Friday, April 19, 2019

Man with Holes in His Hands

Happy Good Friday my friends,

It's time for another poem this one is perfect for the Easter holiday!\

Man with Holes in His Hands

A day of hope
Welcomed by birds' songs
Revealing greens and colored petals
The hazy moon floats through a sea
Of pink and baby blue
This beautiful morning we remember
A Man with healing hands

More than 2,000 years prior
This Man dragged his cross
To be place on a hill between two thieves
There to hang till death
To save us all
To give us hope
Precious blood flowing
Draining from nailed hands

Over 2,000 years today
A stone had been rolled away
Wrappings of death found empty
Death is beaten
He has risen
Yes it's really He
Feel the holes in His hands

I have to wonder
Was it like this when they went to the tomb
On this day of resurrection
When we hide those symbols of new life
Like our own renewal
A  gift of grace from
A Man with holes in his hands

If you celebrate Easter have a blessed one, if not have a blessed day anyway! God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Vampire >vv< Kitty

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