Saturday, April 24, 2021

Monthly Randoms April 2021- California Dreams, Neon Pegasus, and So Weird

 Hey friends,

Sorry slowly getting back into the swing of things on here. I have a list of post ideas and then days just blend together and I lose track. So here I'm back with another post! 

You know I do posts where I just talk on things going on or I'm into at the moment, kinda like Running in a Skirt and Austin Kleon does in his newsletter, well I'm going to make that a monthly thing. Once a month generally toward the latter part of the month I'll do a post of random things I wanna talk about from the month. So here's the first one.

Things I want to get:

California Dreams Soundtrack-

Thanks to I'm Stuck in 1999 over on Tumblr I have got a desire to find the California Dreams CD again. Their theme song was amazing and I have a yearning to hear it again. I hope I can get lucky and find one on Amazon or Ebay, or Thrift shopping, cause it's become somewhat of a rarity to find now. If you don't know know who they are California Dreams was a show in the 90's that came on along with Saved by the Bell. It was a bout a band called, you guessed it, California Dreams. As someone who use to want to do music as a career this was a favorite thing for me to watch. 

The "Lunar" Box from TheraBox-

I came across the Therabox thanks to Facebook ads, thinking about doing a post or more on some of my finds through these ads, and I am drooling over the "Lunar" box from the site. There's a few things in this box that I'd like to have. There's the Aminnah Skincare: Stardust Skies whipped body butter that just looks pretty, I'd almost be afraid to use it, but it sounds like it'd be awesome on my dry elbows. I also like the Happy Shoppe Manifest Your Dreams Notepad. I just think it'd been something I'd like to try.

Posi Vibes Fortune-Telling Dice by Rose Lazar-

Another site I came across thanks to Facebook ads is Smudge and they had a Posivibes kit that included these cute fortune telling dice. I was more interested in this dice so I found them being sold alone

Rainbow Keyboard and Mouse-

When I was shopping around for a new computer tower on Walmart I came across this Rainbow Keyboard and Mouse set. This is my dream keyboard/mouse set up. Then when I was pricing a tower in person at Best Buy I saw one in person. It was so beautiful.

Wonder Woman Mini Comics-

Wonder Woman is my top superhero. Well there's some mini comics of hers I wanna find.

Wonder Woman and the Star Riders vs. Purrsia #1- The first one I know I had at one point, it's probably kicking around my stored collection, but if not I wanna get it again because this was my very first Wonder woman comic. In 1993 Kellogg's Cinnamon Mini Buns Cereal had mini comics in their cereal. My sister I remember had the Flash one, he's one of her favorite superheroes, and I got Wonder Woman. I do hope I find it, so I don't have to pay out the nose to replace it.

General Mills cereals Justice League mini comics and cereal box - In searching for the previously mentioned comic I learned in 2017 General Mills released special edition Justice league boxes with one of four comics inside. I'd like to have gotten the Wonder Woman box and at least one comic for the Wonder Woman portion of my collection.  

Music I'm jamming to:

Neon Pegasus by Perry Gripp- Once upon a bologna sandwich my friend sent me a link to this music video telling me it reminded her of me. I loved it. Well earlier this month got to listening to it a lot again. The Neon Pegasus is definitely my aesthetic, dark and colorful, and so my Patronus, though unlike in the video my Pegasus would have neon stars on it's flank. 

How Do You Do (Pop Airplay Edit)- Cascada- Probably my favorite Cascada song. This is the only version I've found on Spotify so far, that I like,  that has all the lyrics.

If I Ruled the World- Big Time Rush with Iyaz- I've been jamming to this lately. I just wanna get up an dance to it, yeah I know it's from an old Nickelodeon show, but I'm the type is I jam to whatever music stirs my heart up.

The rest of the music is I guess what you'd call Supernatural adjacent.

Angel With a Shot Gun- The Cab- Poking around the Supernatural internet spaces I heard this song mentioned a few times by Destiel shippers. I finally gave it a listen. This. Is. An. Awesome. Song! I'm like rocking out so hard to it I'm getting weird looks from people when they see me do it.

Crazy Love- Jason Manns -So I've heard the through my fellow Supernatural peeps that Jenson Ackles sang this song. Well recently in my suggest Youtube videos I saw this video in which Jenson joins Jason Manns in singing it. So figuring no version of their's existed I found the original Van Morrison version and would listen to it. Well I discovered Manns had a Spotify page so I went and looked and he does have his version of the song on there, sadly not the version with Jenson.

 The Joker- Jason Manns and Jenson Ackles- I use to watch That 70's Show and there was a musical episode that included the gang singing this song, and I liked it. Well found the original version by the Steve Miller Band and listen to it, well few days ago was exploring what Jason Mann had to offer and found a version with Jenson Ackles. I love it! If you love Jenson's singing, this is a great song that displays that.

Things to Watch:

As we all know Disney has it's own streaming service, well in some of their commercials for it I knew they were going to show the old Disney Channel Movies I watched growing up. Well I wondered if they would be showing the older Disney channel original series from like when they first started doing that. Basically wondering if they were going to show So Weird my favorite of all original Disney Channel programming, well I've discovered they are! Sadly I can't afford streaming services, but knowing when/if I do stuff like this is possible to see again. If you've never seen it check it out. It's about a girl who travels the country with her rock star Mom, and come across the strange things of the universe. It also had amazing music, but sadly this predated the days Disney Channel made soundtrack CDs for the TV shows and movies. *pouts*

Favorite of my Instagram Saves:

Each month I'll try to share a link or two to my favorite Instagram saves. Well this month I'm sharing my favorites of all I've saved thus far.

