Friday, March 23, 2018

The Ninja Writer's Library: The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen

Thank goodness it's Friday friends,

Today we are going to dive back into the Ninja Writer's Library. Today's book The Girl Who Chased the Moon is by an author who is actually from my region, Sarah Addison Allen. I love Allen's writing style. For all the books I've read by her she takes what could be an average small town you'd find around here and adds a surreal elements to it or the characters. This tale is no different. We have an orphaned teen moving in with the Grandpa she didn't know about and is having to unravel her deceased Mom's past as well as some town secrets, some quite surreal.

Allen also seems to include food in a good portion of her books. I didn't know whether to run out and buy some BBQ or make a cake after reading this. I mean you try reading about a town where the very air smells like BBQ and see how long it takes you to get a craving. Now I don't know if this is a supernatural phenomenon or the fact the town has so many BBQ joints in town.
I also loved they included the full moon names in the book, at least the digital I don't know about the physical version, she does provide a link to a PDF list on her site. I mean I know like the Hunter's and Harvest Moons, but I didn't know the others. Actually as a bit of trivia for you guys I read the majority of this book during the Full Worm Moon.

I actually encourage you guys to head over to this book's page on the author's site. It's got recipes and information surrounding the book, plus you can kinda tour the town of Mullaby.
A very good book, the ending left you wanting to know more of the story, so I hope she decides to make a sequel to it.

I hope you weekend is a good one friends, read lots of books, and may God Bless You!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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