Sunday, March 18, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 18

Good Sunday to you my friends,

This writing challenge now wants me to "Post 30 facts about yourself." *Warning this will be a long one* They should have put this one on the 30th day. It'd totally worked. Well I'll see what I can throw at you guys and maybe give some things you didn't know.

1. I have two different kind's of ears- One of my ear is an attached lobe, and the other is a free earlobe. I discovered this interesting fact after we'd been study hereditary traits in science class sometime when I was in middle school. I was noticing what kind of ears a singer had in a picture I was looking at and got curious what kind of ears I had and sought. apparently I got one of each of my parents ears.

2. I had to have speech therapy- In elementary school I remember every so often a kind woman would take me out of class and read to me, then later on she brought out flash cards on it, apparently I was having trouble I'd say teef instead of teeth, something I still catch myself doing off and on even all these years later. I think there may have been issues with S's and X's getting mixed up cause I remember the word Taxi coming up a lot. Just to prove how oblivious I was to my situation I don't think I even knew I was in speech therapy till the day she gave me my graduation certificate from therapy. Then my regular teacher decided to announce to the whole class the two kids who graduated from speech therapy!

3. I'm allergic to amoxicillin- I had tonsillitis so much as a kid, yet I managed to keep the tonsils. They use to give me amoxicillin, but eventually they gave it to me and I broke out in a rash and had to start taking this nasty crap you had to guzzle so much water with.

4. I was born a month late- Due to error in calculation by the doctor my parents went to they had no clue that I was a month over due until I think I was born.

5. I can't swim- I have a fear of drowning which is one of the reasons I never learned to swim. It's a conundrum given that the very thing that could prevent my drowning I can't learn cosuse of my fear.

6. My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella- Why I don't know, I just feel drawn to the story. Though I'm defiantly not a wait around for my man to come save me kind of girl, and the stepmom and sister would be locked in the pantry while I ran off to the ball, just saying.

7. One of my nicknames as a little kid was Dink

8. The moniker I had in high school was Diva- I'm sure I've mentioned here I use to want to be a singer. I chose the nickname I think mainly because I had aspirations to be successful enough to be on VH1 Divas special one day. But at some point maybe after college when my dreams changed and diva was more known by it's original meaning, but to me the word still invoked that time of my life when the insane seemed possible and it was something I wanted to hold on to. I decided to turn it into an acronym that was made up of word/sayings that was representative of who I am/what I believe in: D- Dream(er) I- Imagination and Inspire  V- Variety is the spice of life A- Artistic

9. I have and associate degree (I think that's the right term) in Film and Video Production Technology

10. I have Cherokee blood- I've been told my great great great grandmother was 1/2 Cherokee

11. I've been told I'm German- I've been told I'm German via my maternal grandfather,and apparently according to a book they have. But I've yet to get back to the German in my research yet.

12. I use to take voice lessons with my friend Captain- It only lasted a few months, but I  enjoyed it

13. I'm the eldest of two kids

14. I was an honors English student in high school

15. Math is probably my worst subject in all my schooling

16. Orion is my favorite constellation

17.I've accidentally shoved a nail into my foot... twice

18. My shorts fell down one time when I was on a hill overlooking a major interstate

19. My senior year I was a librarian's assistant.

20. It was as I walked into my librarian assistant period I learned about 9/11

21. My first massive anxiety spell was the summer before my 5th grade year.

22. I represent my school's forth grade class in an oratorical contest

23. I let a pretty audible fart one of my first days of kindergarten and I thought my teacher was going to have a heart attack. In my defense I didn't know you shouldn't do that in public.

24. A few days out of the womb I let a loud fart in hearing distance of my cousin who said "Yep she's a Hanner." (Hanner is backwoods lingo for Hannah).

25. My favorite color is Blue

26. My favorite shade of Blue is Sky Blue

27. I didn't have Chinese food till I was or almost in my 20's

28. My first car was a 1986 T- Top Camaro that my sister named Peggy Sue

29. My middle name came from my Mom's middle name, which she got from my Grandpa's first name

30. I signed up to try and be homecoming queen- I didn't even make it out of my homeroom class vote, though I have the joy in knowing one person besides me voted for me

Whoa I did it! My brain hurts now. Have a good Sunday friends may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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