Monday, April 1, 2019

That Whovian Life

Happy Monday friends,

I hope you all are having a good week, I'm battling the mental health hydra. The hydra has been why I haven't really been posting, or posting quite poorly. Today I thought I'd tell a few tales of some strange things that happened to me involving Doctor Who. You guys might get a kick out of these.

Name on a Can
Well this past summer I was in a Dollar General getting some hair ties. Something dealing with the 10th Doctor popped into my head. Then as I was waiting the check out I looked at the Coke cooler, and I kid you not the can name starring out at me is David, who if you don't know is the name of the guy who plays the 10th Doctor. Weird!

Don't Blink!

It was the night after I'd seen the "Blink" episode for the very first time. I was at a house I'd never been to celebrating my friends wedding which was to happen the next day. It was getting dark, so I decided to go out on the porch where it was quieter, and call the folks to let them know I was alive. As I was talking on the phone I turn around and staring at me was a rather large angel statue. I'm pretty sure my heart probably stopped a bit. Now your probably thinking I got into a starring match with it, no I actually turned my back on it, but I did find myself glancing back often to make sure it stayed there.

Bald Heads and Daleks Don't Mix
During the 50th anniversary month of Doctor Who we attended out first Time Traveler's Masquerade, which was Doctor Who themed. Cosplay Kasterborous was there with there Life Size TARDIS and Dalek. At some point in the night Fangirl and I were in the back when the Dalek, who I'd seen pushed around earlier, seem to be coming across the dance floor of it's own accord. See I didn't realize it was drive-able, so it was a bit creepy seeing this. After being slowed by a drunken bridal party, it got back in out area, where there was a couple who had done TARDIS themed costumes. The guy took off his hat, revealing his bald head, and for a photo op stuck his head to the suction cup/plunger appendage. Next thing we know we hear him hollering "He couldn't get it off". His head had suctioned to the Dalek. He did eventually get loose, but not before suffering a load of embarrassment.

Do any of you Whovians have cool Who related stories? Let me know in the comments. I hope you all have a good week! God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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