Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Ninja Writer's Library- The Final Pages of 2018

Hello Friends and Readers of Books,

I'm happy to announce that in 2018 I read get this: A TOTAL OF 30 BOOKS! There's probably those of you who've read more in a year, but for me given the fact for a few years now my reading has been short by mental illness, mostly fearing something would trigger me this is a milestone. According to Goodreads I read around 9,664 pages, it's nice to actually see that tallied up. I told Goodreads I'm shooting for 20 this year, yeah I know I should shoot for more than I read last year, but If I aim low and go more, I'll feel accomplished. So before I get to far into my first book of the year I figure better finish up my write ups for 2018's reads. So get comfy, this may take a bit.

Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay
First up is the first book by author Katherine Reay. It was the title that caught my attention, given it's the name of the character from Jane Austen's Emma. I thought it was a good read filled with bookiness and smut-less romance. It's also a book about finding your own voice and accepting all you are. It also deals with orphans young and adult and what they have to deal with being in this situation.
At first I was annoyed with everyone trying to get the main character Sam to let go of her literary habits, to me it was like forcing her to give up what she loved, but I see it wasn't they wanted her to completely let go of the words she loved, but let Sam shine more instead of the characters she hid behind.

This was a good heartfelt book, and I recommend it to lovers of books. It's a book I'm defiantly gonna put in my keep pile.

The Erye Affair by Jasper Fforde
Hanging onto the books with a literature theme we fall into the pages of The Erye Affair. It's the first in the Thursday Next series. We find ourselves in 1985 in an Alternate Universe were literature is so big it can start riots and movements, there's even a special crime unit that deals with Literature based crimes, which is the unit Thursday Next works in. Soon a villain steps in who finds a way to enter the pages of books risking altering their tales forever. It kinda reminds me of the Fiction Fixers video games, which I totally recommend you guys play.

It's a strange tale, as all trips to parallel worlds are, complete with airships, isn't that like required in parallel universe stories. I also got like some serious Doctor Who vibes when Thursday's time traveling Dad shows up, I think he defiantly took a page from the mad person in the blue box.
Our digital library has more of the series, but like a few books on into the series, so I've put in a request for them, hopefully they'll purchase them so I can continue the series in order. Must make a note to do so for the Aunt Dimity series too.

Like my previous read definitely for lovers of books, and parallel universes. When you read this book you should check out the website for the book, there's a lot of strange things there.

House of Many Ways by Diana Wynne Jones

Back in August I posted about the first two books in the Howl's Moving Castle Series, well our library got in the Third book House of Many Ways. We are once more back in the kingdom from the 1st book, thought the main character is a woman named Charmain who has been tasked to look after her great uncle's crazy magical house. We meet with some familiar characters from the two previous books including wizard Howl and his beloved Sophie, actually we find the wizard finding new ways to annoy his wife if that's possible.

Like the previous two it's a fun short read, though for my speed reading skills too quick. But if you like the world of Howl I totally invite you guys to read. I kinda wish they'd made anime for the other books two, a little curious how they'd translate.

Sourdough by Robin Sloan

When I first heard about this book, I want to say from Austin Kleon, I was intrigued, but after reading Mr Penumbra's 24 Hour Book Store I was wary, see link to that post in above paragraph. Well I dove in anyway. We have a you techie named Lois who finds herself left to care for a Sourdough starter from her favorite restaurant when they owners are forced to leave. This leads her into a strange new world.  Like the author's other book it was interesting enough to keep me reading, I didn't get any strange vibes with this one, but I do have to say while it wasn't bad, it really wasn't mind blowing either.

Stardust by Neil Gaiman

I loved the movie Stardust, so I was glad to finally read the original book. Much like the previous book I liked it, devoured it quickly, but it really wasn't earth shattering for me which is a little sad given how much I enjoyed the movie. It joins the list of the rare times I prefer the movie to the book. This tends to happen sometimes. *ducks to avoid pitch forks*

I will say as I tend to do in books with movies, I'm glad I read this realm's origin story, and am grateful that this isn't one of those times reading the book of a movie I love hasn't spoiled the movie for me. I still haven't watched The Jane Austen Book Club since I read the book. Reading the full story behind a incident that was briefly mentioned in the movie kinda scarred me.

