Thursday, March 22, 2018

St. Patrick's Day 2018

 Happy frozen Thursday friends,

This past Saturday was St. Patrick's Day. As I promised I was gonna give you the skinny on the holiday so here it is.

Artsy Fartsy Time: Shamrock Card
I didn't get too artsy with my St. Patrick's giftings. I got some St. Patrick's Day Necklaces from Dollar Tree® and decided to make Shamrock cards. I got a pack of Hot Neon Colors construction paper, it's apparently the only paper I could find with green in it. I cut out a shamrock pattern then followed it on the green. I folded it in half, then I used the Irish toasts and blessings I found on Sassy Cat's St. Patrick's Day Page on the inside, I kinda miss the days of these old webpages,  and a special message for whoever I was making it for. I decorated the front of the card using some St. Patrick's Day Stickers from Dollar Tree®.

 Misadventures in Cooking: St. Patrick's Day Supper

Besides watching Disney Channel's Luck of the Irish, we made a Irish inspired meal. While I don't know how Irish this meal actually is in recent years I try to spearhead a St. Patrick's Day meal for my family. First up my Mom did most the work in the Colcannon, which was inspired by Diane's Colcannon recipe,  we never put cabbage in it, and we didn't have bacon, but we we did have bacon grease to cook the onions in.
Onions cooking on the stove is heavenly

Mom decided we needed some green for out meal so we cooked some beans:

Our meat was a simple  Bristol Brand cooked ham we microwaved:

This makes my third year attempting Brennan's Irish Soda Bread. This year I not only cut back the cooking time, but split the dough into two loaves. this year I can say I was successful, little crusty on the outside, but it wasn't complete over or under cooked.

A beautiful meal!

Can't forget Momma's Cake!
I hope those you that celebrate had a good St. Patrick's Day, keep warm, and may God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 21

Happy Snowy night friends,

Today's writing challenge prompt: "What three lessons do you want your children to learn from you?"

1. Always be yourself.

2. Respect people

3. Follow your dreams

Keep warm any of my snowbound friends, and may God bless you.

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 20

It another Tuesday friends,

Today in the writing challenge I am to: "Post about three celebrity crushes." Well I don't usually talk my celebrity crushes, but I'll chat some of my old ones from yesteryear.

1. David Yost- When all the girls were a flutter of David Jason Frank, who played Tommy on Power Rangers, I was crushing on David Yost who played Billy. You know the instance were your not sure if it's the actor or the character you like I think I was leaning more toward the character. Though let me note Tommy is my ultimate favorite Ranger.

2.Johnathan Bradis- Now in the do you like the character or the actor this was leaning more toward the actor. I first discovered him on Seaquest DSV, then saw him in Ladybugs, The Neverending Story 2, and that movie he did with Chuck Norris. I was so sad to discover his passing years ago.

3. Bryan White-  This is one of my favorite singers. I love his music still to this day, and as a teen I was crushing on him. I keep thinking about that scene from Srek 2 when the ugly stepsister is describing Charming's handsomeness and how his face was carved by angels when I think Bryan White, especially back in the 90's, though I can't deny he's still a handsome bloke.

Okay that's another look into my least often discussed subjects. I hope you have a good day, may you find something to give your heart a flutter and may God Bless You!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer, Vampire >vv< Kitty, and Mousey~C>

Monday, March 19, 2018

Musical Moment: A Cinderella Story Soundtrack

Happy Monday Friends,
It's time to jump back into the music. I'm going to be cruising along through my discs in alphabetical order for the most part. Well this week it's the soundtrack to A Cinderella Story. Yes you all find this movie probably dorky, but I enjoy this movie and the soundtrack.

Artist: Various
Album: A Cinderella Story Original Soundtrack
Released: 2004

Cover:  It's a white background with Chad Michael Murray given Hilary Duff a piggy back ride. He's in his character Austin's regular outfit will Duff is in Sam's ball out fit wearing pink  Converse. The title is in various blues doing this ombre kind of thing.

Booklet: The background is in a light blue with stars. The song titles and info is written in black inside curved edged squares, the Hollywood Records logo is in black and white. Photos are in the same shape outlined in white some taken for the movie some that were taken on the set, but not from the movie itself. There's a page plugging Hilary Duff's Metamorphosis album, the words are white written in a light blue curved edge square, it's surrounded by white. In gold tones is Duff's The Girl Can Rock DVD. There's a pic of I think of the DVD cover in a curved edge rectangle. Duff's name in in bold white outlined in brown. The DVD name is a brown outlined font. Everything else is black lettering. The back page is a favorite image of mine. It's that light blue starry background with and oval picture of duff in her ball gown against a white background holding the castle snow globe from the opening of the movie. The writing on the page is in white.

