Friday, December 11, 2020

Silly Walks and Supernatural Plushies

 Hello Friends,

It's that time to regal you with another tale of an outing with Fangirl, cause you know we're always getting into something. The mental health hydra was raging this day, but it was beautiful day. I had an errand to run to Walmart, so Fangirl decided to lunch at nearby Huddle House where she's gone so often they know her. I was a littler wary of dining in with the latest increase of Corona cases (yes I wore my mask and used hand sanitizer).
I ran my Christmastime errand, which I thought was going to take forever cause every open aisle had a line. I managed to find an open self check out. Which made me uneasy touching, I have anxiety with a bit of the germaphobia side of OCD, I'm sorry. After that we headed out to Asheville to take in some geek culture, aka comic book stores.

In Transit Part One 

As we were on our way to the first comic store, we stopped at a red light, and as I was sitting there and a guy decided to walk across the four lane and as he started to walk he had this weird long gait that put me in the mind of "The Ministry of Silly Walks" skit by Monty Python. He made it across quicker the last two lanes.
As we walked the street to Morgan's Comics I came across some sticker graffiti that makes me wonder if they took lessons from Keri Smith's "How to be a Guerilla Artist"


 Morgan's Comics or "The Nerd Sanctuary
I love this store. It hits all my geek areas. Merlin who works there came in and he had been there the last time we were there, but saw us and greeted us like old friends and he's only talked to us once. Morgan was rocking a thrift store Legend of Zelda shirt, which I had to complement her on. They have a TV in there that they play geeky YouTube music videos on and Fangirl got excited at one they played for Christmas called "Sammy, Baby" a Supernatural parody to Earth Kitt's "Santa, Baby." Speaking of Supernatural the store had a new display with plushies. They had some Sams and Deans, and Fangirl made off with one of each, I told her they were just early Christmas presents to herself. Had they'd had a Castiel she'd bought one of those too. My purchase was a Doctor Who comic. It's of the Thirteenth Doctor number 11 (In which 13 shows her 10 a bit, you Whovians I know followed that).

In Transit Part Two
*There will be Supernatural Season 15 spoilers is this section so avoid if you haven't seen it.*
As we were driving away from Morgan's we were in the turn off lane and some guy who apparently didn't know there was a turn off lane came up behind us like a mad person, about hit us, then honked at us. After we turned on to the interstate I heard Fangirl breath a little heavy, and of course I made sure she was ok, and we talked about it. I said the good Lord must have been looking out for us, to which my friend replied "Thank you Jack!"

As we turned on Merriman Avenue I looked across the road at Loretta's Cafe and the was a sign that said something along the lines of "Sandwich worshiping wrong?" With the way I was putting away turkey sandwiches after thanksgiving I was doing some sandwich worshiping.

Comic Envy
It was mostly looking at merch at this comic store today, there was nothing I wanted in my price range. I did see a K.K. Slider plush, some Studio Ghibli stuff, and a cute Stuff Jiggly Puff. It's one of my favorite Pokemon. I actually have one as my buddy in Pokemon Go. The topic of discussion at the store that day was The Art of Seduction that I first heard about on Geekologie. It's a KFC sponsored Lifetime mini movie, that I think spoofs both on Lifetime movies, and KFC. It looks hilarious I may actually have to watch it.

In Transit Part Three
Fangirl and I took one of our adventures through the back roads to avoid  traffic. We went through a tiny home community. I'm always fascinated by these homes. I myself have a kinda maxi tiny home I have in my dream homes.  We ended up near a dance studio, and I got a glimpse of a dancer performing inside.

Thrift and Dollar Stores
We hit up almost every thrift store in the county, but shopping wasn't with me today. Most of my purchases were Christmas or birthday gifts for other peeps. The only things I got was yet another pair of headphones from Dollar Tree, I'm so gonna invest in a better quality, and at one of the Goodwills a Buffy the Vampire Slayer™  called Spike & Dru: Pretty Maids All in a Row by Christopher Golden for the Buffy collection. I did see a couple pens at Family Dollar I'd love to have. They looked like scepters but one had a diamond on top and another a pearl, all fake obviously.

We ended our day doing curbside service at Ammon's Drive-In. Fangirl made me hungry for her shrimp skewers. And the warmth of the day turned chilly. I got to see some Christmas light displays, so that was cool.  Got home and had a good night sleep. And that was about it to my day. Pretty full day and only one anxiety break down, well one outward break down. I hope you all have a good weekend, stay safe, and God bless you.