The Dark Materials: The Twisted Trilogy- Book Two by Amanda Churi

I've mentioned the author a couple times given I've ran into her at conventions I've attended the last three years. This year I purchased the second book in her first trilogy, I purchased the first one the year before. I just finished reading this during the Christmas holiday, I needed a break from my current mental health, and computer issues.

I think this book may have topped the first one. I have to say I'm really being further drawn into this story, and will probably have to shell out the money for the last one due out anytime, hopefully she'll be at the Asheville Anime Regional Convention again so I can.  I have to say unlike the first which had very minor spelling and grammar errors, keep in mind she published it as part of her Senior Research project and as I recall that's a crazy deadline to make, the second book didn't seem to have any. This story which was strange to begin with is getting even more dark and twisted. Our main characters find themselves dealing with the aftermath of their actions from the first book, which has lead to changes that effects the past and future.

I will warn you it is a dark book, as the whole trilogy has been, but it's a compelling read from an author who hails from my part of the state. This story has magic, time travel, a nod to current politics, a different view of heaven and h*ll, actually Supernatural fans might enjoy this now that I think of it

Hocus Pocus & The All New Sequel by A.W. Jantha

This is a favorite movie of mine, so when I heard about this sequel, I think it may have been Wotso Videos' post, I was ecstatic. I loved the idea that there was a continuation.
Now the first part of the book is of course a novelization of the books, but there is still some new here, we see into the characters heads and find a new view to what we've seen, we also see some new moments that will help tie this tale to the sequel.

Speaking of the sequel I loved it. I sometimes find reading a book of a character that has been a youth in another tale bitter sweet, example Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I actually found some of the destines of the original movies characters humorous, and why did hey name the child Poppy. I don't think it was addressed in the book. It was great to catch up with the old characters and see how they got along after Halloween 1993.

I can't help feeling when we have the cellphone zombies it's a commentary on how people becoming zombies with their devices. I really hope the open ended way the end of the book was left is a sign for more story to come.
If those Sanderson Sisters "put a spell on you" then get the book and enjoy a trip back to that Salem we love.

Whew that was a list. I have checked out the first book of the new year Percy Jackson and the Olympian-The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. I think I'll read as much as I can in this series whatever the library has, hope it's not like Stardust. I'm holding for a couple books in the Miss Peregrine world, which includes the newly released one, but I'm like so far down the list.
Well I hope you guys are having a good new year, may you consume many burritos, and God bless you.

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A Little Dice Naming

Hello Friends,
Tis the day after Christmas and what am I doing? Well nothing much actually. I hope you all are well. I've survived the holiday season, well there's still some holiday celebrating left for us to do, but I'm surviving thus far...

So I've been watching a lot of the first Campaign of the Geek and Sundry show Critical Role. I've noticed some of the players have named their dice, something I also recall from when I watched Barky's Brigade on the Saving Throw channel. So I decided maybe I should give my dice names. I've only begun in the last few years to amass dice beyond the original set I put together for myself at my first con GeekOut. *sniffs* So while I still have a manageable amount I'm gonna give them all names, well as many as I can, that way if I every find myself getting bad roles in a game I have a name to scream for killing me.

First up is this little cute yellow 8 sided die that I purchased at GeekOut from I wanna say a store called The Deck Box. She's a part of my original dice set line up. For her name I was inspired by her color and The Princess Bride and named her Buttercup. A cute name for this little die isn't it?


The next three are new arrivals purchased this year during Free Comic Book Day at The Wyvern's Tale in Asheville, which is an awesome shop they really treated me good when I stopped in there. I also encourage you to check out Comic Envy like right next to it and also on the same road is the North Asheville spot of the Asheville Pizza and Brewery Company.

The first one of this group is a two toned pink 20 sider that I have rolled 20 with a couple times, sadly not in a game. Once more looking to the die's hue I went with the name Bubblegum, because well that's what it made me think of when I gazed upon it. This die is giving off the vibe of either a chick or drag queen.


This next one is a weather die that I saw and had to add to my collection, though outside of a GM or someone with weather related powers I don't know if I'd use it in a game, but Fangirl suggested I use it when I'm writing to decide the weather, which I have done for one instance. So given it's weathery nature I call him Brother Nature. I don't know why I get a masculine feel from this die, note I don't think blue is strictly a boy color, in fact I'm a chick who's favorite color is blue*.

