Hello Simmers,
Today we'll start a new thing I've been wanting to do for a while. I wanted to do a Thrifty Geek Sim series and now I'm starting it! I'm using Sims 3, due to the fact it's the only sims I have nearly all the stuff for. I do have Sims 4, but it's just base game and I can't do much with that. This was going to be a web series on Youtube, but the lag of this game, my computer, and just no set up for this makes it hard to do. I did record the footage, sadly no sound sound was had, didn't know it was cut off, and editing was a nightmare, and I just had no quiet time to do a voice over work. This forced me to have to take screen shots from the video. I would let you see it, but I can't get this to load anywhere. I edited on open shot video editor, if your curious. So from now on I just post photo stories here. Sound good?
Episode One- New Town Few Simoleons
First let's introduce our character:
Thrifty Geek Sim Style
Name: Thrifty Geek
Adventurous- I chose this trait cause I want sim me to have a adventurous spirit. In real life I have an adventurous spirit, but it's on a non outrageous level. Like no sky diving or scuba diving. Sim me is basically fulfilling some of my wishes.
Bookworm- I love me some books. This is a trait I have in real life. Anyone who's been here before has seen my library posts. So yeah love me some books.
Cat Person- I am a cat person in real life, though I have some love for dogs too. But I just jive with cats.
Frugal- I am Thrifty Geek. I love to thrift, and live in dollar stores and clearance. Kinda have to when your broke. So my sim shall share the trait.
Lucky- I don't know if I could call myself lucky in real life, but my sim will be.
Gemini- I am a Gemini in real life as well.
Food- Cookies- I love cookies, especially chocolate chip.
Music- Geek Rock- I'm actually a fan of a multitude of genres, including Geek, but I figured this would be the perfect music fave for the sims Thrifty Geek.
Color- Aqua- Blue is actually my favorite color in real life, but since they had two blues I went with Aqua since it's closest to my favorite blue which is Sky Blue.
Lets look at where we are living:
Sim me is gonna live in Sunset Valley. I thought it's be a good basic town, that has a beach. The only thing is some things like scuba diving areas aren't available in this town. That's one thing I don't like about Sims 3 is they didn't allow for everything to be experience in every town. Dive areas are only in the Archipelago and I don't know if there's a way to build a dive area in other towns. Let me know if there is.
I'm living at 50 Water Lily Lane in the Shotgun Style home, though I intend to expand. Now I'm playing rags to riches style which means I won't be motherlodeing this. I'll be earning it old school. Furniture and items will only be got when I earn the money, get gifted them, through tickets at the festivals, or finding them.
So first things first gonna use my final funds to add to the house:
I kept the daisies, because they are one of my favorite flowers and added some rose bushes, which are my other favorite.
I added this willow tree, because I love willows, I think I also added these huckleberry bushes. We sometimes forage for huckleberries for some huckleberry pie.
Then lastly this whimsical fantasy tree I always like:
I added a little on the inside:
Security system, for robbers
Bed, cause I need something to sleep on
MP3 player, I need tunes
Guitar, so I can achieve my real life dream of playing in sims, and I can earn some money
My High School Diploma, so the world can know I graduated from New Community School for the Gifted with Merit. I did graduate with honors in real life.
So one of our first visitors was the University mascot:
It's a stare down
I shall befriend the mascot and learn his mascot ways. He also delivered some things that will be valuable to me in the future: the university welcome pack. For you see my first goal of this series is to go to university.
The power of an education!
So I'm apparently oblivious as a sim, cause took me a minute to see a dang mysterious portal had appeared in my yard:
So we've bought a house, we've spruced it up. And now we're broke...
What are we gonna do?
Get ice cream apparently... *sighs* Well chocolate makes everything better, even being broke.
So now you had your sweets it's time for job hunting right?
Nope we're going to go to the gym and watch sciencey things on the TV. *sighs* I'm actually without a TV in real life too, so I get how sim me feels. But enough television if we want a TV we need a job. And where is the perfect place for a bookworm to work:
The bookstore! To be surrounded by books all the time. Plus there's nearby dumpsters to dive for treasures, which my OCD will not allow in real life.
I feel sorry for whoever was driving this cab after my dive. Bet they were glad when I got home.
The dives proved fruitful I got a dining table, some Copper, Lapis Lazuli, and a couch.
At least I have something to sit on now, where I can enjoy a bowl of cereal.
Listen to some tunes before bed. I do listen to music a lot.
We dream of books we are to encounter the next day at work.
A new day dawns:
Time to wake up, you got get ready for your first day of work.
We practice a bit to shake of the first day of work jitters. Love this shirt.
This is what sim me decides to wear to work?! Geez look at those legs. Definitely don't have those in real life, and dude can you watch the road and not me?
Although it did get the attention of this cutie.
So well end here. I'll post again at some point, you know I rarely keep schedules here.
I hope you enjoyed. Tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day! I'll try to post about it next week. Have a good week, sim on, and God Bless.
*Thrifty Geek*