Friday, March 9, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 9

Happy Friday friends,

Day 9 of this writing challenge wants me to: "Post some words of wisdom that speak to you." I have a couple I found.

First from the Bible: "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." It's from Philippians 4:13. This is one of my favorite Bible verses. I think it's my Mom's too, back when I was pretty scared to ride in cars cause of my anxiety, and she told me this verse. I actually wrote it on a slip of paper, rolled it up, and put it in a locket that is way too small for pictures so I could literally carry those words with wherever I went.

The next one is "Accept everything about yourself - I mean everything, you are you and that is the beginning and the end - no apologies, no regrets." -Clark Moustakas. That's true God made us as we are and we need to accept and love who we are, believe me I know how hard this can be.

Ok friends I guess that does it for this one. I hope you have a good weekend and may God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Thursday, March 8, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 8

Happy almost Friday friends,

It's day 8 of the writing challenge wants me to "Share something you struggle with."

OOO well apart from my medical problem , I have an issue of internalizing my anger for the most part. I rather clam up than talk my issues till I burst. Yes I know I should deal with issues, but I'm not good at confrontation.

I hope you have a good rest of the week friends, God bless you guys!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer, Vampire >vv< Kitty, and Mousey~C>

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 7

Happy Hump Day my friends,

Well we're seven days into the writing challenge and they've requested me to : "List 10 songs that you're loving right now." So I had try to pick from my current list I'm jamming to.

1. Starlight by Taylor Swift

2. 22- Taylor Swift

3. Drop the Pilot- Mandy Moore

4. First Day of the Rest of Your Life- MxPx

5. Ever Ever After- Carrie Underwood

6. Ordinary Day- Vanessa Carlton

7. Let's Hear It for the Boy- The Stunners

8. This Town- Bryan White

9. Our Lips Are Sealed- Haylie and Hilary Duff

10. Ordinary Superstar- Danielle McKee

Yeah lot a Pop and remakes I know but this is just 10 of the many songs that are getting piped through my earbuds right now. So to my readers what are you go on your play list right now? Have a good day and may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer  and Vampire >vv< Kitty

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 6

Good evening friends,

It's Day 6 of the Writing Challenge which is to list : "Five ways to win your heart." Hmm.... This may take some thinking.

1. Be Nice- Just be a nice person.

2. Be Respectful- Respect me and my loved ones, otherwise I'll drop you quicker than a hot cake.

3. Don't be dominating- I don't go for the alpha macho male type of men.

4. Be Patient and Understanding- I'm probably gonna be shy at first, then you'll discover I'm weird and geeky, and then there's my inner monkey demons, if you endure those things and still like me, then your defiantly winning me over.

5. If your a bit weird yourself- this isn't mandatory but if your a bit a geeky or whatever your weird, within reason, is that may make warm me up to you more.

Well that was easier than I thought. I hope your having a good week friends and enjoying getting to know me better with these post. spread the love and God Bless You!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Monday, March 5, 2018

Musical Moment: Taylor Swift's 1989

Hello Music Loving Friends,

So we have arrived to the final Taylor album in my collection for now. We find Taylor switching genres completely, and sadly because of lack of viewing options I didn't see some of the videos for these songs, though why I never watched them on her website I haven't a clue.

Artist: Taylor Swift
Album: 1989
Released: 2014

Cover:  It's like a CD cover sized Polaroid™ picture with Taylor standing in front of a white wall wearing red lipstick and a purple shirt with seagulls and white sleeves. The top part of her head is cut off. On the bottom on the white frame her initials and the album name appear to be written in black marker.

Booklet: This time we have a Foreword, the word being written with neon purple lights, actually all the song titles are written with lit neon lights. She talks of change, and  speaking of the album title which is her birth year. And she mentions it's the music from that year that inspire the sounds of these songs. I definitely get that late 80's vibe here. She's written in a black pen about her songs being ours now, and in a black marker she signs it off. All the type is in black. And of course her lyrics hold it's usual hidden messages. On the opposite page is another Polaroid™ of Taylor with a line of lyric from Welcome to New York. Written in black marker. Actually the whole booklet theme is neon lights and Polaroids™ . She even includes a photo of I guess one of the writer's Imogene Heap's Keyboard along with her Grammy and tea kettle dated February, 9th 2014. The rest of the photos I'll do with there corresponding song. On the back of the cover is Swift in black, her red lipstick, looking over the back of a white bench I wanna say. The record company name and it's emblem are wrote in pen and a piece of song lyric in marker at the bottom.

