Monday, March 19, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 19

Monday greetings friends,

The writing challenge demands me to : "Discuss your first love." Does this include the innocent puppy loves cause that's all I got for ya.
When I was in Kindergarten their was was a boy in my class who also rode my bus. I guess you can say he was my first friend. He had a little crush on me I believe cause he'd bring me like a envelope with picture of flowers he'd cut from magazines. One time we were sitting in the auditorium and he decided to kiss me on the cheek, which a mother's helper saw him do. A little bit later as we were waiting in a line in the hall near the class her gave me another cheek kiss. The teacher caught him that time, she said something, but the mother's helper from before is like "What it's cute". The next school year he was gone, I never knew what became of him. I hope life has been good to him and I hope he still brings his girl , or if he's gay/bi his dude, flowers.

Well that's my first love. Not flashy or anything, but it was still sweet and he brought me flowers. ^^ <3. May you all find the love you seek. God bless you friends!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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