

Yes at bubbles we all became kids again. We were also given a sticker with a drawing of our maid, and a bracelet. I was given a blue and green bead one cause it matched my pineapple shirt. We ordered the Master's Banquet from the menu which was the whole meal they offered Sandwich, Chips, and a dessert. We also purchased the Special Gift, which was a picture with your waitress. Our section was taken care of by Maid Sniikersnee, the pink maid who is the Yandere type according to her pic on Facebook. She was fraking awesome, actually they all were. On the tiny pic they give you when you took a pic with your table's maid she wrote her name and drew some hearts in what else pink.

After the meal they broke out board games where our Table played Candyland the My Little Pony edition. Sniikersnee was Twilight Sparkle, I was Fluttershy, Fangirl was Rainbow Dash, our Vet friend choose Pinkie Pie, whose piece had gone on a trip so Sniikersnee substituted with one of her pins, a cleaver with cake on it. I never made it to the end... I'd get close then the cards would be against me. *pouts* To finish our hour the DJ spun a tune as the maids lip synched and performed a dance.

We then took a longer stroll around the Dealer's floor where of course we noticed the larger selection of Anime inspired cars this year:

There we some amazing costumes:

Nicholas D. Wolfwood from Trigun and a genderbent Harley Quinn (Thanks Fangirl)

I think both of these are from Kiki's Delivery Service, I know the Kiki is. (Photo courtesy of Fangirl)

This is the most funny costume I saw, I can't help when I see this to recall that Classic Foamy the Squirrel episode Rules For the Masses (warning not suitable for younger/sensitive audiences) where Foamy suggests you be sure to shower while at the con.

We settled in at the stage for the Cosplay Lip Synch Battle. There was some amazing peeps I have to admit. The one I really remember was a Poison Ivy Neegan, basically cause of the costume with it's green lights. There was even a Dipper from Gravity Falls competing which I thought was cool seeing a  costume from the show.

Chilling in the crowd during the Lip Synch Battle

The battle is under way
We stopped at a couple of the featured guests' booths, the one I was most  thrilled to meet was Johnny Young Bosch, who currently does a lot of voice acting, but when I was growing up I knew him as Adam the Black Power Ranger. I'm happy to add his sig to my collection John Hancocks.

Fangirl's Cabbit hanging out at Artist's Alley still donning Fangirl's Jane Hat and now her Maid's gift bracelet.

We went back for another round at Artist Alley and visited with Amanda one last time, before bidding the con adieu. We were pooped. I think we may have had enough energy and money to partake of the Chinese food.

This Geek was pooped after this con, and dang look at that crazy hair!

If you want to see others' experience at AARC I suggest Brotalku's post, I think they show some of the Lip Synch Battle in it and you get a brief glimpse of Fangirl in the crowd, look for the purple. Also check out League of Extraordinary Appalachians' post, I think they have a couple for this con, they cover the costume contest a couple of them were in.

After the con I was inspired to write a poem about my experience at AARC that I hope to add to a poetry collection I'm working on that focuses mainly on Geeks and Dreamers. This is just the I think  2nd draft I look for it to be edited further at some point:

When the Anime Buffs Gather

A stroll through artist alley
Fills the eye with pretty trinkets
A meeting with that indie author
Named for a passed family dog
Another book sold
Another book read
Another step for a dream come true

With a military vet
You pass through a doorway
Into a cheery world of color and techno music
Ruled by rainbow hued maids
Where gifts of bubbles makes kids out of adults
And a game takes you back to that one 7th grade social studies class

With a meal and a dance
 The rainbow ladies send you back into the crowd
Populated with souls wielding giant hammers and huge furry heads
A nerd Mom nurses her babe
Already bringing it up in the geeky ways
Smart Momma
On stage characters are locked in a lip synch battle
Poison Neegan illuminates green and wields a mean bat
While a Haunted Hill Nurse Harlequin does a split

A hero of your past emerges
Taking a moment to sign your meager offering
Thank you for your time
Thank you for your work

Surrounded by downtown traffic
A couple begins their lives together
As the people pour out of an ornate church
Into the rays of the afternoon sun
Geez how many people can be in one bridal party?

I hope your Weekend is awesome and if you want to see epicness totally check out The Hillywood Show's® Supernatural Parody 2. As always may God bless you guys!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Funko Rock Candy © Figure Wish List

So I was watching Book Roast do an unboxing of Gobstone Alley Special Happee Birthdae box and included was a Rock Candy© Luna Lovegood figure, she's one of my favorite characters from the Harry Potter verse plus she's a fellow Ravenclaw. So I looked it up and I found a lot of figures just from these type of Funko© figures I would like to have in addition to Luna. This is just a few probably of what I'd like:

1. 13th Doctor- Looking forward to this new Doctor. I can't wait to see the new series. I'd love to add some more to my Who collection, seriously if I had more space there'd probably be a whole bookcase dedicated to this fandom, plus money. Come on all the DVDs alone may make up a case, so better make it two.

2. DC Bombshells Wonder Woman- My top favorite superhero of all time. You might recall I bought a pin of this version of the character from a comic store during Free Comic Book Day.

3. Classic Wonder Woman- Of course you gotta have the classic, although isn't the skirt her original look?

4. Batman vs. Superman Wonder Woman- Final stop on the Wonder Woman train is from this movie. I can't help it, I love her look in this version of the character.

5. Buffy- Last but not least is the Vampire Slayer herself! Love this fandom, this was high school man, and a little bit of college.

6. Albus Dumbledore- The Headmaster of Hogwarts was my first favorite character of the series when I started reading the books. This is another fandom, with what I done have will take a couple shelves... or so.

Do you guys have favorite figures from the Rock Candy line? If so let me knows in the comments. Anybody attend Comic Con? You have any awesome memories to share?

Well this weekend I shall be attending the Asheville Anime Regional Convention with my peep Fangirl, so that post will be coming up. I hope the rest of your week is awesome and may God Bless You!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer  and Vampire >vv< Kitty

Vampire Kitty Striking a Pose

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Ninja Writer's Library- Geekerella

"...the impossible is impossible if you don't try." - Elle's Dad

Happy 4th of July my friends (Even if your not from the US I hope you have a good day),

It's time to dive back into the Ninja Writer's Library. Today's read is a massive shout out to the geeks of the world. It's called Geekerella: A Fangirl Fairy tale (Once Upon a Con) by Ashley Poston. I first heard about this book from The Nerdy Girlie. It didn't take long for me to get interested in reading it. I mean first it's a retelling of my favorite fairy tale Cinderella*, with a healthy helping of geek. So of course being a geek I'm all down with this version. Yes it's YA encase you were wondering. Well, I was very excited to find it in the digital section of my library's offerings a few months ago, and I quickly put myself on the wait list, and I've been waiting "patiently" for my turn. So now it's been read here's me review.

What's it about?

We have two stories here we have Elle a girl living in the Cinderella situation. She's a geeky chick who's main fandom is this old sci fi show called Starfield, that was introduced to her by her late Dad. She also runs a blog about the show and is excited and dreading a movie reboot of the show that's being made.

The second part of our tale is about an actor named Darien**, who is playing the Prince in the Starfield reboot. While he's seen by most of the world as the latest Hollywood heartthrob from a teen show, deep down he's a geek who loves this old show and is just wanting to do the role justice and prove himself to the show's hardcore fans.

What did I think about it?

I enjoyed it. I actually would take a breaks through out the day from reading it so I wouldn't speed through it as I'm prone to do with a good book. You can tell the writer is in tuned to the fandom world. As I was reading the scene where Elle's nervously awaiting the cast announcement for the movie and she's all like they better not screw this up, I'm laughing cause that's pretty much what a fan would be like in that scenario, actually I may have heard or read fans who have said things like that.

She also makes great references to real life fandoms. I think the first was a Firefly reference, yes Browncoats rejoice thou has not been overlooked, Supernatural peeps she even mentions the Destiel ship I'm not kidding. I actually tried to list the various references she makes in the book, I still don't know if I have them all listed. I also just have to say excellent use of food truck, especially at the end.

It really hit on the button about what being a geek is. About how we  love our fandoms, and how sometimes these fandoms and their characters help us get through the tough parts in life, and inspire us. Yes there was a lot of geek empowerment in this book, and that we should be proud of our geekiness. *Feels like their should be some spirit raising music in their somewhere*
If your a reader of YA , a Cinderella fan, and/or a geek I recommend this book. I defiantly will add this to my permanent library, it's just a fun geeky read.

I hope you've enjoyed a dip back into the library. Hope you guys have a great day. Those celebrating be safe with your fireworks, or firework viewings, and may God bless you!

*Note: Yes I do love Cinderella though I'm not a fan of the whole waiting around for the man to save her, but I'm knowledgeable enough to know when these tales were written that was the social mindset. So I don't get in a huff over it I just pull the lessons and the things I love from it and focus on like the magic, the ball, and dreams coming true after all the toil.

**Double Note: Is his name a Sailor Moon reference?

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Great Strides and Free Comic Book Day 2018

Hello this rainy night my friends,

I hope and pray all is well with you guys. Before this rain shut down on us I've been taking advantage of the outdoors and my mindscape. I have not been able to sit still as of late. But here I am ready to regal you with the month's fun. Sit back this maybe a long one. These particular events took place during a course of two days.

Great Strides
Since 2007 my peeps and me have off and on participated in this great cause. Great Strides is an amazing event that raises money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. There are walks all over every year to collect the money you've raised thus far and just celebrate your efforts. Why do I walk you may ask? Well this is why I walk:

You'd know her as the Captain. I've watched her battle this beast and it's minions, she's a strong little warrior, she may not look it, but she is.
 This is the first time in a few years we've all got to get together to do the walk as one big group. Since they changed were we use to walk and most our walk team is out in Franklin, we decided to walk out there.
The walk took place on May the Fourth be with you. Yes they put up some Star Wars decorations for the occasion. They even had a magician on hand, which Fangirl called it on his profession before he announced it.
While it wasn't Carrier Park, it was still a spectacular walk. There was a river to one side with people fishing on boats:
There was even a beaver pond:

I found my first painted rock hanging out in a tree:
The back said to post it Franklin NC Post, Fangirl said the tag should be #WNCrocks so there's both of them which ever it is. These rocks special made for the event was all over the trail. This one was my favorite:
They told us what was collected at this walk total over $14,000. I hope all these takes us closer to a cure.

It was great seeing all my best friends together in one place again. We had laughs, goofed off, talked Supernatural, and asked the important questions like "Could the Doctor lift Thor's hammer?"

Free Comic Book Day 2018

So the next day was my favorite Geeky Holiday: Free Comic Book Day!!! It was a rainy day off and on, but it did not dampen Fangirl's nor my spirits as we jammed to some Geeky tunes, well at least my spirits weren't,  Fangirl may have had a weather induced headache.
We had a new stop to make this year in the town of Canton at a shop called Not So Old Toys and Comics:

Usually when we've gone it's when his Mom is running the place, but today Mr. Rogers was there himself. Now since this store doesn't get in brand spakin new comics, they didn't have the free comics that were to be offered , but they did have special sales and maybe their own free selection. For the first 30 peeps in the store you got a free goodie bag. It was a Transformers Prime bag and the swag was 3 issues of Street Sharks, that was a trip down memory lane. I never read the comics or saw the show, but I remember the commercials for the toy line. Plus the ads found in these books take me back, they were the same ones that could be found in other magazines of my childhood. I purchased a unicorn for my Mom for Mother's day, while Fangirl gave into her Transformers fandom and bought a figure to add to her collection. I couldn't tell you the name of the character it's beyond the basics I think.
Their always watching...

Our next stop was Hero Hunter Comics, the origin store of our Free Comic Book Day hijinxs all that time ago. I'm happy to announce that after all these years they're going to be heading to what I hope a bigger local. I'm excited for them. So next year maybe we'll have a new shiny shop to raise havoc in. I purchased a Wonder Woman Bombshells Pin, because she's my favorite superhero. I also purchased a Princess Leia Pin, this was mainly cause I was thinking on the things I'd been telling Fangirl about her on the drive over there her prayer candle, warning bad gesture, and her glitter habits.

As we partook of the monthly Chinese feast,  Econut called to inform me of her comic haul, which included three rare Pirates of Dark Water comics.... *pouts* Do you guys remember that cartoon, if you do you rock!

The next location was suppose to be Haywood Comics, but in trying to find parking we ended up on one of our "adventures", code word for getting lost.  We went from West Asheville, to Carrier Park, through the River Arts District, and into Downtown. This surprised us when we ended up in downtown, yeah we decided not to back track.

But sometimes the unexpected journeys can be even better than what you planned. West Asheville is one of my favorite sections of Asheville, like many places in the city it has some amazing art on it's buildings:

Plus, I've always wanted to go to the River Arts District of Asheville which was a fun place to explore, and of course boasted it's own building art:

Or the building themselves seemed to catch my interest:

This is what I love about Asheville and the unexpected trips you never know what gems your gonna find.

As we headed on to Comic Envy we heard this street musician singing about going away in his time machine, my inner Whovian got giddy and pretty appropriate for the day I thought (one of the free comics was Doctor Who, yes I remembered to get it this year).

We got to Comic Envy only to learn they had moved and were on Merrimon avenue now. So another back track venture and we found it's new home. Captain Jack Sparrow was at his usual post directing traffic and getting his goof on.

It was a busy FCBD as usual. I decided to purchase another Doctor Who comic The Twelfth Doctor: Ghost Stories.

While out that way I suggested we go to The Wyvern's Tale, a gaming store I'd been wanting to go into for a bit. It just so happened to be down the road, so once Fangirl slapped her latest bumper stickers on her vehicle, we were off.

The Wyvern's Tale was a gamers wonderland. I added to my dice collection, amongst the purchases was a weather dice, and a blue transparent 6 sided die with a tiny white 6 sided die within.  I was eyeing some mini's and other wondrous treasures, but had to remind myself gotta save some dough for your Mother's Day gifts. The guy who run me up was nice and helpful, so that made my day.

As we headed to see Infinity Wars we saw more of the city's quirk that I've come to love. There was this mural I was really drawn to I guess cause I still love making dandelion wishes and I think one of my favorite flowers, the daisy, is in that bouquet.

As we got to the obelisk we found a man making huge bubbles:

I think a piece of me would have enjoyed just taking a moment to be out there enjoying the show.

So what were my thoughts of Infinity Wars? Like Marvel stuck a knife in my chest twisted it a bit yanked it out with my my heart still on the blade and stomped on it, yet I still found myself laughing and now quoting bits of the movie, that's a marvel movie for you I guess.

After the feels fest we dined upon Applebee's where apparently my constant energetic state as of late, well prior to being sick and the rain, made me actually have an appetite. Then a meal pick up for the folks and then we slogged home to the sounds of geek.

What were my favorite comics of my haul? Well Doctor Who of course, especially the 11th's story and maybe Lady Mechanika even though the 1st part was a recap from a past FCBD comic.

How has you May been my friends? Did you guys do anything for FCBD what were your favorite comments? Let me know in the comments. I hope you guys have a great week and may God bless you all, and hope it's sunny where your at.

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

When the Light Goes Out

Happy Hump Day friends,
Well this is my last poem for Poetry Month. I hope you enjoy. I wrote this during a power outage, when in darkness I discovered an amazing magical world:

When the Light Goes Out

The fire's of a summer sky
Fallen to the grounds of Autumn
Creating a floor of stars
For a rainy starless night
Where even electricity's bulb is dark
And candle's flame can be found

Hope you have a good week friends, always try to find the beauty around you, and may God always bless you .
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer