Friday, November 8, 2019

Maleficent and Japanese Snack Food

Happy cold Friday my peeps,
So Fangirl and I went out Wednesday. It was a nice sunny day. As we were driving along we saw a truck hauling a air balloon basket which I thought was wierd, but then again this is Asheville. Also saw a license plate being held on with the aid of duct tape. Whatever it takes to fix something I guess.

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil
After some Chinese food we went to see Maleficent: Mistress of Evil. It was an ok movie. I thought seeing more of fae kind was cool. They are a very varied bunch. It wasn't a bad movie, but not extra ordinary for me. I actually was get scrimy in my seat wanting the movie to be done. Keep in mind I have anxiety that sometimes it comes with not being able to sit still long or I need to have something to do while I'm watching something.

Japanese Sweets
We malled afterward which only consisted of two stores Hot Topic and Box Lunch. At Hot Topic Fangirl got a couple of of Japanese snack foods. One was a wafer fish with chocolate in it that was good, Fangirl says it's a fake Taiyaki. But my favorite was the red bean paste wrapped in mochi. Oh my gosh that was so good. I love things with red bean paste. Poor Fangirl had to do battle with the packaging to open it, but it was worth it

New Poetic Avenues
It was a therapy/girl's day out, as they usually are. My therapist did suggest an awesome way to get my poetry out, by using Instagram. I've already posted a couple, so click the link on the right side and check that out.

I hope you guys have a good weekend, stay warm, and God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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