Back Cover:
  The outside back is all white, black lettering for the artist and song list and Duff in Sam's ball outfit. Inside back cover is white with Sam's tiara sitting on her pink Converse.

The Disk: It's continuing the blue and stars theme. CD title us in white with black shadowing. The rest of the lettering and label logo is in a metallic silver.

The Music:

Our Lips Are Sealed- (Written by Jane Wiedlin and Terence Hall/ Sung by Hilary and Haylie Duff) according to the song's Wikipedia page Wiedlin was the Go-Go's guitarist (they'd be the first to record the song, and Hall sang for Fun Boy Three who recorded their own version of this song later. Well the Duff sisters jam it up for this soundtrack. I love this song. One of my favorites on the album. I also love the sweet ride in the video, I think it's the cars Sam cruises in in the movie. Actually I think some things they did for this video was a nod to the Go-Go's video (I mean come on in both videos there's a nice old ride, and playing in a fountain).

Anywhere But Here- (Written by Jamer Marr, Wendy Page, and Chinco Bennett/ Sung by Hilary Duff ) She sings of what her love has done for her and how she'd rather not be anywhere else. Didn't Buffy and her friends play a game by a similar name somewhere during the first three seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, where they imagined they were somewhere else and who they were with?

The Best Day of My Life- (Written by David Katz, Robert Palmer, and Lindy Robbins/ Sung by Jesse McCartney) We have a tale of a guy having a normal day that turned into an awesome one when he met the most amazing girl, who apparently has expensive taste in shoes and facial features that can be compare to a famous songstress. 

Girl Can Rock- (Written by Charlie Midnight and Denny Weston Jr/ Sung by Hilary Duff) It's a rockish tune about how "the girl can rock". She speaks how the music is apart of her and she's up for wherever it takes her, that it's not just a boys game.

Now You Know- (Written by Kara DioGuardi, Charlton Pettus, and Michelle Lewis/ Sung by Hilary Duff) A girl reveals to someone she's fallen in love with them and she's hoping they don't turn away from her after learning this truth. 

One in This World- (Written by Diane Warren/ Sung by Haylie Duff) Warren actually has  a lot of songs I like has been written by this woman, so we'll probably be hearing from her again. This particular song ia about finding that one person meant for you among all the others out there.

Crash World- (Written by Desmond Child, Andreas Carlsson, and Julian Bunetta/ Sung by Hilary Duff) Here we are dealing with the alien feelings one feels when a relationship fizzles out. She says she in some kind of bad alternate universe, and the opening of this song makes you feel like you have entered some strange dark world. Plus I think my PC took took the crash in the title literally cause as I went to listen to this song everything starts bugging out.

To Make You Feel My Love- (Written by Bob Dylan/ Sung by Josh Kelley)  Wikipedia says Dylan released it on his 1997 album Time Out of Mind album. This guy is trying to win over someone by telling them all they'd do to get them to feel the love they have for them.

Sympathy- (Written by John Rzeznik/Sung by the Goo Goo Dolls) As best as I can figure is we have a man finding someone being sympathetic strange, offering an apology, and realizing he's been chasing after things he didn't need to when everything he's wanted has be there.

Friend- (Written by Kaitlyn Harner and Johnny Douglas/Sung by Kaitlyn) A song about well a friend. What the singer likes about them and what it takes to be their friend. Every time I hear this song I can't help thinking of this one time in the mall when my friends and me attempted to take a picture of all of us in the photo booth and the settings were off so none of us could be in the pic, and my friend deciding she wasn't gonna waste her money and ended up getting pics of just her hand giving the bird... if that wasn't bad enough they put the pic up on the outside screens till they get printed and I saw a security guard nearby. I just turned looked like I was window shopping and was like "I don't know this person". No the security guard didn't see the obscenity on the screen, so she was in the clear.

Beautiful Soul (Cinderella Mix)- (Written by Andy Dodd and Adam Watts/ Sung by Jesse McCartney) A guy professing his heart to the only girl he wants cause she's more than looks, her soul is something amazing too. Another of my top favorite songs on this album.

