Friday, November 15, 2019

Other Places To Find Me

Happy Friday Friends,

It's been a cold week here in the backwoods. We got an inch of snow the other day. I've been trying to read some and watched some more Critical Role. I had a rough time yesterday with the mental health hydra. So since nothing much has gone on I though I'd share with you the some of the other places you can find me.

Twitter- I like this this for those short thoughts or observations one may have in the day they want to share. I update on there every so often.

Tumblr- This is suppose to be where I do the brain dumps I did on here at one time. I need to get better about updating on this site. I've been trying.

Instagram- Since I finally got a device that I could get the app to post I've been happily posting pictures. I mostly post pictures of the sky and mountains on there, but I recently started posting poetry on there;

Goodreads- I have a Goodreads account where you can see the books I've read, and write reviews, which I also do here, but friend me if you wish.

Smith Magazine's Six World Memoirs- Every so often I post a six word memoir on here so browse through the past ones I've done, some are Editor's Picks. I think they are the ones surrounded in a blue box.

Facebook- I do have a Facebook I do for Once Upon a Bologna Sandwich, that I mostly share links to the new posts. I'm debating if I should keep this. It was where I did my Year Long Poetry project.

Deviantart- I post art, stories, and poetry at times on here. I have comics here that aren't the best quality, but I hope are still funny. I have some early versions of some poems that have been edited into their final versions since the posting.

Pinterest- Lastly is my pinterest page which has a lot of pins and boards.  Some of the boards I've shred on here, so if you have one follow me there.

Well that's about everything I post to. I have a YouTube, but I have only one video, and until I get more chances to do readings I don't look for much to go on it, but you can view the video in the media section of my official webpage.

I hope your weekend is good, share your life, and God bless you.

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Vampire >vv< Kitty

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