Sunday, March 4, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 4

Blessed Sunday my friends,

The topic of the writing challenge's 4th day is: "Write about someone who inspires you." I have lots of people who inspire me God, Jesus, my family, friends. I'm also inspired by the well known such as Maya Angelou, Dolly Parton, and Shania Twain. But I decided to pick Jewel as my topic of discussion for today.

Why Jewel? When I aspired to get into music once upon a time she inspired me cause she was a singer/songwriter, while I am still  inspired by her music I'm also inspired by the fact she's a poet and observer of her world, given I find myself observing and when inspiration strikes writing poetry. Some of her life mirrors mine: we've both had rural upbringings, we're both Geminis, and we've endured similar hardships. I have read were she's dealt with issues like her anxiety and now tries to help people with like problems.

Back in 2001 after 9/11 happened and I was still in a state of anxiety, my voice teacher was having the Captain and me learn Christmas songs. She chose artists I guess who she felt our vocals were suited for. The Captain was to learn Mariah Carey and I got Jewel. I listened to the album and heard the Christmas version of Hands. The lyrics of that song were comforting words in that dark time.
So yeah, Jewel has been a bit of guidance off and on in my life, a very inspiring person to me, among the many others. So I throw this question back to the readers: "Who are you inspired by?" Let me know in the comments.
I hope you have a good day friends and may God bless you and inspire you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and  Vampire >vv< Kitty

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