Showing posts with label 30 Day Writing Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 30 Day Writing Challenge. Show all posts

Thursday, March 8, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 8

Happy almost Friday friends,

It's day 8 of the writing challenge wants me to "Share something you struggle with."

OOO well apart from my medical problem , I have an issue of internalizing my anger for the most part. I rather clam up than talk my issues till I burst. Yes I know I should deal with issues, but I'm not good at confrontation.

I hope you have a good rest of the week friends, God bless you guys!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer, Vampire >vv< Kitty, and Mousey~C>

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 7

Happy Hump Day my friends,

Well we're seven days into the writing challenge and they've requested me to : "List 10 songs that you're loving right now." So I had try to pick from my current list I'm jamming to.

1. Starlight by Taylor Swift

2. 22- Taylor Swift

3. Drop the Pilot- Mandy Moore

4. First Day of the Rest of Your Life- MxPx

5. Ever Ever After- Carrie Underwood

6. Ordinary Day- Vanessa Carlton

7. Let's Hear It for the Boy- The Stunners

8. This Town- Bryan White

9. Our Lips Are Sealed- Haylie and Hilary Duff

10. Ordinary Superstar- Danielle McKee

Yeah lot a Pop and remakes I know but this is just 10 of the many songs that are getting piped through my earbuds right now. So to my readers what are you go on your play list right now? Have a good day and may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer  and Vampire >vv< Kitty

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 6

Good evening friends,

It's Day 6 of the Writing Challenge which is to list : "Five ways to win your heart." Hmm.... This may take some thinking.

1. Be Nice- Just be a nice person.

2. Be Respectful- Respect me and my loved ones, otherwise I'll drop you quicker than a hot cake.

3. Don't be dominating- I don't go for the alpha macho male type of men.

4. Be Patient and Understanding- I'm probably gonna be shy at first, then you'll discover I'm weird and geeky, and then there's my inner monkey demons, if you endure those things and still like me, then your defiantly winning me over.

5. If your a bit weird yourself- this isn't mandatory but if your a bit a geeky or whatever your weird, within reason, is that may make warm me up to you more.

Well that was easier than I thought. I hope your having a good week friends and enjoying getting to know me better with these post. spread the love and God Bless You!
Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer

Sunday, March 4, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 4

Blessed Sunday my friends,

The topic of the writing challenge's 4th day is: "Write about someone who inspires you." I have lots of people who inspire me God, Jesus, my family, friends. I'm also inspired by the well known such as Maya Angelou, Dolly Parton, and Shania Twain. But I decided to pick Jewel as my topic of discussion for today.

Why Jewel? When I aspired to get into music once upon a time she inspired me cause she was a singer/songwriter, while I am still  inspired by her music I'm also inspired by the fact she's a poet and observer of her world, given I find myself observing and when inspiration strikes writing poetry. Some of her life mirrors mine: we've both had rural upbringings, we're both Geminis, and we've endured similar hardships. I have read were she's dealt with issues like her anxiety and now tries to help people with like problems.

Back in 2001 after 9/11 happened and I was still in a state of anxiety, my voice teacher was having the Captain and me learn Christmas songs. She chose artists I guess who she felt our vocals were suited for. The Captain was to learn Mariah Carey and I got Jewel. I listened to the album and heard the Christmas version of Hands. The lyrics of that song were comforting words in that dark time.
So yeah, Jewel has been a bit of guidance off and on in my life, a very inspiring person to me, among the many others. So I throw this question back to the readers: "Who are you inspired by?" Let me know in the comments.
I hope you have a good day friends and may God bless you and inspire you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and  Vampire >vv< Kitty

Friday, March 2, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 2

Happy Friday my friends,

Well it's another day of the Writing Challenge. Today's prompt is: "Write something that someone told you about yourself that you never forgot." Well this may seem superficial, but the answer revolves around me hair, yes me hair.