The first one is from this month that the Pioneer Woman put out on or around Easter. I think it's just cute. This dog nose surrounded by beautifully colored eggs. It's just cute.

Jenna Ezarik, iJustine's sister, captures this beautiful beach view, I'd love to see sunset on the west coast.

My peeps at Morgan's comics shared this Skittles quote from Morgan Albritton, very deep and true.

Musician/Singer SJ Tucker has a beautiful new guitar I'm drooling over.

My Fur niece making the weirdest faces on a mini road trip a while back.

A little Junk G knowledge for those star shaped people.

Things that are annoying me:

People who decide to blast people for what they like, or telling people there's something not right about a person if they love something.  I've covered this on some of the socials, and at this point of the night/morning my frustration has burned down a bit, but it still bugs me.

Dang finally got through that. I've been writing on this for hours. Not only is there a lot of links to go through where I guess I'm on the high side of my newly officially diagnosed Bipolar 2 disorder, they'd only called it a mood disorder not wanting to misdiagnosed me, but since this is my second major high episode, my therapist is pretty sure I have that on top of everything else my mental health hydra goes through, yes another head ya'll. But I did it, and I hope you like. What are somethings you doing right now? Let me know in the comments. 

I hope you have a good weekend, embrace your tribe, and God bless you!

*Thrifty Geek* and Vampire >vv< Kitty

Friday, April 9, 2021

Universe Messages

Happy Friday friends,

I've had time in my life where messages are sent pretty clear my way, be it God the universe, whatever you believe. There's just moments where it's clear the universe is sending you a message, generally something you need. 
One time I was sitting on my porch I guess I was feeling a little down about everything and a song I hadn't listened to, nor thought about in years, popped into my head. It was S Club 7's "Bring It All Back". I was singing it to myself and it filled me with hope. 
Another time I had Jordin Spark's "One Step At a Time" stuck in my head while I was out running errands with my Grandmother and to get it out of my head I actually started singing "Bring It All Back", well got it out of my head and we went to Food Lion and at some point out their speakers came
"One Step At a Time"when it hit me what I was listening to I'm like okay apparently the universe wants me really listen to this. It's a powerful message. If you have a Spotify account click on the link on the right that says Thrifty Geek's Jams Spotify Playlist and you'll find them on it if you want to.

Sometimes messages come in objects. I was standing near the stove and guess I got lost in thought, don't know if it was my usual mind wonderings or lost in sad thoughts, but I came back to reality and I noticed I'd been staring at this blue ceramic bird my Mom has up on the shelf above the stove that has the word "live" in black on the side. I just felt this feeling come over me saying hey important message here. Which I take to say really live your life.

Well here in the last few hours the universe decided it needed to throw me another message or two.
 I'm going to be frank been feeling pretty low my friends. Life has kicked me around one too many times. Everything is bad, and I'd pretty much determined I'm not meant to be happy in my life. I was just destined to be nothing since so many of my attempts at achieving my dreams or taking steps to making a better life failed. Well I was fiddling with my tablet and saw the Janet Chui Self-Love Oracle Cards App I have on there and decided let's just draw a card. The 3. You are worthy was what I got. Basically the gist of the card explanation is open myself up, feel my worth, and see all that I have in my life (Chui). I'm like crap the universe is calling me out! Then I was shuffling through my craft drawer and found a bad of clear glass pebbles and I found some I'd added two types of clear nail polish with metallic rainbow flecks on the back. Simply Nailogical would say "HOLO!" at this moment. Well it makes the whole pebble look like it has rainbow fleck in it. Even in my darkness I felt maybe a little my own sparkle come back. It just felt like the universe was once again was saying something.

So yeah lots of messages being dropped at me. What sort of messages have you been dropped in your life? Let me know in the comments. I hope you have a good weekend, smile, and God bless you!

*Thrifty Geek*

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Waters of Anxiety

Hello friends,

Sorry for my absence again the mental health hydra has been raging and I've basically been lost in the fight against it. I hope to get back to posting, I have some book writ up to do for books I read last year, and just other post ideas I've had kicking around for months. 

Speaking of months it is poetry month and I decided since I'm already on the subject of my mental health I'd share a poem I recently wrote one morning when I was dying for sleep cause the lack of sleep I'd got the day before coupled with this nights lack of sleep was wrecking my anxiety, and family member who's a grumpy bear when they wake up kind snipped at me , so this lead to me breaking down in tears cause I was suffering, I felt like I was getting on my loved ones nerves, and just felt really lonely in that moment of pain. Now before you say it I know I'm not the only one who has this. I'm the fourth generation in my family one side to have problems as well as my sister, I have friends who have it, but you still can feel lonely especially when the usual supports kinda are getting strained under the struggle of wanting to help you and not knowing how and when you try to lean on them and they just make you feel this is truly a lonely battle.

Waters of Anxiety
Thoughts crushing thoughts
Drowning in the mind stream
Choking on the thought leaves
Fears racing
Panic rising
Clutching painfully on your heart
All your life lines seem spent
Nothing to grasp
Even the bad paths are closed to you
As you wail against the waves
Salty waters made deeper by salty tears
You know your not the only one over board
But they can't touch your plight
So you go on wailing and drowning

Well good to post anew. If any of you struggle I hope you know your know you're not alone, keep up the fight, and your fraking awesome. Have a good week, stay strong, and God bless you!

*Thrifty Geek*