Back Cover:  The inside back cover is basically the image on Taylor's shirt from the front cover. The outside back is the upper half of Taylor's head from the front picture. The producers (Max Martin and Taylor Swift, and record company name and logo  is in black pen, every thing else is in a black typed font except the song numbers that appear to have been done in black marker.

The Disk: Is the same design that's on the shirt Taylor wears on the cover. All the words are in white, including Taylor's initials: T.S. and the album title 1989, both which look like they've been done in a white marker.

The Music:

Welcome to New York- Opening is a Swift and Ryan Tedder written piece about New York City. The pic has Taylor in sunglasses, White top and shorts, and I can't make out if it's a jean or leather jacket. She's chilling on looks like a ferry with the New York skyline behind her. I remember when she performed this on Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's Eve. She liked to have froze. What I find interesting is we have a modern artist, writing late 80's style music, yet it takes me back to the late 90's- early 2000's. And if you followed that your awesome. I don't know these song joins a list of other songs and sights that take me back to a certain string of memories; minor events that took place in that stretch of time that seem to be connected somehow.

Blank Space- It's Swift, Max Martin, and Shellback bacvk together again penning a song that I think actually involves a pen. Basically she's found her next lover and is gonna give it a try and how she's got a Blank Space for his name. Every so often she'll sound click her pen to write with it. I'm just wondering as she's describing how it really goes in her relationships?

Style- Is another tune I just picture being played as you go down the road. Swift, Max Martin, Shellback also write this along with Ali Payami. I think this song maybe aluding to two things how their clothes nor their love every is always in style. The photo has looks like Taylor and couple guys (the writers?) It's titles Style. Dated February 19th 2014 and a bit a lyric from Style all in black marker.

Out of the Woods- Swift and Jack Antonoff wrote of well kinda not sure if it's talking about being out of the tough patches of the relationship or being clear of the relationship. I do remember the video had wolves, Taylor running in the woods and finding herself?
All You Had to do Was Stay- Taylor and Max Martin write of guy trying to get back with a girl who he broke up with, and she's not taking him back.

Shake It Off- Wanna guess the trio who wrote it? If you guessed Swift, Martin and Shellback you'd be correct. Perfect advice for all that drama. The pic is of Taylor and her guitar with two other people, one guy holding some white instrument not sure what it is. It's labeled "Feb 15, 2014 Shake it off Max.J-han, Swifty". This song really didn't get a chance for a while with me cause I didn't really get into the video, then Fangirl watched The Hillywood Show's® Supernatural Parody which used a parody of Shake It Off. Before long the orginal song was being played by Fangirl and listening to it without watching the video I really heard it and got to enjoy it. Another song that I feel fit with this song is by a fellow Swifty Todderick Hall called Haterz.

I Wish You Would- We have a Swift and Jack Antonoff creation, of woman wishing she could get back together with the guy. Yet another song I think would be good to play cruising down the road.

Bad Blood- Hey look it's Swift, Martin and Shellback once more writing of the emotional wounds of a particularly bad break up.

Wildest Dreams- Our previously mentioned trio of a woman in a relationship already anticipating the end of it and she hopes he'll remember her. The photo is of Taylor in a nice black dress either on a roof top or port kind hard to tell. There's song lyrics written below.

How You Get the Girl- The trio yet again on how you can get the girl back, who's heart you broke.

This Love- Solo penned Swift song of a love that was let go and it found it's way back to her. The image is of Taylor in yellow looking top and blue skirt looking out a window onto a city street. It includes some song lyrics.

I Know Places- I feel like this Swift and Ryan Tedder song is like a celebrity couple trying to escape the public and paparazzi, that's my interpretation of it. The pic has a man and women, the writers? It's got written "Jan 22 2014 I know places.

Clean- Swift and Imogen Heap pen a song of getting clean from a relationship, like some kind of drug. The picture is the writers with the words "2014 Imogen + Me "Clean" Feb 9".

Extra Bits: The CD comes in a box that's designed to mirror the design of the front and back covers. Included in this box with the CD is a little gold sleeve That has in white letters done like a lit neon, like the booklet, that says Photos then written in black marker is written "from Taylor". Inside is a set of "Polaroids™ " Taylor took, some are inside the booklet, I got numbers 14 through 26 according to Shineon media there was 65 to collect.

So we close the Taylor segment of my collection. You have any particular favorite songs from this album or memories, tell me in me comments. I hope you have a good week friends and God Bless!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer ,Vampire >vv< Kitty. and Mousey~C>

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 5

Happy Monday Friends,

It's Day Five of this Writing Challenge. Today the want you to: "List 5 places you want to visit." Let's peruse some of my bucket list for inspiration.

1. UK and Ireland- They right there and part of Ireland is in the UK so I'm adding it together, I had to do a Google search to refresh my memory of which countries were in the UK. But yeah I want to go so many places in this part of the world. Visit places with ties to the Arthur legends, to go to London, Cardiff, Claddaugh, Loch Ness, the ruins of the Scottish estate my ancestors might have called home, I'm not 100% sure of this yet that's still maybe. Yes lots I wanna do across the pond. I may need a couple long trips to this area. I would love to at least to go to Ireland and take my Dad, he doesn't know why, but it's like the Emerald Isle calls to him.

2. Pacific Northwest- I want go to the city of Seattle, for one thing it's the setting of one of my favorite movies 10 Things I Hate About You. I have a a list a things I wanna do in this city alone, like go to Beth's Cafe and the Archie McPhee's® Store. Gotta visit the city of Portland, and go to the Original Voodoo Doughnut shop. I also want to go to Port Townsend in this neck of the states and catch a presntation by the Chrismans, their the couple who live a Victorian life style.

3. New Orleans- I wanna go to this place at least twice, once during Mardi Gras and again when it's not. I just wanna explore this place.

4. Florida- Mainly for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and Disney World, I've never got to go :(, and then go to Key West maybe.

5. Nashville, Tennessee- I had dreams of traveling to Music City once upon a time, but dreams change, still I'd like to go here have closure and visit places I've been wanting see.

There's some of the places in this world I have been wanting to go, I know some are domestic, but I haven't had the privilege of extensive traveling. Just means I still got things to look forward to. I hope you have a good day friends, and God Bless You!

 Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Mousey~C>

Sunday, March 4, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 4

Blessed Sunday my friends,

The topic of the writing challenge's 4th day is: "Write about someone who inspires you." I have lots of people who inspire me God, Jesus, my family, friends. I'm also inspired by the well known such as Maya Angelou, Dolly Parton, and Shania Twain. But I decided to pick Jewel as my topic of discussion for today.

Why Jewel? When I aspired to get into music once upon a time she inspired me cause she was a singer/songwriter, while I am still  inspired by her music I'm also inspired by the fact she's a poet and observer of her world, given I find myself observing and when inspiration strikes writing poetry. Some of her life mirrors mine: we've both had rural upbringings, we're both Geminis, and we've endured similar hardships. I have read were she's dealt with issues like her anxiety and now tries to help people with like problems.

Back in 2001 after 9/11 happened and I was still in a state of anxiety, my voice teacher was having the Captain and me learn Christmas songs. She chose artists I guess who she felt our vocals were suited for. The Captain was to learn Mariah Carey and I got Jewel. I listened to the album and heard the Christmas version of Hands. The lyrics of that song were comforting words in that dark time.
So yeah, Jewel has been a bit of guidance off and on in my life, a very inspiring person to me, among the many others. So I throw this question back to the readers: "Who are you inspired by?" Let me know in the comments.
I hope you have a good day friends and may God bless you and inspire you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and  Vampire >vv< Kitty