First let me tell you the tale about my hair. It's frizzy, wild, and destined to swallow a city. My hair has frequently been used when asking strangers if they've seen  me. I think when I was in my teens and college I wasn't crazy about the frizzy mess, I liked the color just not the mess. I mean I wished many times it was more straight, or had cute curls, both I could have achieved maybe with a styling tool, but apparently my hair won't stay styled long. I even tried to use a defrizzing product, it didn't go well. So yes I probably added it to the list of things I wanted to change about myself. I actually think it maybe  reflecting the crap going on inside my head the illnesses and all the thoughts running around up there.

With all that in mind I can move forward to the day my mind got changed about my locks. I think I was in college when the Captain still lived in Asheville and she decided to take my sister and me to this New Age type store she'd gone into. The woman at the counter, probably the owner, looked at my hair and said something along the lines of how she loved how wild and free my hair was. I'd never saw my hair in that way before, and since then because of those words I've come to love a part of me better.

Actually here recently Jewel shared an old video where she does a "Hair Brain Monologue" during a live tapping for her first CD, it kinda fits with this whole idea I guess.
I hope you always know your beautiful friends, and may God always bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Vampire >vv< Kitty

Thursday, March 1, 2018

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 1

Hello My Friends,

Welcome to the start of the 30 Day Writing Challenge! As I mentioned yesterday I'm gonna be doings this challenge I found on Pinterest, shared by 3 a.m. Sunshine.

So Day One's prompt for this  30 Day Writing Challenge is: "List 10 Things that make you really happy."

1. God/Jesus- God brought me into this world, decided the world needed a me. His Son willing sacrificed Himself to save us, to give us hope and joy, and peace. I'm not going to lie I don't always feel joy and happiness as I should when it comes to these two, but that maybe due to the emotional scars I suffered from my early anxiety battles as a child . All that aside they belong at the top of this list, cause they are the source of a lasting joy and when you think about all the reason for the existence of the other happy inducing things on this list.

2. Family/Friends- I put these two together because I have friends who are very much part of my family. This includes the pets as well. My peeps have brought me joy in life, and sorrow and anger, but that's true of many things in life, and not the point of this post.

3. Sunny Days- I love beautiful sunny days when the sky is brilliant blue, hence why sky blue is my favorite shade a blue.

4. Night Skies- I love a night with brilliant stars, a lovely moon, and maybe a meteor shower. I also love nights when Orion is hanging out. Sadly the most beautiful night skies occur in the winter, and I don't fancy frostbite.

5. Bubbles- Yes I said bubbles. If I feel down I can grab a bottle or whatever start blowing bubbles and it lifts my soul. Paired with the a fore mentioned Sunny Day, it's a winning combo.

6. Car Rides- Sometimes I just enjoy a good ride, maybe with some music on, and good company.

7. Music- Nothing can lift your mood than jamming out to a good song, preferably a happy song. My taste is broad Country, Christian, Pop, Rock, you get the picture.

8. Doctor Who- I love this show! Yes the feels kill you, but I love it. I see a Tardis or something related to the show when I'm out it's like I'm an excited Pinkie Pie (for you uninitiated that's a My Little Pony Character).

9. Chocolate?- I do love chocolate. What I'm running out of ideas on what's making me happy.
10. A Good Book Ending?- I'm really stretching.

Well that kinda proved to be a little tough.  May it's because of my ever changing mind  plus depression/anxiety, I guess it makes it hard in some cases hard to decide on what makes me happy. Or may maybe it's cause I never really thought about it before? Whelp I did the best I could. :P Have a good March my friends and may God bless you.

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and  Vampire >vv< Kitty

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A 30 Day Writing Challenge

Hello my Friends,

This is actually an unplanned post. I've decided to do this 30 Day Writing Challenge I found on Pinterest that got shared from 3 a.m. Sunshine blog, the blog's apparently not in use anymore, but I'll give credit to it anyway for at least being where it was saved from. So I'm gonna do a post for each day, on top of my regular posting, I wanted to actually do this I think in December, but as many things that come my way it slipped my mind. Thankfully Boho Berry's Challenge reminded me of it.

I think it'll be a nice little fun challenge to partake in. So check back tomorrow for the first post of the challenge. Have a great day my friends and may God bless you!

Ninja <[0000]---------------[0000]> Writer and Mousey~C>