I'll Be- (Written and sung by Edwin McCain) the singer is describing this amazing person in his life and everything he'll be for them. This was used for the solo moment between Austin and Sam at the ball.

Fallen- (Written by Richard Shelton, Kevin Veney, Loren Hill, Leonard Huggins, Luis Bonfa, and Maria Toledo/ Sung by May)  Basically a song about falling in love with someone. I don't know why, but compared to the rest of the songs on the album this song seems to have a different feel, almost like it's out of place I don't know why. I mean it's not a bad song, but just seems like it's the odd song out.

First Day of the Rest of Our Lives- (Written by Michael Herrera/ Sung by MxPx) I feel like this is a song that could take place the first day after graduation. The world's open and your prepping to achieve your dreams. How your already missing someone and hoping to find them again. Everytime I hear this song I can't help of thing of one of the opening credit sequences to Buffy the Vampire Slayer that has a cut of one of the girl's dancing I feel like their moves would work for this song.

Extra Bits: On the CD-Rom is a Hollywood Records screen that's make up of  blues and greys with a link to an online page that's pink and white thanking us for our cd purchase. There's a pic of Hilary Duff with links to her site and some other things and merchandise related to her some of it  I think is mentioned in the booklet. The soundtrack mane is the same as on the cover, and some of the lettering is in blue and black as well.
It came with a paper with a code to download a bonus track, but I didn't have a computer back then so missed out on that.

I hope you have good jams playing this week friends, may God bless you.
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 19

Monday greetings friends,

The writing challenge demands me to : "Discuss your first love." Does this include the innocent puppy loves cause that's all I got for ya.
When I was in Kindergarten their was was a boy in my class who also rode my bus. I guess you can say he was my first friend. He had a little crush on me I believe cause he'd bring me like a envelope with picture of flowers he'd cut from magazines. One time we were sitting in the auditorium and he decided to kiss me on the cheek, which a mother's helper saw him do. A little bit later as we were waiting in a line in the hall near the class her gave me another cheek kiss. The teacher caught him that time, she said something, but the mother's helper from before is like "What it's cute". The next school year he was gone, I never knew what became of him. I hope life has been good to him and I hope he still brings his girl , or if he's gay/bi his dude, flowers.

Well that's my first love. Not flashy or anything, but it was still sweet and he brought me flowers. ^^ <3. May you all find the love you seek. God bless you friends!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Sunday, March 18, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 18

Good Sunday to you my friends,

This writing challenge now wants me to "Post 30 facts about yourself." *Warning this will be a long one* They should have put this one on the 30th day. It'd totally worked. Well I'll see what I can throw at you guys and maybe give some things you didn't know.

1. I have two different kind's of ears- One of my ear is an attached lobe, and the other is a free earlobe. I discovered this interesting fact after we'd been study hereditary traits in science class sometime when I was in middle school. I was noticing what kind of ears a singer had in a picture I was looking at and got curious what kind of ears I had and sought. apparently I got one of each of my parents ears.

2. I had to have speech therapy- In elementary school I remember every so often a kind woman would take me out of class and read to me, then later on she brought out flash cards on it, apparently I was having trouble I'd say teef instead of teeth, something I still catch myself doing off and on even all these years later. I think there may have been issues with S's and X's getting mixed up cause I remember the word Taxi coming up a lot. Just to prove how oblivious I was to my situation I don't think I even knew I was in speech therapy till the day she gave me my graduation certificate from therapy. Then my regular teacher decided to announce to the whole class the two kids who graduated from speech therapy!

3. I'm allergic to amoxicillin- I had tonsillitis so much as a kid, yet I managed to keep the tonsils. They use to give me amoxicillin, but eventually they gave it to me and I broke out in a rash and had to start taking this nasty crap you had to guzzle so much water with.

4. I was born a month late- Due to error in calculation by the doctor my parents went to they had no clue that I was a month over due until I think I was born.

5. I can't swim- I have a fear of drowning which is one of the reasons I never learned to swim. It's a conundrum given that the very thing that could prevent my drowning I can't learn cosuse of my fear.

6. My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella- Why I don't know, I just feel drawn to the story. Though I'm defiantly not a wait around for my man to come save me kind of girl, and the stepmom and sister would be locked in the pantry while I ran off to the ball, just saying.

7. One of my nicknames as a little kid was Dink

8. The moniker I had in high school was Diva- I'm sure I've mentioned here I use to want to be a singer. I chose the nickname I think mainly because I had aspirations to be successful enough to be on VH1 Divas special one day. But at some point maybe after college when my dreams changed and diva was more known by it's original meaning, but to me the word still invoked that time of my life when the insane seemed possible and it was something I wanted to hold on to. I decided to turn it into an acronym that was made up of word/sayings that was representative of who I am/what I believe in: D- Dream(er) I- Imagination and Inspire  V- Variety is the spice of life A- Artistic

9. I have and associate degree (I think that's the right term) in Film and Video Production Technology

10. I have Cherokee blood- I've been told my great great great grandmother was 1/2 Cherokee

11. I've been told I'm German- I've been told I'm German via my maternal grandfather,and apparently according to a book they have. But I've yet to get back to the German in my research yet.

12. I use to take voice lessons with my friend Captain- It only lasted a few months, but I  enjoyed it

13. I'm the eldest of two kids

14. I was an honors English student in high school

15. Math is probably my worst subject in all my schooling

16. Orion is my favorite constellation

17.I've accidentally shoved a nail into my foot... twice

18. My shorts fell down one time when I was on a hill overlooking a major interstate

19. My senior year I was a librarian's assistant.

20. It was as I walked into my librarian assistant period I learned about 9/11

21. My first massive anxiety spell was the summer before my 5th grade year.

22. I represent my school's forth grade class in an oratorical contest

23. I let a pretty audible fart one of my first days of kindergarten and I thought my teacher was going to have a heart attack. In my defense I didn't know you shouldn't do that in public.

24. A few days out of the womb I let a loud fart in hearing distance of my cousin who said "Yep she's a Hanner." (Hanner is backwoods lingo for Hannah).

25. My favorite color is Blue

26. My favorite shade of Blue is Sky Blue

27. I didn't have Chinese food till I was or almost in my 20's

28. My first car was a 1986 T- Top Camaro that my sister named Peggy Sue

29. My middle name came from my Mom's middle name, which she got from my Grandpa's first name

30. I signed up to try and be homecoming queen- I didn't even make it out of my homeroom class vote, though I have the joy in knowing one person besides me voted for me

Whoa I did it! My brain hurts now. Have a good Sunday friends may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Pi Day Squirrels

Top of the morning to you friends,

Though technically it's not morning any more, but hey it's St. Patrick's Day. Right now I'm consuming some green Hostess® Snoballs® I just got surprised with and jamming to my St. Patrick's playlist. I also got surprised with a Light Up necklace from Wal-Mart and  let me tell you folks you turn this on you don't need a flash light. I've done distributed the stuff I made/bought for everyone and tonight I'll be making our Irishish themed dinner. I''ll do a special post on all that next week.

For this post I'll be talking about things that happened on that mathematical holiday Pi Day. First off no we did not eat a squirrel pie. The only thing I consumed to commemorate the day was a round cookie. Thing you got to know about my family is we still rely on wood for our heat every year. This year we've had to gather up wood every few days instead the big fall wood gather we have cause of my my Dad's back problem's, apparently it's something that's flared up due to I think breaking his back at some point in his life. Well on Pi Day he was looking at a tree that had a squirrel's nest which he was pretty sure was an old one, he even went as far as grab a great vine hanging near it and shaking it up against it, and there was no signs of life so he figured it was safe. So he cuts it down, and when he cut the chainsaw off he hears squeaking noises coming from the nest. He looks and to his dismay, and something he didn't expect this time of year, was three baby squirrels. By a miracle of God not only had they all managed to survive the nest falling, and not be crushed by the tree. We gathered them into a basket with a towel in it, and sought out advice of what to do. Fangirl kindly provided us with this link from our local nature center with what to do. I wish I could tell you guys we were ably to reunite Momma and her young ones, but this was not the case. We did as the page said and called our local rehabilitator. So I at least know they are in good hands, even if  it's not their Mom who we didn't hear from until I think the next day. She says they were probably around a month old, which meant they came along during that warm spell we had and nature went into Spring mode. We were reassured by the woman she would probably have another litter by fall, it eases the sadness over it a bit, but still not entirely. Even though we knew them briefly they still managed to worm their way into our hearts.

I got a pic before they moved onto their new home
I do know they were two boys and a girl. So I dubbed the boys Einstein, since they were found on his birthday, and Lumberjack, given the nature they were found and their future tree living, and the girl I call Pi cause well Pi day.

I hope you have a good St. Patrick's Day my friends. May God bless you all.
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Vampire >vv< Kitty