Friday, March 9, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 9

Happy Friday friends,

Day 9 of this writing challenge wants me to: "Post some words of wisdom that speak to you." I have a couple I found.

First from the Bible: "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." It's from Philippians 4:13. This is one of my favorite Bible verses. I think it's my Mom's too, back when I was pretty scared to ride in cars cause of my anxiety, and she told me this verse. I actually wrote it on a slip of paper, rolled it up, and put it in a locket that is way too small for pictures so I could literally carry those words with wherever I went.

The next one is "Accept everything about yourself - I mean everything, you are you and that is the beginning and the end - no apologies, no regrets." -Clark Moustakas. That's true God made us as we are and we need to accept and love who we are, believe me I know how hard this can be.

Ok friends I guess that does it for this one. I hope you have a good weekend and may God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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