Thursday, April 4, 2019

Listen Up It's National Poetry Month

 Happy Almost Friday my friends,

It's National Poetry Month and last year I posted a poem of mine each week, so I thought I'd repeat that again. Up first is a short but sweet poem about a day I'm pretty sure God was trying to get my attention:

Listen Up

Sometimes God speaks to me
But I don't always get the message
He wants me to listen to the music
He's got playing in my head
But I change my channel
So He puts it on the grocery store speakers
As if to say "Listen up child these words are for you."

Do you guys have any special poetic events happening near you this month? Perhaps your doing something special, please let me know it the comments!

Hope you have a poetic day, remember to keep those library cards up to date, and may God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Vampire >vv< Kitty

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