Tuesday, March 20, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 20

It another Tuesday friends,

Today in the writing challenge I am to: "Post about three celebrity crushes." Well I don't usually talk my celebrity crushes, but I'll chat some of my old ones from yesteryear.

1. David Yost- When all the girls were a flutter of David Jason Frank, who played Tommy on Power Rangers, I was crushing on David Yost who played Billy. You know the instance were your not sure if it's the actor or the character you like I think I was leaning more toward the character. Though let me note Tommy is my ultimate favorite Ranger.

2.Johnathan Bradis- Now in the do you like the character or the actor this was leaning more toward the actor. I first discovered him on Seaquest DSV, then saw him in Ladybugs, The Neverending Story 2, and that movie he did with Chuck Norris. I was so sad to discover his passing years ago.

3. Bryan White-  This is one of my favorite singers. I love his music still to this day, and as a teen I was crushing on him. I keep thinking about that scene from Srek 2 when the ugly stepsister is describing Charming's handsomeness and how his face was carved by angels when I think Bryan White, especially back in the 90's, though I can't deny he's still a handsome bloke.

Okay that's another look into my least often discussed subjects. I hope you have a good day, may you find something to give your heart a flutter and may God Bless You!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer, Vampire >vv< Kitty, and Mousey~C>

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