Saturday, March 3, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 3

It's Saturday Friends!

It's also the 3rd day of our writing challenge and they ask "What are your top three pet peeves?" So let me lay them on ya:

1. On top of my list would probably be people who try to squash people's individuality. I don't like when people are forced or feel they have to conform to be accepted.

2. I don't like parents to turn their kids into mini adults, I mean their kids let them be kids while they can, now I'm not saying let them go hog wild either, just don't make them into an adult before their time. Also in this group is those parents that push  their children too hard in academics, I mean yeah everyone wants their kids to do well, but not to the point when your kid's in a panic to bring even one "C" home cause they're afraid you'll freak out.

3. Lastly opinionated people, yes we all have opinions, but I'm talking those who are forceful with their opinions, and believe theirs is ultimately right, and yours isn't.

There's three peeves for the third of March. I hope you have a good Saturday and may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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