*Thrifty Geek* and Vampire >vv< Kitty

Friday, November 27, 2020

My Supernatural Story

 Hello Supernatural Friends,

 So Supernatural came out in the years following Buffy the Vampire and Angel. I was actually trying to find a show to fill that void. Well my final year of college it came out, and I watched the first few episodes of it, and I don't know if it was too dark for me at that point in my life, or I got caught up in college matters, I just wandered away from it. I know insane right. I remember I watched the third episode cause it had Amy Acker from Angel in it. 

Eventually I started watching The Vampires Diaries and other CW programming that usually showed ads for that week's episode. A few times if the episodes add looked weird enough or had Felicia Day in it I'd give it a watch. So I did end up seeing "The French Mistake", "Changing Channels", and "LARP and the Real Girl" when they first came out.

About 2014 or 2015, Fangirl starting watching the show and became a massive fan in no time, so of course I was hearing about. Well one morning I was up and channel surfing and saw the daily binge TNT does and figures I'd watch some, and kinda got into it. It become part of a list of shows I like, but have to be in the right mood to watch like Bones and NCIS

Well a few years ago I was watching Big Bang Theory on Thursday and decided when the commercials I'd watch what was happening on Supernatural then when the first went off I'd watch the rest of SPN. Well I got more interested in what was happening on SPN than BBT became what was watched during SPN's  commercials. And I enjoyed it as part of my Thursday line up ever since. 

Now it's ended, and as I've said before about the episode: Dang.  It's probably going to be something my peeps and I will talk about for the rest of our lives. 

What's your Supernatural story? Tell me about it in the comments. Also, are they any songs other than Kansas' "Carry on my Wayward" and the 200th Musical episode, that you associate with the show. They can be from the show or not. Let me know that in the comments, I'm thinking my next Musical Moment the playlist maybe a Supernatural inspired one. 

Hope your weekend is "supernatural", keep the holy water close, and Chuck bless you, not that he really does that sort of thing.

*Thrifty Geek*


Monday, November 23, 2020

Random Weeknight Musings

 Hello my friends,

Happy Doctor Who day guys! I spent my morning watching Episodes with the first Doctor and this morning and when I took a nap I dreamed about the Doctor. Not a bad dream to have. 47 years since the show started 8 years and a few months since I started watching it. *waves 13th Doctor's sonic around*
So today I decided to just do some random stuff I wanna talk about that I either forgot to mention in the last post or won't have made much in it's own post. So let's get started.

Daily Treasure: Homemade Gifts

Last month when their was a weather shift the arthritis in my hands acted up as they sometimes do when that happens (thank you Momma's side of the family with the early onset of arthritis). I did have some finger-less gloves we made from socks for it, but I couldn't find them. So I was telling my friend about my hands, and she said let me make you some finger-less gloves. I told her not to worry about it and waste the yarn she could use for paying customers, but being big hearted as she is, she said don't  worry about it. Well when we went out last time she presented me with these:

They fit nicely and will definitely combat the cold and arthritis. In addition to finger-less gloves she makes hats, scarfs, and blankets. If you like what you see email her at with the subject Thrifty Geek Sent Me.

Games I'm Playing Right Now

I'm really late to this game, only because I only now have a device that plays it: Pokemon Go! I love this game! It's so cute! I have a Eevee named Painter following me around, I'm hoping to find a Jiggly Puff. That's one of my favs. My sister got me a Jigglypuff hat a few Christmases ago, click the link for the hilarious pic me and my sister took. I'm learning how to do everything, but it's fun to do.  I'm surprised what I've found here in the backwoods. I saw a magikarp hat and was like I gotta wear that! See in My Sims Kingdom my sim wears a fish hat and I thought it was cute, well now I'm wearing another. I think that's going to be a thing for me in games. If there's a fish hat in the game, my character will wear it.

Speaking of fish hats... My friends and me have been talking about starting an online D & D game. So using that Critical Role favorite: D&D Beyond, I've been making my first character. I went with a half elf ranger who wears, you guessed it, a fish hat. I'm thinking something like this, but green with eyes. What I said that's gonna be a thing with my game characters.

