Hello fellow mowers of lawns (if you have no lawn to mow... good for you),
Well May has continued to be a busy month for me. Fangirl and I made plans to visit the Captain's neck of the woods this past weekend.
Thankfully the day was lovely as we embarked on our journey. We even saw where they filmed scenes for District 12 in the
Hunger Games movie.
To better write about the weekend I'm gonna break this all up into sections so we can have some better flow here.
The Food
When we got there we were greeted with homemade brownies and Lembas bread:
Nom Nom |
They were both good, even the sugar free brownies, which surprised me cause I have had unfortunate experiences with sugar free baked goods.
We were treated to the Captains home cooking for supper all weekend. It was a yummy spread:
Friday Supper - Apple Pork Chops with Rice and shell mac n cheese
Saturday Breakfast- Scrambled eggs
Saturday Supper- Meatloaf with mac n cheese and corn (which I decided to avoid cause I didn't need to blow up Captain's toilet).
Lunches were eating out events. On Saturday we invaded a nearby Golden Corral, the Sunday as a farewell meal we unsurprisingly at a Chinese restaurant. We generally end up at one when we get together.
The Carnival
In a tiny section of the mall parking lot a carnival had set up, so on that hot Saturday we visited. Fangirl, who is very temperature sensitive had to seek shelter in the mall. Captain and I were gonna go on that mixer ride cause I love that ride and usually can ride it despite the fact I have a belly, but this one the safety bar cut of my hair practically, so I told the guy I couldn't breath, and then he had trouble getting the bar to release. I have a theory that this version of the ride was geared toward kids, cause even the Captain who was way smaller than me said it was tight on her.
The carnival wasn't a total bust Captain managed to win a cute, purple unicorn:
*Insert a Despicable Me reference here* |
Video Games
There was playing of old video games that weekend. I learned they had
Monster Party which they hadn't played so I showed it to them, but I seemed to be having more trouble than I usually did on level one. then it hit me I think this was one of those games I played with the
Game Genie.
Then Amber suggested
Super Mario World, which the First mate demonstrated how to beat the game in record time. The First mate is endued with great geek powers. He is capable of teaching math and science to high schoolers, he kills it on a
Dance Dance Revolution machine, he can solve a Rubix cube like nobody's business, oh and he kept owning our butts in
Munchkin all weekend. As we were watching him kill the fish with his spit fire we realized this must be how the Mushroom Kingdom does a fish fry.
He also demonstrated his video game prowess by playing
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. As we sat around conversing he flew through the first half of the game. He did get a little stuck with the castle on Doom Mountain, which I do too. I'm serious Ganandorf as he's known as in this game is a wuss compared to this armor plated worm.
Card Games
We played two card games that weekend, one was
Cards Against Humanity. They have so many cards for this game that Captain has a special storage case for them. I like the way this game is played, but I wish there was a cleaner version out there.
The other game that was played was
Munchkin which Fangirl hadn't played before. Since this in an RPG card game Amber brought out the Funyuns®, all we needed was some Mountain Dew® and we'd be
Stephen Lynch's D & D.
The Captain ended up with the
"Chicken on Head Curse". It made me think of the
Weathercock and the chickens from
Zelda, which I learned are called cuccos. When she was a cleric I called her Cleric of the Weathercock, when she changed to a wizard Wizard of the Weathercock. I then explained to them what happens if you mess with cuccos too much. This is what lead to the playing of
Cat Antics
The Captian owns a tuxedo cat named Kara, who was I hope I'm saying this right being an unsociable sociable cat. She'd either be hanging out just outside our range or storming the table during
Munchkin. We were like what level of monster is Kara?
A couple times she was attempting to jump from the kitchen table to the top of the fridge, but she'd get distracted like when Fangirl nudged her with the Funyuns® bag. I called Funyun® interference.
Other times she was content to sit in front of the door and what the world outside.
Kitty TV Time! |
It was a fun time, it'd been a while since we've visited our friend. I hope we get to meet up more often.
I hope you guys have an awesome weekend, beware the ticks, and God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer