Friday, March 2, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 2

Happy Friday my friends,

Well it's another day of the Writing Challenge. Today's prompt is: "Write something that someone told you about yourself that you never forgot." Well this may seem superficial, but the answer revolves around me hair, yes me hair.

First let me tell you the tale about my hair. It's frizzy, wild, and destined to swallow a city. My hair has frequently been used when asking strangers if they've seen  me. I think when I was in my teens and college I wasn't crazy about the frizzy mess, I liked the color just not the mess. I mean I wished many times it was more straight, or had cute curls, both I could have achieved maybe with a styling tool, but apparently my hair won't stay styled long. I even tried to use a defrizzing product, it didn't go well. So yes I probably added it to the list of things I wanted to change about myself. I actually think it maybe  reflecting the crap going on inside my head the illnesses and all the thoughts running around up there.

With all that in mind I can move forward to the day my mind got changed about my locks. I think I was in college when the Captain still lived in Asheville and she decided to take my sister and me to this New Age type store she'd gone into. The woman at the counter, probably the owner, looked at my hair and said something along the lines of how she loved how wild and free my hair was. I'd never saw my hair in that way before, and since then because of those words I've come to love a part of me better.

Actually here recently Jewel shared an old video where she does a "Hair Brain Monologue" during a live tapping for her first CD, it kinda fits with this whole idea I guess.
I hope you always know your beautiful friends, and may God always bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Vampire >vv< Kitty

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