Brother Nature

This last one I saw and just had to have when I saw it. I mean come on a tiny 6d inside of a blue see through 6d! I think this die would be perfect for some geeky slight of hand magic trick. I can see it in my head, just not a skilled enough magician to come up with how to do it. You more skilled magicians may maybe think along the same lines i am, if you can put it together be my guest, just dazzle me with your trick if you do. Because of the duel nature of this one I call it The Two for One Special.

The Two for One Special
I hope the rest of the year is awesome to you peeps, and may your New Year be equally awesome, or if this year's been sucky, better. God bless you all!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

*Actually one time in elementary school we did this class project about friends where we told something about our friends, and the teacher wrote the girls' answers in pink and boys' in blue, one boy said he wanted his in pink and I said blue, a request denied to keep things organized.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Halloween Left Overs 2018

Happy PreThanksgiving Friends,

Well I was suppose to return with this post like the day after Halloween, well here we are almost a month later. Well better late than never I guess. So here's some of my fun from Halloween last month:

First up do to hectic schedules we had to carve our pumpkins on Halloween.
Mine is on the right
 My Mom decided to have a little fun with the pumpkin innards:
Think she's itching for snow?
Then there was our Halloween feast. There was pumpkin cookies with this delicious icing, they have chopped pecans in them. Nummy. We also had our traditional Ham Monster:
Isn't he cute?
The rest of our meal included red potatoes and green macaronis we have gross names for them, but they escape me at the moment. We also fix monster fingers from garlic bread with olive finger nails.

Such a ghoulish spread...

We then spent the night watching the old Halloween favorites. So that kinda closes the Halloween door this year. May it have been spooky and candy filled.

Well I hope for you who will be celebrating tomorrow that you have a good Thanksgiving, and may God bless you my friends!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Vampire >vv< Kitty

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Pumpkinfest 2018

Happy Halloween my friends,
I thought I'd spend this Halloween talking about a PumpkinFest I attended recently in Franklin NC. This year marked the 22nd year of this festival. Fangirl and I have been going for a few years. It's amazing to see how it's grown from the first one we attended. 

So first things first our Costumes:

Fangirl: She really wasn't sure what she was once she put together her costume.

That dragon scale potion bottle belt pouch can you believe she designed and made that herself.

Myself: Mermaid Out of Water

My sign says "If found return to ocean immediately." It's attached to a bubble wand I blew during my costume contest presentation. Fangirl made my starfish hair clip and did my scale makeup.

 Our day began kinda rainy, but I guess for a mermaid that was no big deal.

 A special guest star this day was my sister who was Steampunk. That's how she answered people generic Steampunk.

She made and altered everything for her costume. I think that's an octopus in her hat globe.

There was amazing music and even a bike show, that was my sister's favorite part of the festival. There was also some amazing costumes:

 This lovely cosplayer and her pooch was actually not with the other two. Love when these unplanned meetings happen.

 I entered the costume contest, sadly I didn't place, but I was in the line with some cool people that helped pass the time, few of them were bloggers and con goers. As I was in the contest line the sun came out. Rough when your in long lines.

But can't deny it's a good view. And if you can't tell by the sign we had Gyros for lunch, and lemonade.

The only down side is the lack of color we've had so far this year, but Fall is trying to gain a foot hold.

 I picked up this pencil at a Recycling booth it's made completely of recycled tires, they even had a white one made of newspaper.

It was fun getting to hang around with my sister and see some of my favorite spots on Franklin's Main Street. It really has lovely things to see.

This was the first year I noticed this little cabin after the tents cleared out from here. It's called Uncle Bob's Cabin, I sadly couldn't find the story behind this cute little cabin.

To finish off the festival day we descended upon a local Chinese restaurant, before heading home into the cooling night, where we were greeted with a lot of winds blowing leafs along our path.

Well friends I hope your Halloween is frightful (in a good way) and fun. I'll be back soon, maybe tomorrow,  to show you some of the Halloween fun we've had today. God bless you guys!

Monday, October 29, 2018

The Ninja Writer's Library- Halloween 2018 Edition

Happy Monday my friends,

Here lately I have read a bunch of books, many perfect for the Halloween season. So let's dive back into the pages.

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving - I have enjoyed and been terrified by many versions of this story on the screen: the Fox TV Series with Tom Mison, that one of my friends happily called Ichy. The movie with Johnny Depp as Crane, even the Bing Crosby Disney version- yes this version even creeped me out especially when the next morning after you've watched it your having to walk to the bus stop before the sun rises and part of your road was shrouded by trees. But I have never actually sat down and read the original story. As I read it I found many parts of the book, especially the line describing Crane to be familiar, mostly cause they were used in the Disney version's narration. I was surprised by it's brevity. When I usually see physical copies of they seem huge, but it's like only 20 something pages, at least the digital version I read. It is great to have read the original and it opens your eyes to things surrounding the late night chase, and the aftermath. It's a quick read, and I totally suggest you read it to know the original tale.

