Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Ninja Writer's Library- Ghostbusters Comics

Happy Wednesday Book Nerds,

At the end of last month I read three Ghostbuster comics, which is good considering it was that spooky time of year. So let's get to my reviews.

Ghostbusters (2011-2012) by Erik Burnman

In this comic series we return to the familiar world of the Ghostbusters. We find Ray is being haunted in his dreams by his decision of the traveler's form in the first movie, and Gozer trying to return. We see old familiar specters and new ones. It blends well to the established universe thus far.
We also learn the creepy museum creator from the second movie has a sister and nephew. I mean obviously he would have family, but you don't think about these things.

I was kinda amused with one panel with the ghost of Ellen Gold the spirit of a orphanage headmistress who lobbed the spirits of her children at the guys. Yes grim, but just amused my macabre side.

I devoured this book in one night, I mean it's a comic book, but I was interested in the story too.

Ghostbusters (2011-2012) Vol. 2 by Erik Burnman

In this edition of the Ghostbusters Walter Peck being over the Ghostbusters now has imposed physical health regulations on the boys forcing Peter to actually go to the gym, he's also imposed other limitations on the boys limiting their work. Basically Peck being the jerk he's always been. But the gang with orders from the governor are sent to Schenectady, NY to deal with a major event in a theme park, where Peter proves to have the perfect mind to take on the entity. Egon is also faced with a face from the past that helped him get into paranormal research.

Didn't eat this one up as quickly, but still good. There was a creep factor in this one, I mean creepy possessed kid, always creepy. I felt sorry for the ghost of the elderly woman at the rest home. She just wanted her son to visit. *sad face*

It was also cool seeing a story about Tobin who wrote the spirit guide. There's a face to the name now.

Ghostbusters (2011-2012) Haunted America Vol. 3 by Erik Burnman

In this book the Ghostbusters take America. Detroit, New Orleans, Roswell and Seattle all get help from the boys. The guys deal with and army, a Voodoo priestess, alien ghosts, and a musician that's on fire. Their rolling round in an RV that resembles the Ecto 1 with a travel containment unit, yeah that doesn't have potential disaster written on it.

We see Ray have a deep moment with a solider which makes me wonder if he or a family member was in the military. There's also a moment a women who's not quite alive tells Egon he's not alive, that's gotta sting a bit, but given Egon it probably rolled of his back. I am curious what the voodoo priestess gave Egon and how it's gonna be helpful later. Ray pulls something out of the Winchester playbook against some zombies, which is actually something I've read before as a way to get rid of zombies, though my theory it'd only be the mystically resurrected kind, not a viral type zombie outbreak.

We also see Egon argue with a alien believer over if the things in Roswell are alien in nature or ghostly, it was amusing. Something I didn't bring up with the other two books yet is that Ray's Occult Book Store is still open run by a Goth girl named Kylie, who has become another source of info for the guys, which I think is cool.

What are you guys reading this week? Anything good? Let me know in the comments.
Well I hope you guys are having a good week, read lots of books, and God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer 

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