Tuesday, March 6, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 6

Good evening friends,

It's Day 6 of the Writing Challenge which is to list : "Five ways to win your heart." Hmm.... This may take some thinking.

1. Be Nice- Just be a nice person.

2. Be Respectful- Respect me and my loved ones, otherwise I'll drop you quicker than a hot cake.

3. Don't be dominating- I don't go for the alpha macho male type of men.

4. Be Patient and Understanding- I'm probably gonna be shy at first, then you'll discover I'm weird and geeky, and then there's my inner monkey demons, if you endure those things and still like me, then your defiantly winning me over.

5. If your a bit weird yourself- this isn't mandatory but if your a bit a geeky or whatever your weird, within reason, is that may make warm me up to you more.

Well that was easier than I thought. I hope your having a good week friends and enjoying getting to know me better with these post. spread the love and God Bless You!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

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