Friday, March 23, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 23

It's another Friday friends,

Plus time for the 23rd day of this writing challenge. Today I need to write "A letter to someone, anyone." I think I'll pen one to an old middle school Spanish class student teacher.

Dear Senorita Coffey,

I hope and pray your well. I actually don't know if your still a Senorita Coffey or you've gotten married, but this name's all I got. I do hope you've found happiness in your life, whatever the path has been.

I want to thank you for your encouraging words in you goodbye letter. I was touched you made one for each of us. I actually kept the letter in my wallet for a while. I found those words inspiring. I still do. Even though my dreams have changed since we last met. Even though I haven't read it in some time, it's probably among these papers waiting to be scrap booked, your kind encouraging thoughts still touch my heart. I don't know why maybe it's the energy you put into it when you wrote them that still fuels the dreamer in me.

I hope your own dreams and wishes have come to pass, and maybe fate will allow our paths to cross again.
                                                                                        Always your student
So friends do you have someone whose words or actions have inspired you over the years. I hope your weekend is good and may God bless you.                  
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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