Monday, March 26, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 26

Happy Monday friends,

The writing challenge wants me to : "Write about an area in your life that you'd like to improve."
My mental health is a big area I'd like to improve. I'd like to be get to the point that I have a better handle on it. I know I'll always have it, and they'll be good and bad days, but wanna get a handle on it.

Speaking of health I'm postponing the Musical Moments post I was gonna do this week, cause I'm not feeling 100%. I hope you have a good Holy Week my friends, and may God Bless You.
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Sunday, March 25, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 25

Blessed Sunday my friends,

On this post of the writing challenge I was asked to: "Think of any word. Search it on google images. Write something inspired by the 11th image." My word was "wanderlust" and my image was the first one on this link.

She gathered her pack
The last bits of her life
Outside waits her truck and a camper
Both old but still travel ready
She climbs in the cab
She's been waiting for this day forever
To see the land
To live on the road
Yes the living would be tight and sparse
But the tales she's have tell at the end of the journey
She pulls out an old mix tape marked "Travel Mix"
And pushes it into the tape deck
As the first strains poured out of the speakers
She turned her wheels to the west
Ready to heed the call of the open road

Have a blessed day friends and may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Saturday, March 24, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 24

Saturday salutations friends,

Today on the writing challenge I am to: "Write about a lesson you've learned the hard way." My lesson is: Never stick your head over a hot frying pan with grease.

When I was little my Mom was cooking bacon or eggs  and I decided to lean in and look at the food cooking. Mom tells me not to stick my head over that, and as she's saying it some grease popped in the pan, sending some into the air, and  hit me in the forehead. I had a nice grease burn mark on my head for awhile afterward. To this day I'm careful, if not over cautious, when there's frying with grease going on.

So that's the lesson for the day friends. Beware a hot greased pan, and may God Bless you this weekend!    
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer, Vampire >vv< Kitty and Mousey~C>

Friday, March 23, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 23

It's another Friday friends,

Plus time for the 23rd day of this writing challenge. Today I need to write "A letter to someone, anyone." I think I'll pen one to an old middle school Spanish class student teacher.

Dear Senorita Coffey,

I hope and pray your well. I actually don't know if your still a Senorita Coffey or you've gotten married, but this name's all I got. I do hope you've found happiness in your life, whatever the path has been.

I want to thank you for your encouraging words in you goodbye letter. I was touched you made one for each of us. I actually kept the letter in my wallet for a while. I found those words inspiring. I still do. Even though my dreams have changed since we last met. Even though I haven't read it in some time, it's probably among these papers waiting to be scrap booked, your kind encouraging thoughts still touch my heart. I don't know why maybe it's the energy you put into it when you wrote them that still fuels the dreamer in me.

I hope your own dreams and wishes have come to pass, and maybe fate will allow our paths to cross again.
                                                                                        Always your student
So friends do you have someone whose words or actions have inspired you over the years. I hope your weekend is good and may God bless you.                  
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

The Ninja Writer's Library: The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen

Thank goodness it's Friday friends,

Today we are going to dive back into the Ninja Writer's Library. Today's book The Girl Who Chased the Moon is by an author who is actually from my region, Sarah Addison Allen. I love Allen's writing style. For all the books I've read by her she takes what could be an average small town you'd find around here and adds a surreal elements to it or the characters. This tale is no different. We have an orphaned teen moving in with the Grandpa she didn't know about and is having to unravel her deceased Mom's past as well as some town secrets, some quite surreal.

Allen also seems to include food in a good portion of her books. I didn't know whether to run out and buy some BBQ or make a cake after reading this. I mean you try reading about a town where the very air smells like BBQ and see how long it takes you to get a craving. Now I don't know if this is a supernatural phenomenon or the fact the town has so many BBQ joints in town.
I also loved they included the full moon names in the book, at least the digital I don't know about the physical version, she does provide a link to a PDF list on her site. I mean I know like the Hunter's and Harvest Moons, but I didn't know the others. Actually as a bit of trivia for you guys I read the majority of this book during the Full Worm Moon.

I actually encourage you guys to head over to this book's page on the author's site. It's got recipes and information surrounding the book, plus you can kinda tour the town of Mullaby.
A very good book, the ending left you wanting to know more of the story, so I hope she decides to make a sequel to it.

I hope you weekend is a good one friends, read lots of books, and may God Bless You!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Thursday, March 22, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 22

Happy almost Friday friends,
 "Put your music on shuffle and post the first ten songs." This is today's instructions for the Writing Challenge.  Well here it is:

1. Bop- Dan Seals

2. Walking Away a Winner- Kathy Mattea

3. Then There's You- The Wilkinsons

4. Absolutely Everybody- Vanessa Amorosi

5. Harajuku Girls- Gwen Stefani

6. Friday- Hoops and Yoyo

7. I'm Gonna Getcha Good (Green Version)- Shania Twain

8. Me and the Moon- Bryan White

9. So Close- Jon McLaughlin

10. Coconut- Harry Nilsson

Keep you music rocking my friends and may God bless you.
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

St. Patrick's Day 2018

 Happy frozen Thursday friends,

This past Saturday was St. Patrick's Day. As I promised I was gonna give you the skinny on the holiday so here it is.

Artsy Fartsy Time: Shamrock Card
I didn't get too artsy with my St. Patrick's giftings. I got some St. Patrick's Day Necklaces from Dollar Tree® and decided to make Shamrock cards. I got a pack of Hot Neon Colors construction paper, it's apparently the only paper I could find with green in it. I cut out a shamrock pattern then followed it on the green. I folded it in half, then I used the Irish toasts and blessings I found on Sassy Cat's St. Patrick's Day Page on the inside, I kinda miss the days of these old webpages,  and a special message for whoever I was making it for. I decorated the front of the card using some St. Patrick's Day Stickers from Dollar Tree®.

 Misadventures in Cooking: St. Patrick's Day Supper

Besides watching Disney Channel's Luck of the Irish, we made a Irish inspired meal. While I don't know how Irish this meal actually is in recent years I try to spearhead a St. Patrick's Day meal for my family. First up my Mom did most the work in the Colcannon, which was inspired by Diane's Colcannon recipe,  we never put cabbage in it, and we didn't have bacon, but we we did have bacon grease to cook the onions in.
Onions cooking on the stove is heavenly

Mom decided we needed some green for out meal so we cooked some beans:

Our meat was a simple  Bristol Brand cooked ham we microwaved:

This makes my third year attempting Brennan's Irish Soda Bread. This year I not only cut back the cooking time, but split the dough into two loaves. this year I can say I was successful, little crusty on the outside, but it wasn't complete over or under cooked.

A beautiful meal!

Can't forget Momma's Cake!
I hope those you that celebrate had a good St. Patrick's Day, keep warm, and may God bless you!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer