Friday, February 22, 2019

The Appalachian Trail

Happy Friday my friends,

 As we slowly inch toward spring I know a lot of people are anticipating hiking, some may even hike despite it being winter. One trail I know that is being hiked, and will be hiked this year is the Appalachian Trail (AT for short). For the uninitiated the AT is a trail stretching from Georgia all the way up to Maine. And every year there's a hand full of peeps who try to  hike it's entire length.

Max Patch
I've actually been on the trail. I was on the section below Max Patch looking for a letterbox,, it's called Hiking the A-Trail. It's kind of exciting knowing my feet have walked where so many others have walked on their journey either at the start or finish, it depends on where they began. One of the blogger/bloggers I follow Boho Berry is gonna start her journey on the trail next month. Watching her videos on her AT Hiking channel I've been getting interested in the AT. I've come across stories before of it, I'm actually reading a book called The Appalachian Trail Hiker by Victoria and Frank Logue. I don't know if I'll finish it cause it's more of an instruction book for hiking, but I have gain knowledge I didn't have before.

My sister wants to hike that trail at some point in her life. I myself have wondered what it'd be like to hike that expanse of trail, which probably won't happen cause of a few factors, I couldn't devote the time, money, and my mental health particularly the OCD. But I still have to wonder what it'd be like the things I'd see and learn, the stories I'd collect either of my own, or others', experiences. Well even though I'll never walk it I'll follow Boho Berry on her journey and hope she can do it all. Good Luck girl!

Have any of you hiked the Appalachian trail? Or maybe another amazing trail. Tell me about your adventure in the comments. Hope you all have a good weekend full of nature based adventures and may God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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