Supernatural Finale

All I can say is dang. I thought I was gonna have to hide in the Fangirl Bunker. I offered digital tissues to all my fellow SPN peeps. I still have a bunch of past episodes I haven't seen yet, so I still have some new to me coming, once I can watch it without getting down. I'll be dedicating a post to the show next post. Anyone else gonna check out Walker this January. I use to watch the original when I was growing up, but I may check this one out. I find it amusing since Walker Texas Ranger was one of his aliases.

 Capital One Christmas

 Momma owned me tonight. She was watching that new Christmas Capital One commercial and she's like is that John Travolta? I'm like no. So she asked for me to look it up, so I did, I had to bow down and concede to her greatness. She was right.

Well that was shorter than I thought it was gonna be. Well not much going on right now. I'm gonna just chill out tonight maybe battle on Pokemon Go, and hang in this chat room I'm on. Have a good night my friends, stay warm, and God bless.

*Thrifty Geek* and Vampire >vv< Kitty

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Of Sonic Screwdrivers and Doctor Who Comics

Hello Geeky Friends,

Fangirl and I ventured out to Asheville again, yes we were armed with our masks, hand sanitizer, and social distancing skills. We learned a night or so before that our favorite Chinese restaurant in Asheville, Shogun's. So we graced it with our presence once more. Yes they were taking safety measures. It's been nice to have one of my favorite foods again the last couple months.

Fortune cookie wisdom for today...

The Asheville Mall  

We paid a visit to the mall. I visited Gamestop, and then the two of us went to Boxlunch and Hot Topic. At the latter I purchased the 13th Doctor's Sonic like I wanted to this month. It made me so happy. It has two buttons one gives you the regular sound of the sonic, the other button has a different sound and makes the crystal in the end turn. I love it! I also did some Christmas shopping while I was there. I'm actually gonna have everything ordered and bought before December maybe. Yay me!
The random walking stick, what's it's story? Is it waiting for it's owner, or been abandoned. What adventures has it been on?

Comic Envy

We paid a visit to Comic Envy. Fangirl probably wanted to slap me. She got a My Hero Academia blind grab bag thing again and last time she wasn't happy with what she got, so she said she was gonna try again, and I said I was gonna laugh if she got someone she didn't like again. She got another she didn't like, I had to laugh, cause I said I would. I purchased Captain Marvel: The War of the Realms Issue #7. I was rather amused by this comic. First you have a body swapping situation and one of best scenes where in the foreground something serious is going on, but in the background something hilarious is going on. I got a good laugh out of it. I also purchased a Lego Catwoman:
 Isn't she purrrfect?

Morgan's Comics

We made a stop at Morgan's comics. We chatted Supernatural with the shop's owner. She's so cool. I love just browsing the shelves comic, games, and just geek stuff. I ended up purchasing two Doctor Who comics, Thirteenth Doctor: Issue #9 and the Tenth Doctor/13th Doctor Team Up Issue #2. Love me some Who! The Owner was trying to keep up with the election news. This was the day after the election, so the counting was still going on, actually in some places isn't it still going on?

 We hit up a couple Goodwills that seem to be providing signs that day:

So yes it was a nice day. Got some retail therapy in, hung out with one of my best friends, and had good food. 
What about that election? Like this year hasn't been crazy enough. I don't really talk politics here cause it's confusing and I don't understand it most the time, that's why I hadn't registered to vote before. This year though I felt a need to exercise a right women of old fought for me to have. I did register as unaffiliated, despite being raised in a Democrat house I feel I don't fully support any party. Another reason I don't talk politics is my family. While the people in my house are Democrat, I got a bunch of Trump supporters in my family. We had a Trump supporter living with us when he won. He was a very loud supporter. Since the election has been decided I'm lucky I've only had to put one family member on a thirty day snooze on Facebook cause every post it seemed they made was bashing the decision and I love them so I decided to just temporarily mute them till around Christmas time and then they'll be moved on to the holidays hopefully. I'm just glad I don't have to see anymore political commercials.

 Well I'm gonna continue to binge classic Who and just chill out a while. I hope your Hump day is good, stay weird, and God bless!

*Thrifty Geek*

Monday, November 9, 2020

Musical Moment: Days of the Week Playlist

 Hello Music Loving Friends,

It's time for another Musical Moment! In this segment we're gonna focus on songs that mention days of the week. I was listening to my music and noticed songs I had that mentioned days of the week and thought about making a playlist for the days of the week. So let's get this week started:

Only on Days That End in "Y" by Clay Walker- The first song on the list involves all of them. It's about a person who can't seem to forget an ex.

Sunday Girl by Florrie Arnold- I'm a Sunday Girl! Yup! This is a rewritten version of the Blondie song by the same name, which is the version I have up on the playlist, but I love this version made for the Nina Ricci Nina L'Elixir Perfume advert. I came across this version for the first time on a post on the now non-existent blog Bohemian Pages, which I believe included a link to this beautiful video. I consider this to be a more happy fantasy version of the song. Sadly it's not on Spotify, in fact, the only place I have located this version of the song is on Apple Music.

Sunday in the South by Shenandoah- This song has beautiful images of a "Southern Sunday", well it does mention a ragged rebel flag flying, not crazy about that, but this is a Country song from the 90's so yeah, that was a thing.

Sunday Girl by Brandon and Leah- Another beautiful song about another Sunday girl, and in their head it's always Sunday. This has the same sound vibe as the previous Sunday girl songs I've mentioned.

I Don't Have to Be Me Till Monday by Steve Azar- A upbeat country tune about not dealing with reality for a long weekend. I love the video to this song. My interpretation is everyone getting to live their dream lives for a little bit.

Thursday by Jess Glynne- A beautiful song about loving who you are.

Friday Night by Eric Paslay- A song of the kind of person the singer wants to be to a person and they'd rather be a Friday Night than a Monday morning. I'd agree with this.

Friday Night by The Click Five- I love this upbeat song, about the singer trying to get their love to sneak out with them.

Saturday in the Park by Chicago- The story of a you guessed it "Saturday in the Park". Nice trumpet in this song.

Saturday Night by Jo Dee Messina
- This is probably my favorite song in the whole list. It's about a woman's hope to find love on a Saturday night. I just love to jam out to this one.

Saturday Night Divas by Spice Girls- The group's harmonies are on display in this song about kissing a wrong doing man goodbye.

Yeah not everyday has a song in this list. Sorry not everyday has a song I like thus far. What are your favorite song with days? Let me know.
I hope you all have a good week, keep the music playing, and God bless.

*Thrifty Geek*

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween 2020

 Happy Halloween friends,

Well it's a full moon tonight. I'm watching the old Addams Family on TV. We'll probably be partaking of our usual Halloween feast see my past Halloween Post. We've already snacked on the pumpkin cookies my Mom baked.  We'll be watching our old Halloween staples tonight I assume. I really haven't been in a Halloween mood this year. The mental health hydra has been bothering me a lot lately.

Artsy Fartsy Time: Jack'o'lanterns 2020

We carved our pumpkins last night. I was at a loss what to do this year so I went with a Geeky pumpkin:

This was my folks offering Mom conjured up this year:

The shall light our place tonight as will the rare Halloween blue moon tonight and Mars. I also send out condolences to Sean Connery's family. He will be missed.

I hope you have bats in your skies tonight, magic all around, Happy Halloween! As always Good bless you!

*Thrifty Geek*

Friday, October 23, 2020

Crazy Idea Time: Corsair Typewriter Dreams

 Hello creative friends,

So today I'm delving into my creative ideas. I've seen where some people have made computer keyboards from or look like old typewriters'. One company Qwerkytoys has made the Qwerkywriter® which is a keyboard old in look, but new in parts.

But I'd like to do something different. I was at a thrift store a few years ago and came across a teal Corsair for $10. I fell in love with it, but couldn't justify buying it, now all this time later I'm still kicking myself for not getting it. I love old typewriters, funny since despite leaving in the computer age I was force to type my research papers on my Mom's electronic typewriter and hated it. Now I want to own two. A clunkier Corona like R.L. Stine had in the Goosebumps movie and make it where it works. But the Corsair I've decided I'd love to make it a keyboard for my tablet and have a makeshift laptop. The Corsair is a traveling typewriter so I could go somewhere and just type if I didn't wanna sit at my desktop writing a story. I'd just have to find someone who could do it without damaging the Corsair in the process. It'd be cool if it could be done. I could write at the park, or a coffee house. Love the vibe of a coffee house, particularly independent ones, but coffee usually hates my stomach, so I'm the chick buying hot chocolate.

So that was a delve into my crazy ideas. An idea for that world where money is no object. Do you guys have any project ideas you'd like to do? If so let me know in the comments.
I hope you guys have a good weekend, and may God bless you guys!

*Thrifty Geek*