Bryt of has been doing a lot of posts about Sleepy Hollow she's prepared meals found within the story.

Witch City Mystery Series by Carol J. Perry-  I think discovered this series through GoodReads suggestions. I have read the first three books Caught Dead Handed, Tails, You Lose, and Look Both Ways. The books main character is Lee Barrett a 30 something widow who has found her way back home to Salem, Massachusetts where she gets herself tangled up in a lot of mysteries in town, and learns special things about herself. I was fascinated by witches and stories involving them when I was growing up. So I really was intrigued by this series. I like the mysteries, witches, and the bit of surreal found in the books. Two of my favorite characters in this series is Lee's semi retired Librarian who keeps an in home library organized by the Dewey Decimal system, and O' Ryan the cat, who was orphaned when his witch owner was killed. He was very human like qualities. If you want a quick Halloween read start with Caught Dead Handed: A. Because it's the first book of the series
2. It takes place during the Halloween season.
I really recommend this series for your fun, light, mystery reading needs.

I hope that gives you a couple of ideas for some Halloween reading in these last few days up till Halloween my friends. What out for the spooks and zombies and have a good week! God bless you my friends!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Of Spooky Late Night Searches

Happy Saturday Friends,

I hope you all are having a good Halloween season, I have been munching on Oreo's Halloween cookies, and eyeing the caramel apples. Last Saturday I attended a Pumpkin Festival, I'll post about that day as soon as I get my sister's pics. But today I wanna share a little creepy research fun I ended up having earlier this month.

It all started one late October night when I checked the peeps I follow on YouTube and this video from LarenZSide popped up where she's looking at spooky things sent to her by her users. Some of them to sound and look creepy I will say, but the one that intrigued me was a pic of a Subway sign that said you couldn't use Ouija boards of do seances there.

Well I wanted to show Fangirl this, but I didn't want her to see all the video so I searched the web to see if I could find the pic, well I not only manage to find the pic on the Food For Thought post, but they tell the story behind the sign. Apparently it's an old building that may already be haunted and they don't wanna open a can of supernatural worms... Smart thinking. I use to own one of the Parker Brothers® ones that a neighbor girl gave me cause I thought it was awesome, but then heard way to many stories, so I gave it to Fangirl who's gonna make art out of it, or use it for decoration. I'm weird I think their beautiful and cool looking, but I'm not gonna use one and risk calling up something I can't get rid of.

Watching that video taking the info from that and doing that late night search it put me in the mind of Fiona Phillips from So Weird. Particularly the Vampire episode from season two when she pulls an all night research session on the title creature. Do any of you guys remember that old Disney Channel show, it was awesome, they really need to release it on DVD or something.

*insert cheesy vampire accent* Vell my friends. I hope you all have a good veekend full of spooky fun. Stay safe and God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Talk Like a Pirate Day Ideas

Ahoy my mateys,

Today be that most piratey of holidays: International Talk Like a Pirate Day (ITLAPD), let us take a moment to tip our hats to it's founders the Pirate Guys. I figured I'd take the time to give you a few ideas on how to celebrate.

First head to the day's official site, here you'll find how to talk like a pirate and party ideas, and other great info associated with the day.


I have a few videos I watch that I enjoy watching:

1. The first is the video of the Capricon 2008 live performance of Tom Smith's Talk Like a Pirate Day Song. It features The Pirate Guys themselves.

2. I love watching the entire web series of The Bus Pirates. There's a few racy bits, but it's hilarious.

3. Lastly is Improv Everywhere's Pirates of Central Park, it's a bit the partnered with Disney Parks.


Well best just show you my TLAPD Spotify playlist. It contains my seafaring songs for the day.

You can also check out the Pirate Songs page of the official site, for more tunes.


I like to crack open open John Matthew's Pirates Most Wanted Book. It features a lot of info about real life pirates.

Also check out a comic I did a while back for the day: Talk Like A Pirate Day 2013.

Hope you have a good ITLAPD, way the seas be fare, and yer treasure plenty. God bless you all!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer