Sunday, March 25, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 25

Blessed Sunday my friends,

On this post of the writing challenge I was asked to: "Think of any word. Search it on google images. Write something inspired by the 11th image." My word was "wanderlust" and my image was the first one on this link.

She gathered her pack
The last bits of her life
Outside waits her truck and a camper
Both old but still travel ready
She climbs in the cab
She's been waiting for this day forever
To see the land
To live on the road
Yes the living would be tight and sparse
But the tales she's have tell at the end of the journey
She pulls out an old mix tape marked "Travel Mix"
And pushes it into the tape deck
As the first strains poured out of the speakers
She turned her wheels to the west
Ready to heed the call of the open road

Have a blessed day friends and may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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