Monday, March 5, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 5

Happy Monday Friends,

It's Day Five of this Writing Challenge. Today the want you to: "List 5 places you want to visit." Let's peruse some of my bucket list for inspiration.

1. UK and Ireland- They right there and part of Ireland is in the UK so I'm adding it together, I had to do a Google search to refresh my memory of which countries were in the UK. But yeah I want to go so many places in this part of the world. Visit places with ties to the Arthur legends, to go to London, Cardiff, Claddaugh, Loch Ness, the ruins of the Scottish estate my ancestors might have called home, I'm not 100% sure of this yet that's still maybe. Yes lots I wanna do across the pond. I may need a couple long trips to this area. I would love to at least to go to Ireland and take my Dad, he doesn't know why, but it's like the Emerald Isle calls to him.

2. Pacific Northwest- I want go to the city of Seattle, for one thing it's the setting of one of my favorite movies 10 Things I Hate About You. I have a a list a things I wanna do in this city alone, like go to Beth's Cafe and the Archie McPhee's® Store. Gotta visit the city of Portland, and go to the Original Voodoo Doughnut shop. I also want to go to Port Townsend in this neck of the states and catch a presntation by the Chrismans, their the couple who live a Victorian life style.

3. New Orleans- I wanna go to this place at least twice, once during Mardi Gras and again when it's not. I just wanna explore this place.

4. Florida- Mainly for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and Disney World, I've never got to go :(, and then go to Key West maybe.

5. Nashville, Tennessee- I had dreams of traveling to Music City once upon a time, but dreams change, still I'd like to go here have closure and visit places I've been wanting see.

There's some of the places in this world I have been wanting to go, I know some are domestic, but I haven't had the privilege of extensive traveling. Just means I still got things to look forward to. I hope you have a good day friends, and God Bless You!

 Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Mousey~C>

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